Gov. Polis ruined Colorado.

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best thing that ever happened here in se ky was when the numerous toxic coal mines began to gradually shut down about thirty years ago, not because of pressure from the local environmental advocates, only because coal ceased to become profitable in the near depleted mines.
the sheared mountain tops and the flooding from the geographic disfigurement are pretty much here to stay .
but the land is healthier as are the people and wildlife, the water and the fish are safe to consume once again since they stopped the pollution from unregulated illegal dumping of toxic runoff & waste that were rendering some of the small lakes and streams unfit an poisonous, animal species are returning again an beginning reinhabiting their native grounds once more, the air is much cleaner now too.
recovery is a very long & slow process that takes many years.

Many years to recover in CO as well. This wasn't suppose happen in a National Forest.
Henderson Mine, Empire Co.
Please explain how Amazon is unhealthy to the community that surrounds it ?
Afterwards I will explain how oil fields are a very dirty and unhealthy business ?
You are only looking at the surface. How does amazon ship those goods? From electric vehicles that are only powered by windmills?

Love that smell of pollution in the morning. Must be great for the kids. Can you say asthma, lung cancer, ischemic heart disease.
All money not good money
So is that plant in America? So do ride a bicycle everywhere you go.

So if use any petroleum products you are a hypocrit. How do you heat your home?

But its completely fine to so called "rape" a foreign country of their natural reserves? That do not have the same stringent emission laws in place? Which actually do more harm then anyone else? That cause wars?
So is that plant in America? So do ride a bicycle everywhere you go.

So if use any petroleum products you are a hypocrit. How do you heat your home?

But its completely fine to so called "rape" a foreign country of their natural reserves? That do not have the same stringent emission laws in place? Which actually do more harm then anyone else? That cause wars?
We all understand that a $25 an hour roughneck jobfor retards is the best you can hope for in life
Welcome to RIU new moron
Get a real job and stop complaining about your shitty oil field job
School is still an option
I went to school for C.A.D but I hated it and only starts of at 60K a year. Just because we don't agree on politics doesn't make me a moron. I love the oilfield I love the guys I work with. And I have 10 years in oilfield. Why start over?

However I do plan on becoming a saftey instructor and teaching my own classes. Which is where the real money is. If that doesn't fall through I will be an inspector for the insurance companies which also pays very well and is a damn good future as I get older.
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That's for sure.
One of my role models in that he was never afraid of letting his freak flag fly, I'm going to be my own man, and if the "established" country music scene doesn't like it, fuck 'em.

He smoked weed on the White House roof. Pretty cool.

The closest I got was the roof of the Lincoln Memorial.
I...voted for the setbacks, Was disappointed to see the money spent by the oil companies sway the vote( I read the anti-setbacks(oil companies) out spent the pro setback folks 30 to 1).
The vote happened and as far as I am concerned...The people spoke. Doing an end run of the people is how the state government got the taxpayers bill of rights(can not raise taxes without a peoples vote).
Politicians...not my friends.
I went to school for C.A.D but I hated it and only starts of at 60K a year. Just because we don't agree on politics doesn't make me a moron. I love the oilfield I love the guys I work with. And I have 10 years in oilfield. Why start over?

However I do plan on becoming a saftey instructor and teaching my own classes. Which is where the real money is. If that doesn't fall through I will be an inspector for the insurance companies which also pays very well and is a damn good future as I get older.
It wasn't that you disagree that caused him to call you a moron. It was your moronic beliefs.
It wasn't that you disagree that caused him to call you a moron. It was your moronic beliefs.
Well here is my argument.

What kind of car do you drive? Or do you just ride a bicycle all day? At this moment damn near everything uses petroleum. Ya can't build those huge marijuana hot houses without land movers and ya cant move those machines without diesesl now can ya?
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