gotta get this off my chest


Well-Known Member
this topic?..this thread isn't about that its about what happened.and just to let you know there was only 2 posts about that.if weed is making anybody stupid its your ass because ur to fucking dumb to read the post the correct way and actually remember it
This topic as in whether or not weed kills brain cells. Try to keep up please :rolleyes:

So yes, lets DO get back to how you got busted selling out of your parents house. And all that happened to you was you got grounded. Oh no, poor baby! But apparently you're still allowed to use your computer and access the internet so that you can start a thread whining about it. Gotta get this off your chest, like its some big deal. I would be to embarrassed to post this shit on the web for all to see.


Well-Known Member
Wikid makes a good point.

Also, if you're really going off to school (college) in the fall you should be typing properly.

Be glad you only got grounded and your parents didn't kick your ass out.

here's a great stash spot I've got that no one will ever find.

^^I miss that jar. A lot of weed went through that.


Active Member
first off dude when i said "this topic" u knew what i meant and i can tell you did by the way how you typed things for starters...oh yes let me tell just sittin in a fuckin boat over here cryin a river.oh shittt.what am i gonna do now?!.get real dude forreal.if anybody got owned its you for trying to act like a hardass and know everything when you got told twice already how fuckin stupid you were because you can't read a post the right way.


Active Member
but i have better things to do then sit here and argue with somebody whos just waiting my time.,,thanks bookworm for the pics.i have something real similiar to that to.i have some drawers that are built into my wall since i have the whole upstairs to mysel.i just take the bottom drawer out and slide this piece of wood over and there it is


Well-Known Member
first off dude when i said "this topic" u knew what i meant and i can tell you did by the way how you typed things for starters...oh yes let me tell just sittin in a fuckin boat over here cryin a river.oh shittt.what am i gonna do now?!.get real dude forreal.if anybody got owned its you for trying to act like a hardass and know everything when you got told twice already how fuckin stupid you were because you can't read a post the right way.
Ok, show me where in this conversation you owned me. Please. I'll wait.


Well-Known Member
While I wait...

When I went back to "this topic" it's because you seemed to have misunderstood when I originally said the word. Really, I think you should just let that part go, you obviously are too slow to keep up when I post about more than one thing at a time.

So I'm going to keep them nice and short, for your benefit :grin:


Well-Known Member
but i have better things to do then sit here and argue with somebody whos just waiting my time.,,thanks bookworm for the pics.i have something real similiar to that to.i have some drawers that are built into my wall since i have the whole upstairs to mysel.i just take the bottom drawer out and slide this piece of wood over and there it is
Waiting your time?

Are you sure you're 18? If this is a sign of the intelligence levels of our 18 year olds, I fear for the future of this country :razz:


Well-Known Member
that sucks bro.. at least ur only out $100...
i knew a kid that stole a lot of money from his family (around $100,000)..
key part of that sentence FROM HIS FAMILY...
so yea me n my friends used him a bit so what, he deserved it.. scumbag..
don't fret about ur oz of schwagg when i tell u this kid CONSTANTLY lost $5,000 pounds of kush....
haha.. guess how he lost it...
once again.. his family.. fuckin ashole..

fun times.. fun times...
never smoked so much weed within a month ever.. ever... seriously.. pounds.. omg.. i'm drooling again...


Well-Known Member
Wikid makes a good point.

Also, if you're really going off to school (college) in the fall you should be typing properly.

Be glad you only got grounded and your parents didn't kick your ass out.

here's a great stash spot I've got that no one will ever find.

^^I miss that jar. A lot of weed went through that.
LMFAO!!! i have the same kind of shelf in my bedroom.. lil thing lifts up n shit.. but fortunately for me i can put weed anywhere i want... but the porn remains under that shelf.. :hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
You wanted to start talking shit to people because you didn't like what they had to say about your OP. Well don't expect to talk shit to me and not get shit talked back to.

And I'm still waiting for you to show me where you owned me. If you like I'll show you exactly where I owned you :grin:


Active Member
that sucks bro.. at least ur only out $100...
i knew a kid that stole a lot of money from his family (around $100,000)..
key part of that sentence FROM HIS FAMILY...
so yea me n my friends used him a bit so what, he deserved it.. scumbag..
don't fret about ur oz of schwagg when i tell u this kid CONSTANTLY lost $5,000 pounds of kush....
haha.. guess how he lost it...
once again.. his family.. fuckin ashole..

fun times.. fun times...
never smoked so much weed within a month ever.. ever... seriously.. pounds.. omg.. i'm drooling again...
yeah 100$ is 100$ i mean its mooney but yeah shit happens.but damn dude.i couldn't even imagine being friends with somebody like that and smoking all thats havin 1 hell of a time lol


Active Member
The problem here is this kid has never worked for anything of his own.When I was his age,I probably thought and acted alot like him.I love pot but it's not my life.Taking your parents feelings into account is something that will come with maturity.I wish you luck with your life.Oh...use the spell check option when you get to collage.


Active Member
The problem here is this kid has never worked for anything of his own.When I was his age,I probably thought and acted alot like him.I love pot but it's not my life.Taking your parents feelings into account is something that will come with maturity.I wish you luck with your life.Oh...use the spell check option when you get to collage.
don't say anything about me if you don't me.and the main reason why i didn't move out just to let you because i' have my own quad i been making payments on myself.140 a month to be exact and i've had a paper route since i was in 9th grade..go ahead ppl say whatever you want i can honestly care less.but just with that paper route i bought myself a 2005 crf 150f dirt bike traded that in for my current ride a 07 z400 completely race ready with everything u can think of on it.and i picked up a little 14ft deep v boat but i already got rid of that.and yes i do have pictures if nobody believes me.but please, don't say i have never worked for anything when u really don't know not trying to start another argument.but just my cents.and yes a paper route laugh all u want i can care less.and its only 30 papers my street and the next 1 down not a big thing anyways