• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Global Warming Update

Big P

Well-Known Member
Yes, this very simple fact seems to escape the global warming scientists*.

Can't tax the sun....

givem time cracker:bigjoint: nothing is untaxable come on!!

we could tax the sun for being so damn hot:lol:

naughty sun

anyone got a link to the other planets warming thing?

you will get the glory of seeing if the "others" will finally admit defeat or if they will be like, "well clean energy is good anyways guys whats the big deal our countrys rich we can afford it":shock:


Big P

Well-Known Member
i cant say it better so:

posted 17 April 2008, 2:34 am ET
questioneverything wrote:
It seems interesting that so many people want to explain away what seems to be a common thread in planetary warming. Does anyone remember the "Year without Summer" when the Thames froze in England, it was interesting to know that solar
observers during that time noted a lack of sunspot activity.

To discount the sun in the formula for global warming to me seems criminal. One just has to step out on a sunny day to know how important a part it plays in the life our planet’s temperature. Has anyone really done serious studies in its output as related to global temperatures? Just because greenhouse gas warming is a popular model doesn’t mean it’s completely right. Science isn’t supposed to be driven by popular themes or trends, but rather by facts.

If the facts don’t line up with our current model, don’t explain them away, deal with them. Don’t let paradigm blindness trap you into the popular or accepted reasoning. When Louis Pasteur suggested micro organisms could affect our health, he was laughed at. Don’t let the same kind of popular belief systems that are driven by political figures keep us from examining the facts and dealing with them.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Year Without a Summer

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Year Without a Summer (also known as the Poverty Year, Year There Was No Summer and Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death) was 1816, in which severe summer climate abnormalities destroyed crops in Northern Europe, the Northeastern United States and eastern Canada. Historian John D. Post has called this "the last great subsistence crisis in the Western world"

Most consider the climate anomaly to have been caused by a combination of a historic low in solar activity and a volcanic winter event; the latter caused by a succession of major volcanic eruptions capped off by the Mount Tambora eruption of 1815, the largest known eruption in over 1,600 years.

The unusual climatic aberrations of 1816 had the greatest effect on the Northeastern United States, the Canadian Maritimes, Newfoundland, and Northern Europe. Typically, the late spring and summer of the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada are relatively stable: temperatures (average of both day and night) average about 68–77 °F (20–25 °C), and rarely fall below 41 °F (5 °C). Summer snow is an extreme rarity, though May flurries sometimes occur.

In May 1816, however, frost killed off most of the crops that had been planted, and in June two large snowstorms in eastern Canada and New England resulted in many human deaths. Nearly a foot (30 cm) of snow was observed in Quebec City in early June, with consequent additional loss of crops—most summer-growing plants have cell walls which rupture in a mild frost, let alone a snowstorm coating the soils. The result was regional malnutrition, starvation, epidemic, and increased mortality—in short, famine.

In July and August, lake and river ice were observed as far south as Pennsylvania. Rapid, dramatic temperature swings were common, with temperatures sometimes reverting from normal or above-normal summer temperatures as high as 95 °F (35 °C) to near-freezing within hours. Even though farmers south of New England did succeed in bringing some crops to maturity, maize and other grain prices rose dramatically. Oats, for example, rose from 12¢ a bushel ($3.40/m³) the previous year to 92¢ a bushel ($26/m³)—nearly eight times as much—and oats are a necessary staple for an economy dependent upon horses for primary transportation. Those areas suffering local crop failures then had to deal with the lack of roads in the early 19th century, preventing any easy importation of bulky food stuffs.

In China, the cold weather killed trees, rice crops and even water buffalo, especially in northern China. Floods destroyed many remaining crops. Mount Tambora’s eruption disrupted China’s monsoon season, resulting in overwhelming floods in the Yangtze Valley in 1816. In India the delayed summer monsoon caused late torrential rains that aggravated the spread of cholera from a region near the River Ganges in Bengal to as far as Moscow.

In the ensuing bitter winter of 1817, when the thermometer dropped to -26°F (-32 °C), the waters of New York's Upper Bay froze deeply enough for horse-drawn sleighs to be driven across Buttermilk Channel from Brooklyn to Governors Island.

The effects were widespread and lasted beyond the winter. In eastern Switzerland, the summers of 1816 and 1817 were so cool that an ice dam formed below a tongue of the Giétro Glacier high in the Val de Bagnes; in spite of the efforts of the engineer Ignaz Venetz to drain the growing lake, the ice dam collapsed catastrophically in June 1818.


Active Member
givem time cracker:bigjoint: nothing is untaxable come on!!

we could tax the sun for being so damn hot:lol:

naughty sun

anyone got a link to the other planets warming thing?

you will get the glory of seeing if the "others" will finally admit defeat or if they will be like, "well clean energy is good anyways guys whats the big deal our countrys rich we can afford it":shock:
It's cheaper than fossil fuels...


Active Member
A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues.
-Theodore Roosevelt

Where do we go from here?


New Member
We step back .... reexamine everything ... filter out the politics.....and wait a bit for science to catch up to fill in the MANY blanks.

Sometimes doing nothing ... is the correct thing. Like a doctor, the first order is ... to do no harm. So before we go careening in ANY direction ... let's make sure we are pointed in the right direction first.

Right now, we are pointed incorrectly.

Big P

Well-Known Member
its amazing this global warming thing has been pounded into everyones heads so much for so many years

it will take years to set the record straight

most of the media refuses to even report on this and many people are still ignorent on the subject and have been baboozled as i was before I found out the truth

and its great fucking news too, its not our fault!!!!!


go throw your granola at some other issuses you guys lost this one

Granola Cruncher 15 up, 24 down buy granola cruncher mugs, tshirts and magnets

Tree-hugging, bleeding-heart, high-in-fibre, low-in-fat, vegetarian communists.

The sort of people who hate the same government and military that is the only reason they're not speaking German or Russian right now. While the fact that they're not actively repressed is an important sign that free speech is still very much alive and well, it doesn't make them any less annoying.
Granola Cruncher: OMG like fair trade, stop the war, globalization is bad and stuff, I hate Bush because Vegan Times said he's mean, wow birkenstocks are cool.


its amazing this global warming thing has been pounded into everyones heads so much for so many years

it will take years to set the record straight

most of the media refuses to even report on this and many people are still ignorent on the subject and have been baboozled as i was before I found out the truth

and its great fucking news too, its not our fault!!!!!


go throw your granola at some other issuses you guys lost this one

Granola Cruncher 15 up, 24 down buy granola cruncher mugs, tshirts and magnets

Tree-hugging, bleeding-heart, high-in-fibre, low-in-fat, vegetarian communists.

The sort of people who hate the same government and military that is the only reason they're not speaking German or Russian right now. While the fact that they're not actively repressed is an important sign that free speech is still very much alive and well, it doesn't make them any less annoying.
Granola Cruncher: OMG like fair trade, stop the war, globalization is bad and stuff, I hate Bush because Vegan Times said he's mean, wow birkenstocks are cool.

I seriously pity you bro. You are one sad individual...

Big P

Well-Known Member
Pollution is awesome!!

why you guys so jaded about this.

no one is saying pollution is cool,

at the same time, people need to stop acting like they are gods gift to the environment and everyone else is and evil pollution lover vampire:eyesmoke:

i know it was fun for you guys to point fingers and think you guys are holier than thou, ego is a master who is fed happily

but your not, seems your just just some gulibale government pawns as it has turned out:dunce:

the same government that lied about marijuana which is hurting us until this day

you would perptetrate a worse crime for generations to come on us
and set us back years like they did to marijuana if you allow them to solidify these lies without protest. this is you duting to your family and your country

how can you defend these lies??

all the planets have been warming!!!!! not just earth!!!!!:dunce::dunce:

it has nothing to do with our pollution output

wake up!!!!!

they are pissing on you right in your face and you still think its raining

just like good little pawns.

are you guys ready to pay double for gas and possibly lose you job over false issues and lies? electricity will double

good luck growing

how can you look your sons and daughters in the face promoting the waste of thier families income on a complete lie, an acute completly orchestrated deception!!!

i would never sell my family short or my country for that matter

i dont care whos in office if they are liers and incorrect thats that

this country is going to hell in a hand basket and you guys are weaving the baskets right now.

the only thing that makes sense about this is that in past history there have been huge lies and blunders perpetrated against the ignorent masses

looks like this will be just another round of well rounded idiocy that will finally put the death nail in this short experiment called freedom

maybe they should change it to FreeDumb:bigjoint:

ya, now that i think about it this all makes sense, humans are idiots and some are greedy liers

the greedly liers lie to the idiots and even smart people and are able to fool them

then the shit hits the fan and then there no one around talking shit anymore,

just bullets and revolutions and civil wars


Big P

Well-Known Member
I seriously pity you bro. You are one sad individual...

dont have to pity me pada im doin ok

can ask you if you believe that the stories about the other planets also warming is true?

If no then why not?

if yes then would you agree the other planets cant be warming up from man made global warming?

do think if this is the case that instead of global warming and changing it into climate change, how about we just change the term again since you want to be so litteral about what exactly is happening

instead of climate change and more proper way to describe it is

"SolarSystem Warming"

cuz its not just our climate:wall:

u think the mars rovers are the reason the planet Mars was warming?:bigjoint:

Illegal Smile

Who has any evidence of any man made climate change other than supposed warming? I don't think there is any that holds water, so why the attempted name change from global warming to climate change? I guess because "global warming" couldn't be substantiated. But neither can climate change.


New Member
Paddy and Abe have to deflect the actual issue if they wish to continue and not seem totally foolish. That's why....

The USA has already cleaned up its own act so much over the last 30 years.... but that doesn't count.

China is the big polluter ... but that doesn't count.

Nuclear power is the cleanest source of energy available ... but the left block them every time. It doesn't count.

Importing oil is the biggest risk of oil spills via tankers .... but that doesn't count.

On second thought.... it's too late ... they re foolish.


Active Member
Ummm, no....

I'm a bit of an agnostic when it comes to climate change. I don't claim to understand this stuff better than scientists, either. Frankly, I do hope the predictions of gloom are wrong and you guys are correct to look at these claims critically, but let's just keep an eye out just in case.Skepticism and denial are two different things.

What I do know however, is that it makes economic sense to find an alternative to fossil fuels. I do know that, no matter what the verdict on climate change, it would be a good thing for us to come up with cheap solar panels, geothermal, 'clean coal', modern nuclear facilities and all the rest.

Yes, we've improved our record on the environment in the last 30 years...then under bush, we neutered the EPA and let industry write their own legislation. Yes, China's pollution is a huge problem. Should that really stop us from doing anything? If it were up to me, we would replace every kilowatt hour from coal fired plants in this country with nuclear. I'm not a big fan of buying oil from the likes of venezuela or saudi, either....

So please stop making assumption about what I think, CJ. Just because some of the science surrounding climate change is questionable, doesn't mean we need to crank up the pollution is all i've been saying....


why you guys so jaded about this.

no one is saying pollution is cool,

at the same time, people need to stop acting like they are gods gift to the environment and everyone else is and evil pollution lover vampire:eyesmoke:

i know it was fun for you guys to point fingers and think you guys are holier than thou, ego is a master who is fed happily

Dude, what do you think you're doing? You're the one sitting here exclaiming how you're so much smarter than anyone who even considers human activity plays a role in climate change. You hold the holier than thou position.

but your not, seems your just just some gulibale government pawns as it has turned out:dunce:

Fuck this is so stupid, omg wow! WE'RE the "government pawns"??? You're the idiots keeping oil at the top, which is the governments MAIN FUCKIN' PRIORITY, securing the energy, which equates to securing the profits.

the same government that lied about marijuana which is hurting us until this day

Dude, it isn't "the government" who is pushing climate change, it's scientists.

you would perptetrate a worse crime for generations to come on us
and set us back years like they did to marijuana if you allow them to solidify these lies without protest. this is you duting to your family and your country

how can you defend these lies??

They're not lies, the only thing standing in the way of transitioning to alternative renewable energy sources is ignorance. Guess where that's coming from?

all the planets have been warming!!!!! not just earth!!!!!:dunce::dunce:

it has nothing to do with our pollution output

wake up!!!!!

they are pissing on you right in your face and you still think its raining

just like good little pawns.

are you guys ready to pay double for gas and possibly lose you job over false issues and lies? electricity will double

good luck growing

Further evidence to support you don't have any idea what you're even saying. You've been told it's to steal your money, so that's what you believe. Fuck doing any research or looking up any information...

how can you look your sons and daughters in the face promoting the waste of thier families income on a complete lie, an acute completly orchestrated deception!!!

Not really one to buy into global conspiracies...

i would never sell my family short or my country for that matter

That's exactly what you're doing with your ignorant defense of current energy policies, without even realizing it.

i dont care whos in office if they are liers and incorrect thats that

Sure ya don't, I bet if Ronald Reagan was pushing climate change you motherfuckers would be ALL OVER IT! You are incapable of putting politics aside.

this country is going to hell in a hand basket and you guys are weaving the baskets right now.

Protecting the environment... weening off oil, getting out of the middle east, securing our nation.. inventing and utilizing alternative renewable energy sources... creating jobs... totally ruining the country... :roll:

the only thing that makes sense about this is that in past history there have been huge lies and blunders perpetrated against the ignorent masses

That's about the only correct thing you've said the entire thread, you being "the ignorant masses".

looks like this will be just another round of well rounded idiocy that will finally put the death nail in this short experiment called freedom

Paranoid much?

maybe they should change it to FreeDumb:bigjoint:

ya, now that i think about it this all makes sense, humans are idiots and some are greedy liers

the greedly liers lie to the idiots and even smart people and are able to fool them

Agreed, you need to be able to discern the difference between reality/truth and propaganda/lies.

Here's a simple experiment; Go look and see who supports climate change and who opposes it. Then look at who contributes to their campaigns, or who they get "donations" from.

Look at all the links. Do you think all that shit is just a coincidence or what??

dont have to pity me pada im doin ok

can ask you if you believe that the stories about the other planets also warming is true?

If no then why not?

if yes then would you agree the other planets cant be warming up from man made global warming?

Dude, I have been saying the entire time, human activity IS NOT the only reason the climate is changing. So why couldn't other planets have a similar kind of cycle the Earth has? The gas giants are too far away for the Sun to have much impact on their global climates without doing some kind of permanent damage to the inner planets. The idea of sunspots being entirely responsible for climate change is ridiculous. It is a mixture of everything, not individual phenomena.

Paddy and Abe have to deflect the actual issue if they wish to continue and not seem totally foolish. That's why....

The USA has already cleaned up its own act so much over the last 30 years.... but that doesn't count.

China is the big polluter ... but that doesn't count.

Nuclear power is the cleanest source of energy available ... but the left block them every time. It doesn't count.

Importing oil is the biggest risk of oil spills via tankers .... but that doesn't count.

On second thought.... it's too late ... they re foolish.
You still haven't answered any of those questions me or Abe posed earlier man, so how can you sit there and say we're the ones deflecting?

Cleaned up it's own act? Compare ANYTHING to 30 years ago and it will look like an improvement. Do you know what the hell people were eating 30 years ago? Guess why? Because they didn't know the shit would kill them later. Now we do, so nobody eats the shit they used to... wow! Improvement, I'm shocked!

China is the most polluted country on the planet. They've been expanding since the 80's at a rate similar to American expansion at the turn of the last century... hmmmm... :dunce:

I support ALL nuclear energy. I'd consider myself left leaning on a lot of issues. Your statement failed before it even left the ground.

Fuck oil and all the greedy fucks who support it. No different than supporting the African diamond mines. Go watch the movie blood diamond for a pretty good analogy.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Ummm, no....

I'm a bit of an agnostic when it comes to climate change. I don't claim to understand this stuff better than scientists, either. Frankly, I do hope the predictions of gloom are wrong and you guys are correct to look at these claims critically, but let's just keep an eye out just in case.Skepticism and denial are two different things.

What I do know however, is that it makes economic sense to find an alternative to fossil fuels. I do know that, no matter what the verdict on climate change, it would be a good thing for us to come up with cheap solar panels, geothermal, 'clean coal', modern nuclear facilities and all the rest.

Yes, we've improved our record on the environment in the last 30 years...then under bush, we neutered the EPA and let industry write their own legislation. Yes, China's pollution is a huge problem. Should that really stop us from doing anything? If it were up to me, we would replace every kilowatt hour from coal fired plants in this country with nuclear. I'm not a big fan of buying oil from the likes of venezuela or saudi, either....

So please stop making assumption about what I think, CJ. Just because some of the science surrounding climate change is questionable, doesn't mean we need to crank up the pollution is all i've been saying....

if you want to find alternative energies that your choice and i wish you well, let me know if you find somthing cheaper

but for the government to try to tell me this and that over lie that is masking the fact that they want to take away my freedom thats illigal and treasonous worthy of a revolt

they need to take away my freedom to gain control, money and the power.
thats why they do it

why do you think hillary wants to be president so bad?

you think if she found a person smarter than her and more suited to lead than her. And that she truley believed this.

do you think if she found such a lady

do you think that she would support her for pres instead of run herslef? since she knows she would be a better president for us?

the answer is no

and you know why

because she is selfish and an ego manic, just like 99% of the polititions out there, they only want money and power for themselves. they like to brag and be the life of the party, like all the yuppies swilling thier champagn at parties and such

those kind of people are everywhere look around

this should not be a surprise to anyone

truly caring people like me or maybe you, dont need our egos stroked constantly and therefore dont stive for office, power and wealth

we are happy with just wealth if can obtain it, a caring companion and a happy family

mostly its assholes and lawyers who run for office

its obvious the only reason obama got his degree as a constitutional lawyer was to asisit him in his future political career

because his obvious lack of respect for the constiution speaks volumes about his intentions when he chose his education.

hes always been a bullshiter to get what he wants. there is the huge example of the contradiction, constitutional scholar who shits all over the constiution

he really doesnt give a shit about a lot of america. i can see him fighting a grin many times when hes talking about his concern for the economy

fighting the grin happens when you are lieing through your teeth and you think people are buying it.

thats what amuses liers so much, i do it too when i lie if i cant keep a straight face

i can read people very well through facial expressions or lack thier of

next time you watch the news look at everyone

you can tell anyone being interviewed trys not to smile or laugh constanly

mainly because as a politition it works against you to smile even if you are telling the truth

but anyway next time you watch the politicers at a presser or a brief,

let know which are the fucks laughing at you behind thier faces

it make me sick

ill post this one again this is just one of thousands of examples but its very clearly illustrated here:

look at this video closly,

cant you guys tell when you are being obviously played like a little bitch?


he is skilled, even after he realizes he cannot hold his smile in, he tries to fashion the uncontrolable smile into a like "whatever guys" kind of smile instead of a very cheesy im lieing through my fucking teeth smile

but biden couldnt fight it as well so he just nodded like he saw his buddy in the audiance and thats why he was smiling'

and poor nancy pelosi can even mask her smile into somthing explainable

she just couldnt, the joy of the conservatives grumbling and thier dismay at the lie obama made her so happy that she couldnt even play off her smile

sickining monster

they must have some real bright ones in san fran for electing her nonstop since the great depression:D


Active Member
P, stop making this about politics and obama. I know you're a bit paranoid and assume that anything that you associate with left is a plot to deprive you of your liberty. I get it. But that's not what I'm talking about...

I'm talking about protecting our natural resources, which are undoubtedly this country's biggest treasure, from degradation. Think about how much we have to spend to dredge and clean up rivers because factories dump their waste into them or to clean-up the mess from mining for gold with cyanide. The atmosphere happens to be one of those resources and unfortunately we share it with the rest of the world. I'm not a tree-hugger and if it comes down to an either/or choice between reducing our emissions and curbing economic growth, I will go for the latter in a heartbeat. My point, which all of you are choosing to ignore, is that this isn't an either/or situation. It's more of an and/both proposition. There is a market for clean energy that will only grow bigger and bigger. Do you really want to let europe and japan to get have it all?

And if you didn't just gobble up everything fox news and the right-wing blogs spoon feed you without giving it any thought of your own, it might have occurred to you that it's funny for people to "disagree with overwhelming scientific evidence" and that that's most likely why everyone is chuckling.


Well-Known Member
This is all great folks...

But there is no such thing as cheap solar or geothermal or what ever other alternatives there are.

You will get taxed and all the same bullshit on the new energy....