Gov. Polis ruined Colorado.

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So lets just dissect your post. People without a high school diploma and rednecks are not worthy humans aka sub par humans. What makes one a redneck? Where I am from that is someone that works out in the sun all day, hence redneck.

All the libs can do is come up with corny insults to push their agendas. I was and I am still deeply inbedded in secret societies. They all have the same agenda. Depopulation.. Which I kinda agree with.

I'm sorry but 15 a hour will never be enough. My father made 18 a hour in the 90's for an aerospace company. We always had nice stuff. He bought his house (multiple houses through out the years)

That was great money back then. Yeah we had rough years I guess. But we always had food and news clothes as kids. I make way more then that with tons of overtimes, a credit score of over 700 and I'm still broke. Im still broke but I cleared 90k last year. No weird habits or nothing. My dad was an union worker so he is hardcore democrat and a Catholic. Which makes zero sense to me, but nothing yall do does.

A 3 bedroom 2 bath house back then cost 85k. Here in colorado that same house would be 300k.

And unclebuck the left is passing a bill in colorado that does NOT require caps on rent. So your landlord can charge you as much as they want. It was on the news this morning.

Those little pesky spidermites don't equal nug weights sista
I don’t have a landlord like you do, mr secret society
All the libs can do is come up with corny insults to push their agendas. I was and I am still deeply inbedded in secret societies. They all have the same agenda. Depopulation.. Which I kinda agree with.
. I make way more then that with tons of overtimes, a credit score of over 700 and I'm still broke. Im still broke but I cleared 90k last year.
The little things that don't add up, but do go on. Fox news can be entertaining at times as well. Seeing idiots claim "Three Mexican Countries " was entertaining
The little things that don't add up, but do go on. Fox news can be entertaining at times as well. Seeing idiots claim "Three Mexican Countries " was entertaining

@Northern_Elite_Genetics was just making that up. He's a broke back redneck on the dole and wrote that while high on pain killers. Obviously no clue about reality.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Until it's time to vote.

OTOH, their kind do make for some entertaining mistakes. "Three Mexican Countries", LOL.
Well here is my argument.

At this moment damn near everything uses petroleum. Ya can't build those huge marijuana hot houses without land movers and ya cant move those machines without diesesl now can ya?

You're a idiot, the largest earth moving machine I have ever seen in person was electric and the shovel was big enough to park a full sized pickup in with room to spare, and it looked like it was built in the 1950's or 1960's.
Well here is my argument.

What kind of car do you drive? Or do you just ride a bicycle all day? At this moment damn near everything uses petroleum. Ya can't build those huge marijuana hot houses without land movers and ya cant move those machines without diesesl now can ya?
with gas prices poised to hit $4.00 per gallon, I see the sales of electric cars trending up....Tesla for the win
with gas prices poised to hit $4.00 per gallon, I see the sales of electric cars trending up....Tesla for the win

Tesla's sales tanked by 40%. The "new" is over, and with every other maker releasing cars as good and better than Tesla, it's all down hill for them now.
Tesla's sales tanked by 40%. The "new" is over, and with every other maker releasing cars as good and better than Tesla, it's all down hill for them now.
You keep hoping for their demise.....You must like being wrong all the time.....
Tesla Model 3 dominates the sale of electric vehicles in the United States.

A comparison of the first quarter (Q1) sales of 2019 Vs Q1 of 2018 reveals that thanks to Tesla Model 3, thousands of new consumers have become electric vehicle owners compared to any other previous model.

The verdict is clear-- Model 3 accounts for 60 percent of electric car sales. By a conservative estimate, if we add Model S’s 8 percent and another 7 percent of Model X sales, cumulatively the three Tesla models will account for 75 percent of the sale in the U.S. electric vehicle market. ......
You keep hoping for their demise.....You must like being wrong all the time.....

No, I keep quoting truth and you keep blowing smoke.

You only post bullshit articles and completely ignore how much trouble the company is actually in.

There's a good reason Tesla stock has crashed 24% since December.

But you just keep on ignoring it and spewing complete bullshit.
No, I keep quoting truth and you keep blowing smoke.

You only post bullshit articles and completely ignore how much trouble the company is actually in.

There's a good reason Tesla stock has crashed 24% since December.

But you just keep on ignoring it and spewing complete bullshit.
What part of "75% of electric car sales" don't u understand?...math is hard i know
What part of "75% of electric car sales" don't u understand?...math is hard i know

What part of "TESLA HAS LOST 25% OF IT'S MARKET VALUE IN THREE MONTHS TIME" do you not understand?

It's easy to sell more cars when you're the only game in town. Tesla had that advantage last year. They no longer do.

Another problem is that pretty much everyone that wanted one in North America already has one.

On top of that Tesla has horrific logistics and can't readily supply any new markets overseas.

Add to that Tesla has lost 70% of its cash reserves and is having to take on even more debt at an alarming rate.

Add to that the dozen lawsuits they're fighting, several of which are Musk's entirely and that's on top of even more legal troubles with the SEC.

What's more, all the major shareholders except Musk have bailed out.

Then there's all the top executives leaving like rats from a sinking ship. The lead counsel, CFO, and others have all recently hauled ass.

Falling sales, falling stock value, falling cash reserves, lawsuits, legal troubles, lead investors leaving, top executives jumping ship and increasing debt are NOT the recipe for long term success.

Continuously quoting stories and figures from a year ago is meaningless to the here and now and the not too distant future.

But do keep fangirling over them.
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What part of "TESLA HAS LOST 25% OF IT'S MARKET VALUE IN THREE MONTHS TIME" do you not understand?

It's easy to sell more cars when you're the only game in town. Tesla had that advantage last year. They no longer do.

Another problem is that pretty much everyone that wanted one in North America already has one.

On top of that Tesla has horrific logistics and can't readily supply any new markets overseas.

Add to that Tesla has lost 70% of its cash reserves and is having to take on even more debt at an alarming rate.

Add to that the dozen lawsuits they're fighting, several of which are Musk's entirely and that's on top of even more legal troubles with the FTC.

What's more, all the major shareholders except Musk have bailed out.

Then there's all the top executives leaving like rats from a sinking ship. The lead counsel, CFO, and others have all recently hauled ass.

Falling sales, falling stock value, falling cash reserves, lawsuits, legal troubles, lead investors leaving, top executives jumping ship and increasing debt are NOT the recipe for long term success.

Continuously quoting stories and figures from a year ago is meaningless to the here and now and the not too distant future.

But do keep fangirling over them.

Ah, wonderful. Another thread hijacked by Taco's insatiable hatred of Tesla. You'd think that Elon Musk had seduced his wife and daughter to have a threesome or committed some other personal affront to Taco.

Tell us again about how it's illegal to have a bumper sticker that says "fuck trump and those who voted for him". That was rich. You went on and on about that calling people who disagree with you retards. You were wrong about that. You've been wrong so many times I wonder if you are suffering from dementia.
Tesla is a global phenomenon.....
BySimon Alvarez
Posted on April 9, 2019
Sales reports from Switzerland have revealed that the Tesla Model 3 was the country’s #1 best-selling car in March 2019, bar none. This marked the first time that an all-electric vehicle was able to top a country’s sales charts, which include vehicles powered by an internal combustion engine.

Tesla sold 1,094 units of the Model 3 in Switzerland last month, as indicated by the numbers of sales statistics site Auto Schweiz. The Model 3’s figures were around 27% higher than the second-ranking vehicle in the country, the widely popular Skoda Octavia, which sold 801 units in March. The Model 3’s feat represented significant milestones for the Silicon Valley-based automaker, as it was able to achieve a record market share of 4.3% in Switzerland’s auto market. These are impressive figures, especially since deliveries of the Tesla Model 3 only started in February.

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ceo plus, Roger Rusch@ceo_plus_ch

, the #Tesla #Model3 outsold ALL other cars in March. For the 1st time in history, a fully electric car (#BEV) is the most sold model of the entire car market - with a huge lead of 37% over the runner-up.
The Model 3’s strong performance in Switzerland bodes well for the inherent demand for the vehicle, particularly as the country does not offer incentives for consumers purchasing electric cars. For the Model 3 to perform well among Swiss car buyers, it needed to impress potential customers. Based on the vehicle’s March 2019 sales figures, it appears that the electric sedan has done just that.

The news of the Model 3’s feats in Switzerland comes not long after it was revealed that the vehicle helped Norway set new records in March. Norway made history last month when the Norwegian Road Federation (NRF) stated that nearly 60% of all vehicles sold in the country were all-electric. Over March, Norway registered over 18,000 vehicles, 10,316 of which were all-electric. Among this number, 5,315 were Tesla Model 3.

It should be noted that Tesla’s international push for the Model 3 is only beginning, with the company so far only sending the vehicle to several European territories and China. Tesla is expected to deliver the Model 3 to other regions this year, such as those that utilize right-hand-drive vehicles. While concerns are abounding among Tesla’s skeptics in the United States about the Model 3’s demand, it seems simply far too early to dismiss the potential of the electric vehicle in the international market just yet.
That is all figured into the abysmal 1st quarter sales numbers, which were the worst Tesla have suffered since 2015.

But keep on fangirling.
That is all figured into the abysmal 1st quarter sales numbers, which were the worst Tesla have suffered since 2015.

But keep on fangirling.

Overall, the Street was expecting an apocalyptic quarter and Model 3 deliveries were better than feared by many with 50k Model 3 vehicles the “line in the sand” although the overall number was clearly rocky and represents an “air pocket” quarter in our opinion.

That said, European and Chinese deliveries hit anticipated delivery logistics and were the main culprit for the overall miss which was disappointing to see

The earnings miss was due to growing pains that caused fewer cars to be delivered. People want the cars but the company couldn't deliver as soon as they had promised. If a startup is going to have a growing pain, this is the one to have.
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