Here's another example, lets take a 16"x16" mother tent from which we will take clones, uses 60 watts for 18 hours a day.
After conversion to metric, thats 0.16 m-2 for the mother tent
That is beside a 0.47 m-2 veg/flowering tent.
Veg period: 100 watts 18 hours per day for 6 weeks
(we shave 2 weeks off veg time by cloning instead of growing from seed, hypothetically)
Flowing period: 150 watts 12 hours per day for 8 weeks
Total energy use:
Mother = (runs concurrent to the veg+flower time which is 1764 hours) 105.84 kWh
Veg = 75.6 kWh
Flower = 100.8 kWh
Total time:
mother = 14 weeks concurrent
veg = 6 weeks
flower = 8 weeks
That equals 282.24 Kwh
Wet yield at harvest 400 grams
Total area = 0.47+0.16= 0.63
400/282.24= 1.42 grams per kWh x 0.63 = 0.89 grams per kWh per square meter.
Decidedly less efficient compared to growing from seed in my previous example, even with shaving two weeks off veg
Makes perfect sense to me. I would get to harvest faster but it is cost me more to do it because I am running an extra tent.