God This Makes Me Laugh...Atheists vs Christians.

yea, they're letting people know that theres no shame in not believing. and the religious are telling people that theres no shame in being a believer. they're resorting to the same tactics. billboards, ads on buses, "shock" value tactics like the students at that one school who were exchanging bibles for porn. i think that atheists and religious people should just leave the rest of us ALONE. i dont really care if they want to get a message across. thats not their job. its not someone elses job to encourage me to follow one side or another. thats MY job to decide for myself...to search out the info myself. one thing about religious groups that bothers me, is the fact that they're always wanting to be in your face with "their message" and now atheists are doing the SAME thing. pushing "their message" in our faces. everyone should just back off with "the message" lol. ;-)
You are picking examples of individuals or small groups, not atheists, but a certain group of like-minded ones. Quit with your guilt-by-association fallacy.
Besides, since when do people feel shame for believing in a god? The atheist minority have been the ones throughout history that have been stigmatized. THAT'S why some groups feel like fighting back by using billboards. Since the porn for bibles thing is unrelated and I've not seen the story, I can't comment. But any of those decisions were done by a very small number of people. Are you saying we should restrict free speech?
You are picking examples of individuals or small groups, not atheists, but a certain group of like-minded ones. Quit with your guilt-by-association fallacy.
Besides, since when do people feel shame for believing in a god? The atheist minority have been the ones throughout history that have been stigmatized. THAT'S why some groups feel like fighting back by using billboards. Since the porn for bibles thing is unrelated and I've not seen the story, I can't comment. But any of those decisions were done by a very small number of people. Are you saying we should restrict free speech?
firstly, im aware that not ALL atheists behave this way, just like not all religious people behave this way. these are select groups of atheists and religious people.

and no, of course i dont think that free speech should be restricted. but come on now...this is just getting silly lol.

christian - "lets put up billboards about god and how everyone should believe in him and how religion needs to be put back into politics!"

atheist - "i cant believe they want religion back in politics! lets make our OWN billboards to counteract the christian ones! oh! and we'll put our ads on buses too!"

i mean...think of it this way. when i was little, people made fun of me. i would get angry and i'd want to make fun of them back...but my mother explained to me that i shouldnt "stoop to their level" that i should be the bigger person, the more mature one, and not give them the satisfaction. i would think that people would understand this small concept. i can completely understand atheists wanting to fight to keep religion out of things that religion shouldnt be in. like government, education, etc. but you dont need to put up billboards to do that. you go to school, educate yourself, and become an atheist politician or work with politicians to ensure fairness and equality for all persons in the country. keeping religion out of public organizations and services does not require advertisements. advertisements are just a way of boasting that they think they're better, and that more people should subscribe to their way of thinking. last i checked, the other organizations that did this were religious groups, and big corporations. both of which have been condemned for their actions in trying to get people to do things "their way".
What do these "billboards and buses" say? "God isn't real, idiots" ?

or is it like... "Science- Help the human species develop into the future"

Because there is a big difference between the two...
firstly, im aware that not ALL atheists behave this way, just like not all religious people behave this way. these are select groups of atheists and religious people.
Missing the point again I see. It's not all, not even most atheists. You cannot say that about religions that are told to proselytize.
christian - "lets put up billboards about god and how everyone should believe in him and how religion needs to be put back into politics!"

atheist - "i cant believe they want religion back in politics! lets make our OWN billboards to counteract the christian ones! oh! and we'll put our ads on buses too!"
Well, since I never thought of billboards as a particular or typical method of religious groups, I never considered that atheists that also happen to use billboards were acting like the religious.

BTW, keeping religion out of politics is not an atheist position but a secular one, a big difference. It also happens to be something that needs reminding as that is how our government was set up.
i mean...think of it this way. when i was little, people made fun of me. i would get angry and i'd want to make fun of them back...but my mother explained to me that i shouldnt "stoop to their level" that i should be the bigger person, the more mature one, and not give them the satisfaction. i would think that people would understand this small concept. i can completely understand atheists wanting to fight to keep religion out of things that religion shouldnt be in. like government, education, etc. but you dont need to put up billboards to do that. you go to school, educate yourself, and become an atheist politician or work with politicians to ensure fairness and equality for all persons in the country. keeping religion out of public organizations and services does not require advertisements. advertisements are just a way of boasting that they think they're better, and that more people should subscribe to their way of thinking. last i checked, the other organizations that did this were religious groups, and big corporations. both of which have been condemned for their actions in trying to get people to do things "their way".
Who the fuck are you to tell anyone else how they should get their message across?
Missing the point again I see. It's not all, not even most atheists. You cannot say that about religions that are told to proselytize.
Well, since I never thought of billboards as a particular or typical method of religious groups, I never considered that atheists that also happen to use billboards were acting like the religious.

BTW, keeping religion out of politics is not an atheist position but a secular one, a big difference. It also happens to be something that needs reminding as that is how our government was set up.

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone else how they should get their message across?
well the article in question, was about the 2 groups using billboards to further their message. i've seen a lot of religious billboards. they're trying to advertise their message just like any other people/company with billboard ads.

every atheist that i've personally met has behaved in this way. i, like most people, create personal conclusions based on my experiences. im aware that not every one is like this. but every one that i personally have met, does act this way. and yes, i've met quite a large number of atheists.

and i know that keeping religion out of politics in not an "atheist thing" i understand that it needs to be that way so that everyone is treated equally with equal representation. i never said it was an atheist thing. i said that if its so important to these people, they could be openly atheist politicians, to directly affect the change they want, instead of creating advertisements to get people to think their way.

and regarding the "who the fuck are you..." comment.

who the fuck am i to tell people how they can and cant get their message across? well who the fuck are these people to determine which messages i should pay attention to and deem important? who the hell are these people to tell me what i should or shouldnt think, and what i should or shouldnt believe? who the fuck are they to be publicly spreading their message around to people who didnt ask for it? huh? who the fuck do they think they are? ;-) lol

and to be perfectly honest, i dont care how people attempt to get their message across. my issue, is with the fact that they feel the need to send a message out there in the first place.
What do these "billboards and buses" say? "God isn't real, idiots" ?

or is it like... "Science- Help the human species develop into the future"

Because there is a big difference between the two...
the signs from atheists really arent offensive. not nearly as offensive as the christian ones. i will definitely say that. but with that being said, i have to deal with enough advertising being thrown my way by companies and corporations, and now..religion? heres a picture of the only billboard i would actually support. because its in direct relation to the political issue.

the rest of the signs, are just advertisements to get people to join their cause. really...thats all it is.

this article here http://www.examiner.com/x-8928-Phil...8d4-Christians-offended-by-atheist-billboards

talks about how its crystal clear which group is more offensive. BY FAR the christian billboards are WAY more offensive...very offensive. and the atheist billboards arent offensive in any way. that is plain for everyone to see. thats not the issue i have. i just think that there shouldnt be any religious or anti-religious advertising at all...if people wanted to know about religion, they're gonna search it out themselves. and if people question religion, and want to stray away from it, they're going to do it themselves. they dont need advertising from each group to make their decisions.
I agree that any preachiness is annoying (though, there still is a part of me that is glad to see someone standing up to the bullies, finally). But, it's a handful of atheists doing it - it's a tiny, minuscule fraction of the preaching that christians do constantly, in every town in this country. And, it will stay that way. Atheists don't have tax exempt clubs all over the place, and don't have masses of suckers giving them 10% of their income to fund shoving their opinions down peoples throats. Mountains and mole hills.
Yea, sure, really objective...

Please detail the similarities as it relates to religion. Because atheists want to let others know there's no shame in not believing and that there are others out there like them, that makes it a religion?
C'mon, you and the OP have to do better than that.
Wow! It took 2 whole days to come up with that rebuttal to my post? Bravo Mindphuk, Bravo! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

I offer proof of nothing. Only saying what I see from my experience and perspective (my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions). Seems like my perspective makes you pretty angry and sarcastic though. Why do you give a fuck what 2 people on a pot forum think anyway? Could it be because it struck a nerve? Certainly not!:o Have fun with you non-religious atheist ways. :roll:

I think I'm done coming into these threads because I just can't handle all of the open-mindedness.
Wow! It took 2 whole days to come up with that rebuttal to my post? Bravo Mindphuk, Bravo! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
See, I don't spend every day scouring the pot boards looking for a thread to respond to. People drop into new threads all of the time and you're going to criticize me for not seeing it for 2 whole days?

You're a fucking tool!
See, I don't spend every day scouring the pot boards looking for a thread to respond to. People drop into new threads all of the time and you're going to criticize me for not seeing it for 2 whole days?

You're a fucking tool!
Oh how the ignorant start calling names when they can't think of a real rebuttal. You're right though, I am a fucking tool. I come to this forum to help others, to learn, and to have discussions like these with like minded people. I'm not sure why you come here but you are obviously way smarter than me. You jumped my post and I fired back. No name calling from my end, yet you felt the need to call me a "fucking tool". Why is that Mindphuk? Did something I wrote strike a nerve? See, I could give a fuck what you think of me. So call me all the names you want. You're just showing your IQ to the world. :finger:
Oh how the ignorant start calling names when they can't think of a real rebuttal. You're right though, I am a fucking tool. I come to this forum to help others, to learn, and to have discussions like these with like minded people. I'm not sure why you come here but you are obviously way smarter than me. You jumped my post and I fired back. No name calling from my end, yet you felt the need to call me a "fucking tool". Why is that Mindphuk? Did something I wrote strike a nerve? See, I could give a fuck what you think of me. So call me all the names you want. You're just showing your IQ to the world. :finger:
Didn't strike a nerve. I would say the same thing about anyone that acted as stupidly sarcastic as you because I happened to not join this thread for 2 days after you posted. That was extremely obnoxious and has absolutely no bearing on my comments and was as much as a personal attack as my calling you a fucking tool. I was only responding in kind to your idiotic attack. No you didn't call me a name but it was an attempt to make me look stupid, do you deny it?
I'd put my intelligence up against yours any day. At least my attack made sense. Like you read every thread on this forum every day.
is it just me...or do these 2 groups behave in the exact same manner, just supporting opposing extreme ends of 1 spectrum? this is hilarious. who cares what other people want to believe! haha. god, atheism is starting to look like the very thing it hates...a religion. :lol:

im real high so if i start to ramble on im sorry :bigjoint:

kinda short on time so i didnt get a chance to read all the posts but here are my thoughts...

100% agree with ya there. i dont get how people think they have the right to tell someone how they should live their life. i know religion does alot of good for people but i think it does way more harm than good...people misinterpret the shit out of everything and turn into religious nut jobs that just spread hatred and violence and fly planes into buildings, commit mass murders, rape, incest and on and on. i know non religious nut jobs do this as well but imo the worst have been in the name of god or anti-god.

ive always wanted to do a study to see who is more....violent i guess you could say. i want to go around to different cities preaching the word of god and then preaching the word of no god and see who "attacks" me more.

personally i believe there is no higher being, we are all here by chance. but i respect the beliefs of other people so i dont go around slamming god like the atheist nut jobs do, like you said sara, its hilarious :lol:
Your assumption that athiests can be lumped togeather as non-deists is wrong. Buddhists are non-deists. They teach that having knowledge of what caused existance is a scientific question and has nothing to do with becoming enlightened. You don't spend your time in stupidity wondering about all the inconsequential shit that god must know and what a great divinely intervening realationship you get to have with him now that he's your new best bud. You dont get to take your ego with you when you die and Christians preach otherwise.