Well-Known Member
Thanks Dragon I will try that. I guess thats why after a long night of Trippin..... Denny's makes the world a better place. I have not seen a mushroom or lsd in 20+ years, my "guy" died in the 80's (shot in Berkley for 100 bux) and i lost interest.
Sorry for hijacking your thread Norcal.....hehe
Its all still going on... its around..... but its not the same anymore..... not even over the last 10 years.... its sad. When the doors open, you just want to close them back up, because the pain floods in with the realizations, and the visualizations (you realize) are only there to cover up the horrible truths, and laughing through it doesn't cut it anymore, because we know there is so much more to it, that our false preachings have reached their peak, that as it all swirls around us, we are still here.
And we aren't jacking the thread. People growing is plants growing, and its all relative. There are those that would say growing is the key to our purpose, to enlighten us to a true understanding and harmonious balance with nature and all that we rely on, that rely on us..... to make the right decisions..... and follow through with love.