Validity of God. Atheist Christian Sandwich Talk


Well-Known Member
and those people are wrong, be they christian, muslim, atheist or agnostic. you're absolutely correct. I don't know about anyone else in here but i have never once had a christian come up to me and force their beliefs onto me.
That is not the only way they push their beliefs onto you. They can do it without ever meeting or talking to you. They push their beliefs on you by using the police power of government to do so. They restrict other people's rights in order to make them comply with their beliefs. There's a bill going to the governor in my state right now that will allow localities to decide whether or not to allow Sunday sales of alcohol. The people that tried to block this bill and keep it ILLEGAL all throughout the state? Baptists.
Gay marriage in California? Mormons.
Well, you get the idea.


Active Member
How is it that every one here will watch the tely tonight and there will be 5000 commercials wasting your valued time and yet if some one knocks on your door or gives you a pamphlet you freak out????

I think that is funny.

As far as homosexuality goes, I think the Christians are doing exactly what should be expected of them. They are keeping marriage traditional for their future generations. And I think that makes sense.

The Mormons can't marry more then one wife yet Hugh Hefner can bang 7 girls a week in his playboy mansion.
(They don't mind, because then, only one has to sleep on the wet spot a week...)

Who said life is fare?

Green Inferno

Active Member
How is it that every one here will watch the tely tonight and there will be 5000 commercials wasting your valued time and yet if some one knocks on your door or gives you a pamphlet you freak out????

I think that is funny.
Commercials don't come knocking on my door bothering me.
How bout a good weed thread? I know you have some good weed stories dude. Let's talk weed man. What's up?


Well-Known Member
How is it that every one here will watch the tely tonight and there will be 5000 commercials wasting your valued time and yet if some one knocks on your door or gives you a pamphlet you freak out????

to be fair, its a horribly boring pamphlet, made from one of the dumbest books in history, paraded about by interfering morons that like to think you should do everything that retarded book says.

I think that is funny.
me too, i wonder if you guys were dropped on your head at birth by a clumsy doctor?

As far as homosexuality goes, I think the Christians are doing exactly what should be expected of them. They are keeping marriage traditional for their future generations. And I think that makes sense.
well, at least you arent burning herbalists at the stake anymore or torturing people slowly to death for having different believes.

The Mormons can't marry more then one wife yet Hugh Hefner can bang 7 girls a week in his playboy mansion.
(They don't mind, because then, only one has to sleep on the wet spot a week...)

Who said life is fare?
oh its fair.

evolution baby! every succeeding generation has proved to be smarter than the previous one and guess whats dying out with higher educations and brains?

religion :D

btw, i wouldnt give a rats ass about this silly chanting and ceremony shit of yours, if ya didnt try to push this bullshit onto sensible people.

besides the stupid laws ya have pushed onto the rest of us.

some dude named jesus comes along, with some nice platitudes, be nice to one another , love.

and what do ya do? first 2000 years of physical torture and now lately, mental torture (can i read to you from the bible ?:D)

is it no wonder people are getting tired of the biblethumpers?

it doesnt fit together either.

nor are your christians much like your christ.

jesus , peace and love!

christians. be like us or burn in hell!

(which is kinda more like the jewish god, do as i say or ill kill ya, seems to be his motto)

Green Inferno

Active Member
oh its fair.

evolution baby! every succeeding generation has proved to be smarter than the previous one and guess whats dying out with higher educations and brains?

religion :D

btw, i wouldnt give a rats ass about this silly chanting and ceremony shit of yours, if ya didnt try to push this bullshit onto sensible people.

besides the stupid laws ya have pushed onto the rest of us.

some dude named jesus comes along, with some nice platitudes, be nice to one another , love.

and what do ya do? first 2000 years of physical torture and now lately, mental torture (can i read to you from the bible ?:D)

is it no wonder people are getting tired of the biblethumpers?

it doesnt fit together either.

nor are your christians much like your christ.

jesus , peace and love!

christians. be like us or burn in hell!

(which is kinda more like the jewish god, do as i say or ill kill ya, seems to be his motto)
I call them "bible humpers" when they bother me too much.
I aim for world peace. That would be nice. I try to do my part.
I invite you to my casa for whiskey and weed too. I don't care what religion you are.


Well-Known Member
Why can't you just accept the world you think your god created and stop bitching about others beliefs, because technically, according to the concept that god created everything, this is what he wanted, he created everything that has accumulated to this point in history. Ýour belief is that your god created the world we have now, and your complaining? I don't get it...

Do you?

Just accept reality (believe whatever you want) and move on.


Well-Known Member
well, if god gave free will, then this point in life is pretty predictable.

btw, its not the idea of god, im objecting to, its this "ruthless dictator in the sky" im objecting to. the "my way or burn" guy.
thats something thats always going to be rebelled at. (and only followed by semi insane (or at least heavily confused) people)

(and btw there is nothing wrong with insanity or being confused, most are insane and confused in some way, i sure am in a couple or two, but its the oppressiveness i violently object to, albeit wordly (at first..ill take a punch or 2, maybe, but no more)

and yeah, id do a joint or 2 on the casa, though i prefer straight vodka shots (rarely, but thats sounds like a nice occasion)


Active Member
Its really all about tolerence of others beliefs .. personally .. I believe organized religion to be the opiate for the masses - but fully support your right to believe as you wish. If God where real and returned .... I'm sure he/she would become physically ill and puke when he/she learned of the evil things done in his/her name .....



Well-Known Member
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” - Mohandas Gandhi

Funny how when W4C follows his own rules (no bashing, no childish talk) he really doesn't have much to say. When he does respond he says nothing to address any of the very valid points made here. Without an opportunity to twist words and concepts into smart ass comebacks he, well, ..fails.


Well-Known Member

Organized Religeon is the ROOT OF most Evil, not the root of most salvation as they would like you to believe.