Grandaddy purp outdoor grow pics!

Was that directed towards me?

If so they are in 5 gal pots. They went into some supersoil mixed with perlite(sp?) and 1 tbl. fish emulsion. I am really new to this all so I don't really know what I am doing. LOL I guess I should snap some pics and start a thread but I don't really want to look like a n00b. :lol:
Just sending you some encouragment, would feed at least once per week in 5 gallon pots....
thanks all! ya gr33crack theres alot of places to grow alot here in cali just gota have a 4x4 and go as rural as you can! Updates to come tommorow when i water! btw theres 33 females!! i will be happy with 4 pounds.
Just sending you some encouragment, would feed at least once per week in 5 gallon pots....

Thanks man. I hope that I can keep these ones alive. I found out tonight that my dogs like the fish emulsion and dug up 3 plants. Luckily I got to them a few minutes after and get them back in the pots and elevated them. Damn dogs!!! Here I was worried about the neighbors and cops and my own mutts turn on me!

Norcal I can't wait for the update!
BUSTED IM DONE ITS OVER! i just wanted to let all you know your great people and i wish all of you the best of luck
omg norcal that fuckin sucks so much man. Hope you are not in trouble, and hopefully you were able to save a couple. Fuckin dick head people can't just let a harmless plant grow without being disturbed. peaceee man
omg norcal that fuckin sucks so much man. Hope you are not in trouble, and hopefully you were able to save a couple. Fuckin dick head people can't just let a harmless plant grow without being disturbed. peaceee man

I hear you on that one man. I need to move my plants because my nosey ass neighbor is peeking around asking what I am growing. I told him tomatoes and he wanted to take a look to offer any help. I just told him that I got it covered and am just experimenting. The only way he could have seen that I have something back there is if he was looking over the fence! Time to camouflage the buckets and toss a tomato plant out there....
Im not busted for growing busted for another reason and i dont know what to do i cant get in anymore trouble i want to go places with my life what do i do guys? i got a DUI and i feel like a pile of shit guys ive deffinetly learned my lesson never again will i get behind the wheel while intoxicated :(
It sounds like you are at rock bottom. No one expects to get a dui honestly, i'm 22 and have like 5 friends who have got DUI's, two of them were only 17 at the time. Honestly you just gotta focus on other shit. The growing is probably what got you the DUI in the first place. That sounds stupid, but its not. If you think about it you spend a ton of time planning, taking care of, and thinking about a huge harvest from your plants, perhaps all of the energy you've spent on it, has taken away from the everyday shit you're doing and getting the DUI was just simply the result of over doing everything, except for the important shit in you're life. It's gonna be fine tho either way, you'll have to spend a bunch of time taking classes, not drinking, and overall just not driving, but a year from now you'll realize it was worth the wait and driving will be that much more worth it. As for the plants I would definitely notify a close friend and propose an offer. Split it 50/50. In exchange for him driving you and him to the location, he will receive half of the product. Hell you could even tell him where it is and he could do it by himself, and also let him use your car since you will still have it. Do whatever it takes to keep on moving. All this shit is just one big wake up call to get your life together and avoid bullshit in the future.
Ahh shit man, you will survive. Do some Work Project, pay some fines on with your life, no biggie. Don't let those plants go. You have a 215 card? get one if you don't, and get that truck man. You were not focused on the finish line and alcohol got in the way, now stop slacking and grow that money.
haha a dui is nothing as long as you learn from it, which you have. I mean cmon, who doesn't get a DUI within their lifetime? I know, theres a few. But anyways.. to the point, you're gonna stop growing cannabis due to something it had no effect on? How do you think the plants will feel once they find out they're father is just leaving them. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL?
get a lawyer and get that sucker dismissed. i just got two dismissed and got one more to go.
p.s. never give a breath sample if your guilty.
Thanks all your are all really great people i think i just need to focus i can still do this grow by myself im not drinking anymore never should have started it leads nowere to be honest im not an alcoholic but i think i will get a restriced driving license to go to work and school so this could still work i just need to push myself to a better life and not give up on my dreams i see 5 pounds in that plot and thats money for a new truck i can do it im not giving up guys. btw will have pics up on wendsday i can still drive for a month so i should make it to harvest its jsut so close i cant just give up and forget about my dreams! and gr33ncrack your exactly right i worked so hard i needed a few drinks just to relax and take my mind off all the hard work i did but you know what worst things could have happened and i need to live the dream... i also took a breath test along with a blood test i should have refused then i could plead not guildty im alot smarter when im sober :(
lol man its a mistake but you know all you can do is live and learn i screwed alot up by this and let alot of people down but i can do it and prove to everyone im a great guy and never again will i put someones life in harm by making that mistake again i could have killed others along with myself. btw updates tommorow there getting huge i will be looking at half pounders if not pounders my dream is comming true and im realizing the finer things in life and im a change man nothing is going to get in my way i never was someone that would give up!
Im trying to help a couple people get through their meth addictions, get through long difficult divorces and break ups, and help them Own Their Choices, make better ones, and learn from their past mistakes. I will help all I can, they have to DO it. All I can do is offer you words of encouragement and support, some words that were once passed to me that I consider wise, and let you know that I FEEL you bro. I don't drink anymore really.... I found better things in life ;)