It's ridiculous some asshole would do that to plants so young. I know what it feels like, I once was jacked for 6 ounces at gun point and hundreds of dollars in other property. People have no respect for themselves when it comes to greed and an easy come up. I think you will find the people someday. Honestly tho I knew right after u got the DUI some other bullshit was coming soon after. It sounds like you weren't even fazed by the DUI and I probably wouldn't be either if I had that much of a gold mine ahead for harvest, but straight up it was way too good to be true, and next year you'll be that much smarter because of it. Plenty of people are able to pull off huge grows like that with enough dedication and a little luck, but the amount of people who get royally fucked and/or busted is probably a far greater number. But Keep ur head up, like 2Pac said and try to find something that can be just as rewarding IE; females, some sick job, workin out, growing elsewhere, or waiting for prop 19 to pass. Personally I cannot wait I'm hopefully going to have a garden going thats not tomatoes and pumpkins for once.
If you still can't break away from the love of weed, I found a way to grow at the parentals house without anyone able to see it.