Green House Seeds KALISHNIKOVA


Well-Known Member
I thought it is funny how the strain hunters from greenhouse go to countries to "save" these landraces while at the same time giving the growers with the landraces their own greenhouse genetics to pollute the landrace they are trying to save?

it does not make any sense to me. perhaps to them it does but I would figure that doing so will only ensure the landrace will disappear sooner.
If indoor growers hate what GHS has to offer, I doubt their genetics will outperform the local landrace in the areas they visit. Their sh*t will be culled after one season.


Well-Known Member
With legalization moving ahead fast in the USA, Holland is gonna do some very hard catchup, just to keep pace with the USA on the future of canna strains and technology, there is no room for Arjan and his crazy goofy GHS(strainhunters) gang, big money has or will soon move in on the USA canna scene, one mistake by any breeder anywhere and he's out ....never too return, (ask Arjan, king of cannabis in his head)

My current strain from Australia ,...bought thru an UK agent

As you don't have to be in Holland or the USA to get the seeds


Well-Known Member
The worst of the cheap Nirvana strains I have tried were better in every way than GHS Kalisnnikova.
Most disappointing strain I ever grew out.
And the thing is, all of the seeds (I started and grew out eight) were viable and popped quickly, grew with decent vigor.
But the final harvested and cured buds were very uninspiring.
Serious Seeds AK-47 is in a different league altogether, mmm,mmm, good!


Well-Known Member
Most of the heavier yielding, indoor Indica doms (on Attitudes pages)
advertise a yield of 450 to 550g/m2.

KALISHNIKOVA claims a YIELD of 750g!!!

I find this estimate a little hard to believe....

Is this more of the G H Seeds 'style over substance' marketing strategy???
Or have YOU had experience with KALISHNIKOVA and found it to be a TOP YIELDER....?
It's hogwash. I found it to be a low yielder but maybe if you weighed it dripping wet and included the rootball.


Well-Known Member
Their plastic yellow grinder is decent for the price....that's the only GHS item I'd buy.

hahahahahahahahaha :D
That Is My Grinder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it is really GOOD - I definitely recommend it!

GHS gets lots of negative comments ... but my personal experience: I have grown their Lemon Skunk for 3 years in a row and I love it....
I grew their Great White Shark and it came out more like Big Brown Bear!
I grew the Doctor and it was average
I grew the Super Lemon Haze and it was amazingggggggggggggg
Am growing SLH again this year
and trying the StrainHunters "White Lemon"!
They have some Lush strains and some Shit Strains - which is pretty much what every other bank has!! Some great some good some average some shit....
ce la vie!!!


New Member
Grew Kalashnikova and White Russian outdoors both were pretty large plants over 6ft tall with many many tops and when finished, cropped and dried I got like a Qp per plant


Well-Known Member
kalshinikova yeaaahhh don't get me started on that hay. Wish i would have cloned that thing because I could never describe that bullshit with words. ODWEEDS


Well-Known Member
Decades ago High Times magazine was a reliable and trustworthy source of information for growers.
These days I only read it occasionally.
The only reason I tried Kalashnakova was because it received a strong write up in the magazine.

I have subsequently concluded that HT has become worse than worthless as a source of accurate information.

And keep in mind, I did not just grow out just one seed...I grew out eight of them...only one of which could even get me high at all.


The worst strain I have ever grown.

That rant made me feel a little better.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Decades ago High Times magazine was a reliable and trustworthy source of information for growers.
These days I only read it occasionally.
The only reason I tried Kalashnakova was because it received a strong write up in the magazine.

I have subsequently concluded that HT has become worse than worthless as a source of accurate information.

And keep in mind, I did not just grow out just one seed...I grew out eight of them...only one of which could even get me high at all.


The worst strain I have ever grown.

That rant made me feel a little better.:joint:
that is a shame...
I had a Himalaya Gold or somesuch as well from them and it grew giant Man Balls!
and I had a big bang that came out more like small bang
their Lemon Skunk and Super Lemon Haze...
all the seeds pop! the bag appeal is out of this world! the smell is heavenly! months before flowering the Leaves on the SLH stank!
I started her late and got about 400 grams off her!Gorrrrgeous she was! I still got some hidden away in a jar! Too good to be smoked! ;)


Well-Known Member
that is a shame...
I had a Himalaya Gold or somesuch as well from them and it grew giant Man Balls!
and I had a big bang that came out more like small bang
their Lemon Skunk and Super Lemon Haze...
all the seeds pop! the bag appeal is out of this world! the smell is heavenly! months before flowering the Leaves on the SLH stank!
I started her late and got about 400 grams off her!Gorrrrgeous she was! I still got some hidden away in a jar! Too good to be smoked! ;)
I am aware of the almost unanimous positive results of Super Lemon Haze and satisfaction of growers efforts here on RIU with this strain. Tempting!
I hesitate to give these so called breeders any more of my money, because of the stunningly abysmal results of my Kalasnikova run.
Hmmm, maybe because, at the very least, GH seeds are inexpensive.


Well-Known Member
Decades ago High Times magazine was a reliable and trustworthy source of information for growers.
These days I only read it occasionally.
The only reason I tried Kalashnakova was because it received a strong write up in the magazine.

I have subsequently concluded that HT has become worse than worthless as a source of accurate information.

And keep in mind, I did not just grow out just one seed...I grew out eight of them...only one of which could even get me high at all.


The worst strain I have ever grown.

That rant made me feel a little better.:joint:
HT is simply a giant advertisement. Simply count the pages of content v. Product selling. I remember even before I was pro cannabis reading HT as I found the culture interesting and something at the time I didn't understand. Now I see it as a means to make the unknown want to spend money on products they don't need.

And I wouldn't grow GHS at all. Have all couple freebies that are nothing more than birdseed to me. So many other legit breeders out there n

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
HT is simply a giant advertisement. Simply count the pages of content v. Product selling. I remember even before I was pro cannabis reading HT as I found the culture interesting and something at the time I didn't understand. Now I see it as a means to make the unknown want to spend money on products they don't need.

And I wouldn't grow GHS at all. Have all couple freebies that are nothing more than birdseed to me. So many other legit breeders out there n
At the moment, I have been under the influence of the first sample of that awful looking, smelling, GHS Exodus that I wrote about in the 'B-beans' thread. I've been meaning to go straight to that thread and tag it w/ my impressions of the buzz of this surprisingly sugar-sweet smoke.....but I've been reading posts for the hour and keep forgetting to update that thread. :confused:


Well-Known Member
See regardless of whether there is gems at GHS, their reputation is terrible. Simply why bother? Plus my god I don't believe in, why is he such an arrogant douche canoe? I mean calling yourself "king of cannabis?" King of subpar genetics, banking on others works and more concerned about his ego than his genetics. Strain hunters is a goddamn joke. Just look at the lineup and slick video marketing.

Eta I could get over his ego if the beans stood on their own , but there are enough nightmares which can be seen here and elsewhere that it it is simply not the case. Besides while that personality may reach out to noobs, it does nothing for me. Have some goddamn humility.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
See regardless of whether there is gems at GHS, their reputation is terrible. Simply why bother? Plus my god I don't believe in, why is he such an arrogant douche canoe? I mean calling yourself "king of cannabis?" King of subpar genetics, banking on others works and more concerned about his ego than his genetics. Strain hunters is a goddamn joke. Just look at the lineup and slick video marketing.

Eta I could get over his ego if the beans stood on their own , but there are enough nightmares which can be seen here and elsewhere that it it is simply not the case. Besides while that personality may reach out to noobs, it does nothing for me. Have some goddamn humility.
I'm not buying his beans TY. As I said in the other thread, just popping 'extras' for reasons described there - and yes, I will get there to update it. This is a damm fine buzz.....VERY unexpected, which I always find cool.


Well-Known Member
Found this thread after popping two freebie Kalashnakova's a friend gave me. He gave me several other strains and I only recently, a month ago, bothered to pop those Kalashnakova's. I had waited for a long time to pop them just because I had asked almost the same question the OP did about GHS. I got the same barrage of Arjan hate or whatever his name is.

Well....I should have listened. I've had ZERO issues with disease or mildew up till now. Popped two Kalashnakova's and I swear their first sets of leaves that sprouted... mildew. I immediately removed them from the grow room and put them in a separate area of course. Now I know powdery mildew can strike, it happens. But having no problems before I have to wonder about those genetics. My room is a controlled environment so humidity and temps are just an non issue for me so that wasn't the cause!!!

Next came some deformed looking leaves that looked mangled right next to normal ones. I swear that plant looked like some Frankenstein monster or something. If it was happening to just one of them I'd say it was bad luck, but BOTH??? I mean what the hell??? I've only been at this in a serious way with DWC for a few years now so my experience is somewhat limited but by far this strain has been the worst experience for me. In the end I just destroyed them after watching the train wreck that was a month of vegging. Keeping the nutes in check to keep the plants happy was like walking a tight rope!! A tiny bit in either direction, deficiencies or burn...

Can't say anything about their other strains but I would stay away from that Kalashnakova. Will I buy anything from this breeder? Nope. Maaaaybe I'll pop a freebie if I'm given them from friends or another order from the 'tude.


New Member
Found this thread after popping two freebie Kalashnakova's a friend gave me. He gave me several other strains and I only recently, a month ago, bothered to pop those Kalashnakova's. I had waited for a long time to pop them just because I had asked almost the same question the OP did about GHS. I got the same barrage of Arjan hate or whatever his name is.

Well....I should have listened. I've had ZERO issues with disease or mildew up till now. Popped two Kalashnakova's and I swear their first sets of leaves that sprouted... mildew. I immediately removed them from the grow room and put them in a separate area of course. Now I know powdery mildew can strike, it happens. But having no problems before I have to wonder about those genetics. My room is a controlled environment so humidity and temps are just an non issue for me so that wasn't the cause!!!

Next came some deformed looking leaves that looked mangled right next to normal ones. I swear that plant looked like some Frankenstein monster or something. If it was happening to just one of them I'd say it was bad luck, but BOTH??? I mean what the hell??? I've only been at this in a serious way with DWC for a few years now so my experience is somewhat limited but by far this strain has been the worst experience for me. In the end I just destroyed them after watching the train wreck that was a month of vegging. Keeping the nutes in check to keep the plants happy was like walking a tight rope!! A tiny bit in either direction, deficiencies or burn...

Can't say anything about their other strains but I would stay away from that Kalashnakova. Will I buy anything from this breeder? Nope. Maaaaybe I'll pop a freebie if I'm given them from friends or another order from the 'tude.

I had a very similar experience with GH's Kala-shit-kova, minus the mildew.

They were such cheap seeds with outrageous yield claims, so honestly I did not expect much.

Seedlings were deformed from the start - weird deformities in the leaves, spots all over that looked like mites but weren't, and one hardly grew at all in a month. They went in the trash. didn't even bother flowering them.

BTW these were grown out alongside beans from other breeders and they were all good to go with no probs.

There is a reason these are one of the cheapest seeds money can buy.

If anyone has any pics of a 'good' Kalashitkova from GH I'd like to see em.


Well-Known Member
I had a very similar experience with GH's Kala-shit-kova, minus the mildew.

They were such cheap seeds with outrageous yield claims, so honestly I did not expect much.

Seedlings were deformed from the start - weird deformities in the leaves, spots all over that looked like mites but weren't, and one hardly grew at all in a month. They went in the trash. didn't even bother flowering them.

BTW these were grown out alongside beans from other breeders and they were all good to go with no probs.

There is a reason these are one of the cheapest seeds money can buy.

If anyone has any pics of a 'good' Kalashitkova from GH I'd like to see em.
I have some pics of my plants somewhere...
The weird thing is that my Kalasnikova seeds (eight) all grew with above average vigor, the plants looked good, they all produced fat buds with a goodly amount of trichs.

BUT, after harvest the big let down set in, I smoked each plant anticipating great taste and dud after another...major disappointment.

I wish that they had displayed inferior growth in their young lives, because I should have shit-canned all of 'em earlier...what a waste of space and electricity for such bogus buds.

And yes, I am still pissed off!


Well-Known Member
I have some pics of my plants somewhere...
The weird thing is that my Kalasnikova seeds (eight) all grew with above average vigor, the plants looked good, they all produced fat buds with a goodly amount of trichs.

BUT, after harvest the big let down set in, I smoked each plant anticipating great taste and dud after another...major disappointment.

I wish that they had displayed inferior growth in their young lives, because I should have shit-canned all of 'em earlier...what a waste of space and electricity for such bogus buds.

And yes, I am still pissed off!
Oh man that just flat sucks!!! Thank god that hasn't happened to me yet.

Did you try maybe making a cheapie concentrate out of it? Even though you can only shine shit so much at least something sorta good comes out of it. That was my plan for the kalashnakova all along but after that month, I just said screw it.