Gov. Polis ruined Colorado.

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We the people voted no on 112. They waited till a blizzard and late at night when they knew damn well the opposition could not be there. They went against the people and passed a bill which we could not fight.

Sorry but Boulder does not speak for the entire state.

Recall Polis!!
Recall SB181!!!
I'll do me and you do you. But don't California my Colorado.

i wish i could feel your pain bro...
They waited till a blizzard and late at night when they knew damn well the opposition could not be there.

So, according to you, you lost because your "people" were too damn lazy to take part in the process and they weren't.

NEWS FLASH: that's democracy in action. Don't blame others because you couldn't be bothered to get off your dead, lazy ass and go take part in the process.
It took you 2 years to notice your water was becoming tainted, school funding dwindling, traffic becoming worse and your quality of life dwindle?

I hope it doesn't take you another 2 yrs to figure the 1% really don't care if you are left or right,
democratic, dictatorship, socialistic or communist.

This is what clean water, higher education and bullet trains look like from the other end.


Exxon loves you, and the China National Offshore Corp as part of a long term contract, and was delivered to the Yantian Port near Hong Kong Aug 2016 thanks you.

Otherwise GM, Boeing, Microsoft, Exxon, General Electric would be paying Russia for fuel to power Chinese factories. We secured oil for china in Iraq we will do the same in Venezuela and bring stability to the region and jobs for the Chinese.

The question becomes,
Why doesn't China (Corp controlled America) want you to have clean water or air?
What other countries place profits (for the shareholders) above the profits of the citizenship?
When do we start calling each other, "Comrade"?
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And thats 2012.

Now look at amazon. Yes the office jobs for some but lets look at the bottom of the paragraph. Pickers average joe jobs. 25k lol which makes up 95% of its employees.

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Sounds about racist to me. Oh I meant socialist. Pardon me. I just shat on the natives

Love that smell of pollution in the morning. Must be great for the kids. Can you say asthma, lung cancer, ischemic heart disease.
All money not good money
Willie Nelson is no slouch either
That's for sure.
One of my role models in that he was never afraid of letting his freak flag fly, I'm going to be my own man, and if the "established" country music scene doesn't like it, fuck 'em.

best thing that ever happened here in se ky was when the numerous toxic coal mines began to gradually shut down about thirty years ago, not because of pressure from the local environmental advocates, only because coal ceased to become profitable in the near depleted mines.
the sheared mountain tops and the flooding from the geographic disfigurement are pretty much here to stay .
but the land is healthier as are the people and wildlife, the water and the fish are safe to consume once again since they stopped the pollution from unregulated illegal dumping of toxic runoff & waste that were rendering some of the small lakes and streams unfit an poisonous, animal species are returning again an beginning reinhabiting their native grounds once more, the air is much cleaner now too.
recovery is a very long & slow process that takes many years.
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