Grandma's Growing Again


Active Member
Wowzer that is alot of plants, so whats the set up you got going do you use HIDs through out whole grow or cfls first then HID?


Well-Known Member
Well, the clone queen is at it again... I stayed up till 2 in the morning last night cuz I got it in my head at 1 in the morning to go smoke a bowl with my girls (Note: I didn't get up out of bed to do this... I was still up :lol: )

So at 1 am, I've got me a bowl of Lemon Skunk and a cup of Crystal Light and I'm chilling in a camp chair in my flower room... when it occurs to me that with 10 active plants in my flower room and 10 more in the grow room, and 8 clones in the prop, that I have enough going on that I can do a little experimentation. A couple more hits on the bowl, and it came to me to lollipop my CheeseQuake. She just looked like she needed lollipopping (Lemon Skunk told me to do it). So I did.

And when I did, I managed to snip off quite a few little possible clones so I dipped them in a little rooting compound, tossed them in rockwool and put them in the prop with the 5 White Poison clones and 3 Black Diesel clones that I already had going. Some of the clippings were really tiny, but I kept the 4 largest.

Well, clones are like tater chips...

So before I knew it, I had also snipped 2 clones of my Agent Orange and 2 of the Bubblebomb. So I now have 16 clones in the prop, 6 growing clones in the veg room, 4 seedlings in the veg room, and 10 girls in the flower hut.

That brings Grandma's plant count to 36:
  • Strawberry Diesel x 3
  • Black Diesel x 4
  • Power Kush x 2
  • Agent Orange x 3
  • BubbleBomb x 3
  • CheeseQuake x 5
  • White Poison x 6
  • Bagseeds x 4
  • Blueberry x 1
  • Pablo Cheese x 1
  • Chocolope x 1
  • Red Cherry Berry x 1
  • Sharksbreath x 1
  • CheeseBomb x 1

Somebody else in my family needs to get their medical real quick so I can flower some of these out before they become trees. Once again, I've overdone it! I got excited because I have a separate grow and flower room set-up and I went for's what I do. Oh well...looks like another job for the clone fairy.

Edit: Oh snap! I just realized that I have at least 15 strains going (at least two of the bagseed are different, and maybe all four). Methinks it's time to cool my heels a little bit. Got a harvest coming up in 10-12 days...
It's very easy to get carried away with something that you love

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I checked out a couple of Nursery places in the city. Not much really. One place has a "Soilless Potting Mix" that says it has Peat, Perlite, and Bark. He says it works great for tomatoes and such. Anyway, it is $13 for 2CF bag. He also sells Perlite for $20/CF. I am going to try it out, figure it can at least be used to start my tomatoes and other garden veggies. The only thing I am not liking is the bark, but I think that is the "cheap" filler they use in that mix I guess. I also called an actual hydroponic store, and when I asked about Bat Guano, Kelp Meal, Bone Meal, etc., they said either to check in another city, or get online. I have a couple of other bigger cities I can drive to, will call the nursery/soil shops there tomorrow and see what I can find. I am still looking for a worm breeder for castings lol. anyway, wish me luck on my medium search.

peat is alkaline and bark is acidic, but they wont necessarily cancel each other out for neutral ph. both are cheap "non-nutritive" fillers, but both will decompose into compost with microbial action, resulting in soil from your "soil-less" mix but neither makes good compost. in short, the stuff he is selling is worse than useless. you would do better planting in sphagnum moss than that junk. wanna grow tomatoes? dig a 3 foot x 2 foot hole in your backyard, toss it with a coffee can of chicken shit, and one 3 cu foot bag of ordinary home depot "potting soil", and fill the hole back in with your new mix, and save the rest to put in pots. tomatoes will grow great in the hole, and the rest will make great potting soil for whatever else.

hydroponic stores will not usually carry worm casting, bat guano, bird guano, kelp, bone meal, blood meal, etc, those are not used for hydroponics usually. go to a plant nursery or real garden store for that stuff (not the garden center of home depot/wal-mart, they don't carry anything you want, and the jackholes you talk to there don't know anything)

if you want worms, any fishing shop will have red wigglers in the bait cooler. many of them raise their own wigglers in the back. in my town even wal-mart carries wigglers. growing worms is easy as hell. follow these steps:

1) big Rubbermaid Roughneck tote with a lid.(dont get the sterilitetotes, they are brittle, and will crumble after a few months, sending worms and wormcrap everywhere) and 1 3 cu foot bag of potting soil (for fast starting)
2) go to a plumbing shop and get a good (1/2 to 1 inch) sized PVC drain valve with rubber O ring gaskets, and some plumbers dope (smallest jar you can find, it lasts forever) and a drill bit of the right size
3) drill hole just above the bottom of the tub, put in the valve, smear the plumber's dope on both sides of the tub where the valve contacts. screw down the ring to secure the valve. (mark on the tub which way is open/closed)
4) pour in the potting soil, from here on in, its carrot peelings, apple cores and whatnot (plant matter only, NO MEATS FATS BLOOD GIBLETS FISH, OR ANYTHING THAT IS NOT FROM A PLANT!!!!!!!)
5) go to a fishing shop and buy a tub of red wigglers, dump em in the tub, toss the mix periodically, keep the top on, and sprinkle in a little water if it looks a little dry when you toss it. every couple weeks, open the drain valve to extract the "tea"
6) you can now catch worms when you turn the stuff in the tub and put em in your potted plants, or catch fish with em. the "tea" (actually called effluent) is a powerful fertilizer for any plant, but its STRONG, dilute it till it looks like weak tea.

every few months, stop tossing in scraps let it sit for a week, and when it looks like there's no more big chunks that you can identify as apple cores or carrot peels, take out most of the contents, then add more scraps. rinse and repeat. the stuff you take out is rich and useful soil. mix it with potting soil to grow big tomatoes, or whatnot. the worm farm should not stink. if it smells like rotting garbage, then shit is off balance. usually, too wet, too warm (leave to top off till it normalizes) or non-plant stuff got in (you're fucked, it will never stop stinking, gotta throw out the stuff, and start over with as many worms as you can catch).


Well-Known Member
Wowzer that is alot of plants, so whats the set up you got going do you use HIDs through out whole grow or cfls first then HID?
For now, yes, you pretty much nailed it. I really have three growing spots if you count my Aerogarden. I pulled the reservoir and pump off and I just use the base and the lights to hold my cheap propegation tray with humidity dome.

Seeds are likely to end up anywhere as I sometimes do 12/12 from seed, and sometimes I veg them a bit. Clones start in the Aerogarden and once rooted, are placed under CFL's in the tub in the back and then I have the HPS in the front room. I am thinking of adding a second 600w light and using the MH bulb for vegging rather than the CFL's... always trying to up my game.

Also, both my husband and son qualify for their medical mj card like I have so soon, I will be able to triple production legally. I always keep my plant count to the legal max, but I'm excited about the prospects of growing out even more. I'd love to work it out so that I can quit my job and just tend to my girls...

East Coast Pro

Active Member
Hey you!!! Question about your old CFL many lights of what watts did you use per plant? If I remember you could get half oz off each or more? Veg or 12-12 from seed?


Well-Known Member
Hi there! Let's see, by the end I had a total of 34 bulbs. The actual breakdown of wattage changed slightly all the time, but in general I had 6 of the big 68w bulbs (300w eq) and the rest was made up of 23w and 27w CFL's. The lights weren't so much "per plant" as per region. They were powered by splicing them into the length of an extension cord and then daisy chaining the extension cords. This allowed me a bit of flexibility to move individual lights up and down to meet the needs of the plants. I had 8 plants in a large jacuzzi tub with the lights suspended on a wire rack overhead.

The plant make up was 2 DWC buckets and 6 3-gallon root pots crammed into the area. Knowing what I know now, even I'm amazed at my results. Technically, it was not a good setup, but it rocked hard! I got about 1/2 an ounce off of each plant except one...the largest hydro was my Red Cherry Berry. She gave me close to 5 ounces.

The RCB vegged for 33 days before I flipped her. The six in root pots were clones that were rooted and vegged for about 2 weeks and the other hydro was 12/12 from seed.


Active Member
For now, yes, you pretty much nailed it. I really have three growing spots if you count my Aerogarden. I pulled the reservoir and pump off and I just use the base and the lights to hold my cheap propegation tray with humidity dome.

Seeds are likely to end up anywhere as I sometimes do 12/12 from seed, and sometimes I veg them a bit. Clones start in the Aerogarden and once rooted, are placed under CFL's in the tub in the back and then I have the HPS in the front room. I am thinking of adding a second 600w light and using the MH bulb for vegging rather than the CFL's... always trying to up my game.

Also, both my husband and son qualify for their medical mj card like I have so soon, I will be able to triple production legally. I always keep my plant count to the legal max, but I'm excited about the prospects of growing out even more. I'd love to work it out so that I can quit my job and just tend to my girls...
Yea the MH is beautiful for veg very fast growth... What is your electric bill looking like you have alot going on and also do you sell it or have just for you and yours?


Well-Known Member
Hey blue, how is it going. I tried germinating that Red Cherry Berry but it was a no go. Must have not been viable. Oh well its the thought that counts.

Blue, I noticed you got some nice budshots, I am about due for my next buds of the week pick if your interested in submitting anything and get another one of your girls featured.

Also anyone else who would like the chance for there girls to be featured your more than welcome to submit them. The link is in my sig.


Well-Known Member
Yea the MH is beautiful for veg very fast growth... What is your electric bill looking like you have alot going on and also do you sell it or have just for you and yours?
Kinda hard to say about the electric bill. It more than doubled, but my grown son and his girlfriend along with their playstation and huge screen TV showed up about the same time I started growing...and the next month we ran out of heating oil and had to make do with space, so far I don't have a good gauge on the leccy bill.

What could I do with 5-6 42w CFLs? Flower two at a time?
Like RoofWayne said, I think you could do up to 4 plants. If I was using 5 lights, I'd position them in a diamond pattern around the square formed by the plants and then one in the middle, like this:

....L ....
...P P ..
L . L . L
...P P ..
....L ....

Does that make sense?

Hey blue, how is it going. I tried germinating that Red Cherry Berry but it was a no go. Must have not been viable. Oh well its the thought that counts.

Blue, I noticed you got some nice budshots, I am about due for my next buds of the week pick if your interested in submitting anything and get another one of your girls featured.

Also anyone else who would like the chance for there girls to be featured your more than welcome to submit them. The link is in my sig.
Hey Kratose! Matter of fact, I just harvested a bagseed last night (update coming up later this evening). Would you like pictures of her or do you want me to wait till one of my strains gets done? She's awfully pretty... :lol:

hey blue! have heard about u thru some mutual friends and found this thread, love it! great job! subbd up!
Welcome! Glad to have you here. Feel free to show us your grow and ask any questions you'd like. I have a great bunch of friends here and some excellent growers to boot. Anybody here will be happy to help you.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I'll give a general update. Part 2 will be Caroline's harvesting. She was ready at 50 days flowering. Her trichs were between 15-20% amber. It's tricky with bagseed you just gotta start scoping them.

My other girls are doing super. Emmylou is in week 7, Power Kush and Strawberry Diesel are in week 5, SuzyQ and Beatrice are in week 2 and Agent Orange is in week 1. Bubblebomb, Cheesequake, and Pablo Cheese are all going to start flowering next week. Their hairs are getting long and that top "knot" is starting.

Pics are as follows:
1. Group Shot
2. Power Kush
3. Power Kush
4. Strawberry Diesel
5. Strawberry Diesel
6. Strawberry Diesel
7. Emmylou Bagseed
8. Emmylou Bagseed
9. Clone nursery

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Well-Known Member
Looking great Blue! I'm really bummed I broke the tap root on my last Power Kush. I really love this strain!!:cry:


Well-Known Member
Last night was a big night for Caroline. She entered the afterlife, where she will eventaully be transformed into her wispy spirit self... or smoke.

Here's her story in pictures...

Here she is before the chop:


Once the chop began, I dusted off her root ball and salvaged the coco for reamendment. She was in a one gallon root pot and I recovered well over half of the coco. Here's the rootball. I love root structures...

Then she got all trimmed up nicely...



Well-Known Member
Sweet Caroline, going to taste good!!!bongsmilie Those roots look awesome, I believe in roots!!! I like how the plants almost squat in the pot when the roots take off, loving the coco!!! Space brownies are gooood. lol Take care Grandma!!!