God This Makes Me Laugh...Atheists vs Christians.

i dont think that spirituality is something that *can* be organized. i think that everyone views it differently and everyone forms their own idea of it based on their personal experiences. i just dont understand why the atheists cant see that thats what they're turning into...they really are starting to look like an organized religion. both sides talk like they have all the answers and that their way is the correct way...lol. but no one has all the answers. the hypocrisy of it all just leaves me rolling around with a gut ache :lol: its just like with democrats and republicans. neither of them are right but people still fight for their side. so even if we did away with religion completely, people would still find things to argue over and still find things to fight each other over...i've always thought that if religion disappeared it would be a good thing for humanity. but it wouldnt matter. people would just make up something else to fight over.
atheism is starting to look like the very thing it hates...a religion.

it wouldnt matter. people would just make up something else to fight over.[/QUOTE]
Thank you. :clap::clap::clap:
.....beautiful perspective.
Saying you are a spiritual person is just a bunch of gobblygook.(sorry doc..:lol:)....what does that even mean?

Seriously.... define spirit without making a religious reference.

I'm not talking about being a good person. There's already a word for that.... good.
The point being cj, because you don't get it doesn't make it non-existent and void. ;-)
I just don't make stuff up....

As the varied responses have shown..... it is a Gumby issue. A pretzel of emotion based on NO evidence....a feeling.

An invisible energy huh.... :lol: okay, sure...
This thread is worthy of a bump....I'd be really interested to see others viewpoint.
Don't be shy.
I was beginning to wonder if I was the only RIU'er that dared to be "spiritual."
I just don't make stuff up....

As the varied responses have shown..... it is a Gumby issue. A pretzel of emotion based on NO evidence....a feeling.

An invisible energy huh.... :lol: okay, sure...
You make stuff up all the time. :clap:
There is evident proof provided to those who allow themselves emotions/beliefs....without the need to provide the physical "evidence" for your sake.
Not for my sake... for anyone's sake.... you can't show anyone you are right other than blathering about it till ppl get annoyed and either cave or run away.

Please Babs.... tell me.... what stuff do I make up? Since YOU know...:roll: Tell us all.
I just don't make stuff up....

As the varied responses have shown..... it is a Gumby issue. A pretzel of emotion based on NO evidence....a feeling.

An invisible energy huh.... :lol: okay, sure...

just because the energy is invisible to you doesnt mean that its invisible to everyone. when you look up at the sky...can you see the air and the energy in front of you? because i can. can you see the energy that is within other people and around them all the time? because i can. can you see the energy left behind from another's spirit? because i can.

just because YOU cannot see it...doesnt mean that NOBODY can see it.

but thats not what the purpose of my thread is. the purpose of my thread is not to discuss the authenticity of spirituality or the authenticity of atheism. its to discuss the actions the 2 groups take in "getting their message across" thanks :)
Personally, I have a hard time understanding the atheist who goes out of their way to sell the world on God being a bad thing. I don't see any group working harder on putting forth a "feeling" than them currently. Where they force their negative idealogy, others only wish to be allowed the peace to just be who they are.
If they want to laugh under their breath when passing a church posting "God saves"...so be it. I don't take insult to that. We live in a country where freedom of speech is incorporated.
I'm just shocked at the entire atheist movement......yes, movement.

From the article:
Evidently, the attack on Christians is not limited to the Tampa Bay area. In fact, the atheistic signs originated in the northeast and have since adorned highways in Texas, Arizona, Colorado, California, and countless other areas. Such signs read: “Being a good person doesn’t require God. Don’t believe in God? You’re NOT alone!”

Why they feel the NEED to oppose "nothing" is ridiculous, yet not beyond comprehension. If they, as a group, are so adamant in showing they are "good" people, they are miserably failing in exhibiting this.

I think they have an incessant need to blame the "believers" for the world's problems, which is where all war begins---playing the blame game.
The thing is... most atheists, if left alone, do not feel the need to push their beliefs on others - unlike christians. Sure there are exceptions, but they're nothing like christians, who are constantly trying to shove their beliefs down other peoples throats. At least that's been my experience. I've never heard of atheist missionaries traveling around the world trying to 'save' people. I've never had an atheist knock on my door to give me their opinions on religion.
Sounds like the atheists mentioned in the OP were just responding to the christian bullshit (defending themselves).
just because the energy is invisible to you doesnt mean that its invisible to everyone. when you look up at the sky...can you see the air and the energy in front of you? because i can. can you see the energy that is within other people and around them all the time? because i can. can you see the energy left behind from another's spirit? because i can.

just because YOU cannot see it...doesnt mean that NOBODY can see it.

but thats not what the purpose of my thread is. the purpose of my thread is not to discuss the authenticity of spirituality or the authenticity of atheism. its to discuss the actions the 2 groups take in "getting their message across" thanks :)

Oh... Okay...some see pink elephants...you see energy. Got it.
All I have to say here is...

Fight Fire with Fire motha fuckas :blsmoke:

why fight at all?

let their fire burn...eventually it will go out. all fires do at some point.

i just dont understand the fighting part of it. just leave everyone alone to be who they want to be lol. let people make their own choices based on their journey without trying to influence anyone.