gotta get this off my chest


Active Member
how is that sad for me?..i just lost 100$.yeah i'll quit smoking for a while cause my tolerance is way to high as it is.but even though its close to 24hours later.everything's chill at my house for the most part.its basically like im just grounded for some little shit


Active Member
I don't feel for you.I think you should be kicked out of the house.If you can't sfford to pay for shouldn't smoke.You're living in your parents home(I assume that you're not paying rent) and dealing to boot.Your parents worked hard for what they have,and don't need you screwing it up.Stop crying,get a job,and start taking care of yourself.You're a man..act like it.


Active Member
who cares if i blamed it on somebody that only came over my house 2times and thats all.and i did admit to it just to let you know......why's every1 tryin to start shit with me now.the past 2 pages every1 has been saying the same thing grounded for what i did.yeah i fucked up.everybody does, were only human.but some of you guys need to calm down on here though


Well-Known Member
Awww, are you upset that we didn't all join in your pity party? :lol:

I think most people's point is that what you're going through is really not that big of a deal, and you brought it upon yourself. So man up, straighten your shit out, and stop whining. Because no one here feels sorry for you.

And grounded? You deserve to have your ass kicked for disrespecting your parents house like that.


Active Member
first off dude u get can get a damn life i ain't whining about shit.all im saying is i get what everybody is saying i don't need new posts from people to keep tellin me..and you say man up?..if u can look above you and read my post.and i didn't expect people to feel sorry for me smartass.all i said is i wanted ppl's opinions on what they think i should of done such as moving out or not on hee to argue with just proving my point


Well-Known Member
first off dude u get can get a damn life i ain't whining about shit.all im saying is i get what everybody is saying i don't need new posts from people to keep tellin me..and you say man up?..if u can look above you and read my post.and i didn't expect people to feel sorry for me smartass.all i said is i wanted ppl's opinions on what they think i should of done such as moving out or not on hee to argue with just proving my point
First off, you're the one who posted about dealing out of your parents house and getting busted. Meaning you opened yourself up to comment about it. Don't like what people are saying? Tough shit. :grin:

Secondly, yeah, man the fuck up. Take responsibility for your actions. You're 18 (or so you say) and you still lie to your parents? You're dealing out of your parents house, hiding your stash in THEIR printer. WTF is wrong with you? Were you that high, or are you just that stupid?

And finally, since you obviously can't make it as a dealer, you might want to get a real job. You should probably stop smoking marijuana if it makes you this stupid. Some people just can't handle it bongsmilie


Active Member
like i said im not on here to argue with anybody.but alright jackass, its not "their printer"..its my computer and printer and in my room.make it as a dealer?..its alright i've been on and off for about a year now and i probably flipped about 2lbs for only getting an oz at a time.real job?..if u can read it says im going to school for welding in the should check other posts before you go acting like you know everything.and you say about marijuana making me stupid?..just some obvious info dumb fuck everybody knows weed kills brain cells and when u quit for a certain time you do feel a change in yourself.


Well-Known Member
like i said im not on here to argue with anybody.but alright jackass, its not "their printer"..its my computer and printer and in my room.make it as a dealer?..its alright i've been on and off for about a year now and i probably flipped about 2lbs for only getting an oz at a time.real job?..if u can read it says im going to school for welding in the should check other posts before you go acting like you know everything.and you say about marijuana making me stupid?..just some obvious info dumb fuck everybody knows weed kills brain cells and when u quit for a certain time you do feel a change in yourself.

OMG, you should be SMACKED for spreading that hateful LIE. "Weed kills brain cells" do you know where that saying comes from? What proof they have of that? There was a study, in which they pumped monkies full of marijuana smoke. I think it was as much marijuana smoke as you'd smoke in a month. They pumped it into these monkies nonstop, not letting them BREATHE.

Those monkies obviously died. The scientists counted the brain cells and noticed that there were less than in a normal living monkey. Do you know WHY? Because those monkies were sufficated to death! Weed doesn't kill brain cells, ASPHIXIATION does, you ignorant ASS.

You really believe weed kills brain cells...and yet you still smoke it? You're a fucking regular genius aren't you?

Oh yeah, and your printer and computer in your THEIR house :cool:


Active Member
good for you, you did your research.braincells to asphixiation..point fucking being its not healthy for people to smoke not matter what the not a being a hypocrite either because i do.


Well-Known Member
good for you, you did your research.braincells to asphixiation..point fucking being its not healthy for people to smoke not matter what the not a being a hypocrite either because i do.
I think you should really go do some research before you try to step to me on this topic. You've already been owned :grin:


Active Member
this topic?..this thread isn't about that its about what happened.and just to let you know there was only 2 posts about that.if weed is making anybody stupid its your ass because ur to fucking dumb to read the post the correct way and actually remember it