Grandaddy purp outdoor grow pics!

Thanks Dragon I will try that. I guess thats why after a long night of Trippin..... Denny's makes the world a better place. I have not seen a mushroom or lsd in 20+ years, my "guy" died in the 80's (shot in Berkley for 100 bux) and i lost interest.

Sorry for hijacking your thread Norcal.....hehe

Its all still going on... its around..... but its not the same anymore..... not even over the last 10 years.... its sad. When the doors open, you just want to close them back up, because the pain floods in with the realizations, and the visualizations (you realize) are only there to cover up the horrible truths, and laughing through it doesn't cut it anymore, because we know there is so much more to it, that our false preachings have reached their peak, that as it all swirls around us, we are still here.

And we aren't jacking the thread. People growing is plants growing, and its all relative. There are those that would say growing is the key to our purpose, to enlighten us to a true understanding and harmonious balance with nature and all that we rely on, that rely on us..... to make the right decisions..... and follow through with love.
Ya i dont care im a pretty laid back guy talk all you want guys :) and btw never buy shitty soil you notice the diffrence in the grow bags and the ones at my other plot?
Great grow man. I am new to growing (In NorCal as well) and have 5 grandaddy purp in the backyard. Looking at your grow to see what kind of yield I my get. They were all clones and put into 5 gallon pots mid july. I know that I won't have a huge yield but I just want something for personal use. :)
Ya i dont care im a pretty laid back guy talk all you want guys :) and btw never buy shitty soil you notice the difference in the grow bags and the ones at my other plot?

Cool man me too, some people are a little less Cool if the spotlight gets shined on someone else. I sure do appreciate all the help you guys provide and wish you all a Healthy Harvest.

I am finding the soil issue to be true. I skimped on some soil and bought that cheap home depot fox farm knock off crap and it looks drained of all nutrients just a pile of wood chips and twigs. I have since added a new layer of fresh Good soil and hope that helps. Also added some molasses today. I need to buy a ph tester and check my water, I may have to start buying filtered water if my suspicions are correct.
Killer grow nor cal ! I herd that purple kush is great. Im trying to get ahold of some pkush-ptrainwreck clones. Keep me updated on the harvest love to hear back cheers.
Thanks guys! angry blackblackman i put mine out on 5/28 kinda late but they looks pretty big to me hopping for a half pound on each idk.. Wormdrive ya man i guess we cant just skimp out on good soil when were growing money trees eh? Oregon.grow ya man i wanted to get my hands on some ptrainwreck it looked so good mabey next year if it aint legalized :( Crazymlman ya some of my leafs have gotten alittle purple already!
I can't wait to see what yours look like NorCal. You went in about a full month ahead and a half of me so I am hoping that mine make it and finish out. :)
Ya you will still probly get some good weight i know people that have planted around the same time and pulled 4 ounces dry.
I've gotten 3/4 lb average from 3 plants put into 20 gallon pots during the middle of July. 1 and 1/2 lbs from 1 placed into ground on the 4th of July.depends on genetics and grow technique. In a 5 gallon pot, should get around 4 to 5 ozs each?
How often are you feeding?
I've gotten 3/4 lb average from 3 plants put into 20 gallon pots during the middle of July. 1 and 1/2 lbs from 1 placed into ground on the 4th of July.depends on genetics and grow technique. In a 5 gallon pot, should get around 4 to 5 ozs each?
How often are you feeding?

Was that directed towards me?

If so they are in 5 gal pots. They went into some supersoil mixed with perlite(sp?) and 1 tbl. fish emulsion. I am really new to this all so I don't really know what I am doing. LOL I guess I should snap some pics and start a thread but I don't really want to look like a n00b. :lol:
Ya i hopping i mean last year i got 4 ounces of this small plant and these babys in the ground are double the size! i feed them every other watering so about 1s a week with grow big and big bloom nutrients.
Goood shit norcal those things turned into monsters already. I am up at serene lakes right now by tahoe, and holyyyy shit I can't find a place here that wouldn't be good to grow. Went on a hike today up to this secluded lake area, and all i could think about was how you could have plants growing everywhere around the lakes. People probably wouldn't even care, mainly just a few hikers here and there, but its a good 4 mile hike with not much trails, but god damn the soil around the lakes is like prime as can be. Just take a shovel, box of slow release fertilizer and a few 7 gallon water tanks and ur good to go And theres plenty of clean water up there from the lakes. Straight forest of dank growing!