gotta get this off my chest


Well-Known Member
^^^perfectly acceptable post. I'm fine with being a little lax on capitalization or punctuation, even I get lazy. But I can't stand words that aren't written out properly (most true contractions are excepted from this, save "we're" because I always see "were" which has a totally different meaning)


Active Member
well if you were quoting if should of been in quotes..but i'm not trying to bicker though.i'm just tired of all this going back and forth.were all stoners whats the difference?


Well-Known Member
i can speak for myself.and bookworm..thanks for your post.
no problem. I try not to go beyond a good razzing online, no sense in beating on someone. Enjoy that stash spot, and don't forget to diversify! Split up your stash into the hoard and the mobile. The hoard is not somewhere easy to get, but you maybe leave a few zips there. The mobile is your smaller stash (for me, a week's supply, I was only allowed to refill my jar on sundays)

then if they find your mobile stash you've still got 3/4 of your weed elsewhere and you can almost laugh it off (but look sad!)


Well-Known Member
well if you were quoting if should of been in quotes..but i'm not trying to bicker though.i'm just tired of all this going back and forth.were all stoners whats the difference?
Well, if you're done, we can stop. I only kept going cuz you did. And cuz I'm bored and high :grin:


Active Member
its all good guys.yeah i used to do that alot with my weed but i think once all of this shit settles with me i'll be back at it again


its all good guys.yeah i used to do that alot with my weed but i think once all of this shit settles with me i'll be back at it again
You're what... 18?

Good God man! Worry about getting your life straight and on track instead of the ganja. That's way too young to fuck your life up over.

Get a good education, which will open the door to you getting a good job, which will open the door to getting your own place. Make amends with your parents, prove to them you can forget about the weed for now and your priorities are on track. A rift between you and your parents over weed will haunt you for the rest of your life if you don't do something to make it right. They are the only parents you have and the only ones you will ever get.

You'll understand what I'm saying when your old like myself, even thogh you may think I'm a putz for suggesting this. And you will be thankful you did in the long run.

It's hard to think that far ahead when you're 18, at that age you live for the moment.

After you get your shit lined out, good paying job, parents are calmed down and your realtionship with them is back in order, then worry about the ganja.

You have PLENTY of time to grow weed and smoke it later on. Don't fuck up your future over bud.

I hate to say this, but this is part of the reason people here in the states are doing their damndest to keep the stuff illegal.

Sorry for busting your chops... just my opinion and you know what they say about those...


Well-Known Member
seriously peeps why is anyone even replying to this idiot.hard to believe that a young man could be so disrespectful to his parents.the line about who cares about some guy whos only been to the house a couple times is priceless.what a punk you really think that is right?your so far from having any sense or maturity. i nothing but pity for those who have to love you.GROW UP. you could not have a worse attitude.i personally would have given you a beating and thrown your shit in the street w/ you right behind it.


Active Member
seriously peeps why is anyone even replying to this idiot.hard to believe that a young man could be so disrespectful to his parents.the line about who cares about some guy whos only been to the house a couple times is priceless.what a punk you really think that is right?your so far from having any sense or maturity. i nothing but pity for those who have to love you.GROW UP. you could not have a worse attitude.i personally would have given you a beating and thrown your shit in the street w/ you right behind it.
fuck you asshole i don't need your 2 cents.if you aint got shit to say except trying to get another fight started again keep your mouth shut and don't say shit at all..and beating?yeah right dude.i'd love to see that shit.i'd knock your old ass back into the reirement home that your sittin in right now


Well-Known Member
fuck you asshole i don't need your 2 cents.if you aint got shit to say except trying to get another fight started again keep your mouth shut and don't say shit at all..and beating?yeah right dude.i'd love to see that shit.i'd knock your old ass back into the reirement home that your sittin in right now
this is exactly the attitude that anyone here would exspect you to respond w/.your in for a long troubled life.with prison your likely landing definetly could use a beatin,BOY.


Active Member
no dude everything was fine til you came here trying to start shit.yeah it is your opinion that your entitled to but you went to far though..prison?? you don't know anything about me at all except that my dad found my weed and a few other things