If you live in the USA and grow Organic, go to Woodsend Labs to get tests done. You can also get the guys to give you a CO2 burst rate test among other leading edge testsI listened to the interviews on KIS Organic's podcasts and they were helpful. I think that podcast#17 is the one where they are talking about the Soil Savvy test and how it is different from a saturated pasted test. The guy from the Soil Savvy test sounds like the scientist from The Simpsons and it's kind of hard to follow, but there is great info. I think that that main idea of the podcast is that the Mehlich 3 test is a chemical extraction and it will give you the total amount of nutrients. The saturated paste is paste extraction and it will show what is soluble. The Soil Savvy test is a gel extraction and it is supposed to be more accurate than the saturated paste extraction at showing what is available and it accounts for nutrient lock-out.
Your looking pretty good to be honest!
this doesnt just say yeah you have NPK Blah... it also says you have the microbial activity to access it