Global Warming Update

Big P

Well-Known Member
why you guys so jaded about this.

no one is saying pollution is cool,

at the same time, people need to stop acting like they are gods gift to the environment and everyone else is and evil pollution lover vampire:eyesmoke:

i know it was fun for you guys to point fingers and think you guys are holier than thou, ego is a master who is fed happily

Dude, what do you think you're doing? You're the one sitting here exclaiming how you're so much smarter than anyone who even considers human activity plays a role in climate change. You hold the holier than thou position.

i wasnt saying shit until the global warming minions were caught trying to pull the wool over our eyes, i was an idiot like the rest of us, i had my doubts about the climate bible thumpers but no proof and they had seemingly loads of it (cherry picked)

but your not, seems your just just some gulibale government pawns as it has turned out:dunce:

Fuck this is so stupid, omg wow! WE'RE the "government pawns"??? You're the idiots keeping oil at the top, which is the governments MAIN FUCKIN' PRIORITY, securing the energy, which equates to securing the profits.

yes you are the government pawns on this one im sorry to say

the same government that lied about marijuana which is hurting us until this day

Dude, it isn't "the government" who is pushing climate change, it's scientists.

yes it is, thats a fact lol

you would perptetrate a worse crime for generations to come on us
and set us back years like they did to marijuana if you allow them to solidify these lies without protest. this is you duting to your family and your country

how can you defend these lies??

They're not lies, the only thing standing in the way of transitioning to alternative renewable energy sources is ignorance. Guess where that's coming from?

they are lies, you admit yourslef the other planets are warming too,

all the planets have been warming!!!!! not just earth!!!!!:dunce::dunce:

it has nothing to do with our pollution output

wake up!!!!!

they are pissing on you right in your face and you still think its raining

just like good little pawns.

are you guys ready to pay double for gas and possibly lose you job over false issues and lies? electricity will double

good luck growing

Further evidence to support you don't have any idea what you're even saying. You've been told it's to steal your money, so that's what you believe. Fuck doing any research or looking up any information...

dude if you think that taxing oil companies and coal plants wont sky rocket prices you are a fool

heres the man himslef telling you as much?


and guess what you think they will go bankruppet or just up thier prices?

and if they cant compete because of the upped prices and extra taxes then we are will be stuck paying for the more expensive green energy since they artificially upped the price for coal

good luck working on the kids college fund, cuz you will be paying more for special energy thats most probably nit even needed!!!!!

how can you look your sons and daughters in the face promoting the waste of thier families income on a complete lie, an acute completly orchestrated deception!!!

Not really one to buy into global conspiracies...

its not global but there are a lot of powerful players, UN, USA president to name a couple

i would never sell my family short or my country for that matter

That's exactly what you're doing with your ignorant defense of current energy policies, without even realizing it.

ok logic pls find it, there is no global warming

i dont care whos in office if they are liers and incorrect thats that

Sure ya don't, I bet if Ronald Reagan was pushing climate change you motherfuckers would be ALL OVER IT! You are incapable of putting politics aside.

dude if you think ill be anybodys do bitch you are way off base i dont trust anyone further than i can throw them, and if it came out that ronnie was pushing somthing like this and it came out it was a complete lie with cherry picking data you think i would still be down get ass raped on my energy costs?

ronnie could kiss my hairy ass if he tried that

his country is going to hell in a hand basket and you guys are weaving the baskets right now.

Protecting the environment... weening off oil, getting out of the middle east, securing our nation.. inventing and utilizing alternative renewable energy sources... creating jobs... totally ruining the country... :roll:

dude im not sure if you've been paying attetion, pretty soon if somthing drastic does not occur the US dollar will collapse due to inflation and all this dept and we will be a third world country, it may happen within 5 years, your $1 will be worth about 60 cents

say goodbye to $5 footlongs baby:bigjoint: a sub sanwich will cost you about $10 but guess what your income will be stagnant no raises just higher cost for everything including energy, everything you own has been shiped to you with oil but the us dollar is collpasing tottaly independent of any global warming issues, simply because the fucks in washington sold our country down the river for so many decades

image image if they dared pass cap and trade and you can pack you bags and move to haiti now.

the only thing that makes sense about this is that in past history there have been huge lies and blunders perpetrated against the ignorent masses

That's about the only correct thing you've said the entire thread, you being "the ignorant masses".

one of us is ignorent, its either me or you

looks like this will be just another round of well rounded idiocy that will finally put the death nail in this short experiment called freedom

Paranoid much?

not at all, america is dieing, dont ask your average schlub on the street by the time they figure it out it will be too late

maybe they should change it to FreeDumb:bigjoint:

ya, now that i think about it this all makes sense, humans are idiots and some are greedy liers

the greedly liers lie to the idiots and even smart people and are able to fool them

Agreed, you need to be able to discern the difference between reality/truth and propaganda/lies.

Here's a simple experiment; Go look and see who supports climate change and who opposes it. Then look at who contributes to their campaigns, or who they get "donations" from.

Look at all the links. Do you think all that shit is just a coincidence or what??

liberal policies are bad for our economy, the economy is what keeps us all alive!

dont have to pity me pada im doin ok

can ask you if you believe that the stories about the other planets also warming is true?

If no then why not?

if yes then would you agree the other planets cant be warming up from man made global warming?

Dude, I have been saying the entire time, human activity IS NOT the only reason the climate is changing. So why couldn't other planets have a similar kind of cycle the Earth has? The gas giants are too far away for the Sun to have much impact on their global climates without doing some kind of permanent damage to the inner planets. The idea of sunspots being entirely responsible for climate change is ridiculous. It is a mixture of everything, not individual phenomena.

well if you read the story you would know that the planets as far as even pluto have been warming

its funny, that proves its not man made

all they have to do now is find out if all the planets have warmed at the same rate. if yes then they need to see if earth also warmed at the same rate

if it warmed at a higher rate than all the other planets after all the other factors like distance are put into account then you can figure out if there is even any extra warming on earth and then if you find that there is extra warming on earth you can try to find out if it was our fault or because of volcanos or other factors

until then it just a comic book fantasy they are using that will bank ruppet huge industies if they are allowed to implement it

millions more jobs lost, more people on welfare, unemplyment, energy cost skyrocketing

you think the democrates like it when thier voters are getting welfare checks from the?

do you think voters who get check vote for the democrates to keep getting money?

do you think the democrates would prefer more poeple on welfare so they would have better job security?

do they really care about us?

You still haven't answered any of those questions me or Abe posed earlier man, so how can you sit there and say we're the ones deflecting?

Cleaned up it's own act? Compare ANYTHING to 30 years ago and it will look like an improvement. Do you know what the hell people were eating 30 years ago? Guess why? Because they didn't know the shit would kill them later. Now we do, so nobody eats the shit they used to... wow! Improvement, I'm shocked!

China is the most polluted country on the planet. They've been expanding since the 80's at a rate similar to American expansion at the turn of the last century... hmmmm... :dunce:

I support ALL nuclear energy. I'd consider myself left leaning on a lot of issues. Your statement failed before it even left the ground.

Fuck oil and all the greedy fucks who support it. No different than supporting the African diamond mines. Go watch the movie blood diamond for a pretty good analogy.

Big P

Well-Known Member
P, stop making this about politics and obama. I know you're a bit paranoid and assume that anything that you associate with left is a plot to deprive you of your liberty. I get it. But that's not what I'm talking about...

I'm talking about protecting our natural resources, which are undoubtedly this country's biggest treasure, from degradation. Think about how much we have to spend to dredge and clean up rivers because factories dump their waste into them or to clean-up the mess from mining for gold with cyanide. The atmosphere happens to be one of those resources and unfortunately we share it with the rest of the world. I'm not a tree-hugger and if it comes down to an either/or choice between reducing our emissions and curbing economic growth, I will go for the latter in a heartbeat. My point, which all of you are choosing to ignore, is that this isn't an either/or situation. It's more of an and/both proposition. There is a market for clean energy that will only grow bigger and bigger. Do you really want to let europe and japan to get have it all?

And if you didn't just gobble up everything fox news and the right-wing blogs spoon feed you without giving it any thought of your own, it might have occurred to you that it's funny for people to "disagree with overwhelming scientific evidence" and that that's most likely why everyone is chuckling.

just so you guys know i was a democrate until September 11th, 2001

when i realized Clinton had failed us. What a coward he was.

didnt wanna fuck with osama after he beat us up a couple times, he wanted to pass the buck, was afraid it would hurt his polls to do whats right

he passed the buck, he passed it to all the people who died that day,

i was really hurt by that, i even wondered if Clinton had a good reason for not kill osama when he had him offered on a silver platter

the only thing i could come up with is that he didnt want to stir the hornets nest

but maybe that was the excuse he gave himself in his head



Well-Known Member
just so you guys know i was a democrate until September 11th, 2001

when i realized Clinton had failed us. What a coward he was.

didnt wanna fuck with osama after he beat us up a couple times, he wanted to pass the buck, was afraid it would hurt his polls to do whats right

he passed the buck, he passed it to all the people who died that day,

i was really hurt by that, i even wondered if Clinton had a good reason for not kill osama when he had him offered on a silver platter

the only thing i could come up with is that he didnt want to stir the hornets nest

but maybe that was the excuse he gave himself in his head

You can't...seriously...still...think...there is a difference between republican/democrat.

Bro, they are two sides of the same coin: the wealthy-elite, commerce-controlled government which uses those two titles to divide and conquer America. The president is a puppet for big business/banks; republican or democrat.

And global warming is a tax scam; perpetrated to steal our pennies to pay for the new, clean energy technologies that wealthy, dirty industry doesn't want to have to pay for out of their profits.

Of course the U.S. government (republicans and democrats) is backing global warming! That's what the I.P.C.C. is all about. Big industry and Republican's role is to deny. Once a critical mass 'believes' in global warming, they will push for it: even demand it if they have to pay higher taxes, which they have already agreed to.

Once people agree to pay taxes for a problem, the government has gotten what it wants: carte blanche to subsidize the rich people's businesses. Socialism for the rich.

And they use people's moral instincts against us to achieve it. We didn't listen!!! Bullshit. Research CO2, not global warming and you will get hip to the plan. CO2 can NOT warm the planet the way they say it can. 380 parts per MILLION! Get real!

Pollution is the real problem. But dirty industry doesn't want to use it's huge profits to clean up their act. So they invent global warming to get tax payers to pick up the tab. And most people are too good-hearted to realize that their guilt for excessively consuming is being exploited by very smart people will great marketing skills and deep pockets.

Big P

Well-Known Member
You can't...seriously...still...think...there is a difference between republican/democrat.

Bro, they are two sides of the same coin: the wealthy-elite, commerce-controlled government which uses those two titles to divide and conquer America. The president is a puppet for big business/banks; republican or democrat.

And global warming is a tax scam; perpetrated to steal our pennies to pay for the new, clean energy technologies that wealthy, dirty industry doesn't want to have to pay for out of their profits.

Of course the U.S. government (republicans and democrats) is backing global warming! That's what the I.P.C.C. is all about. Big industry and Republican's role is to deny. Once a critical mass 'believes' in global warming, they will push for it: even demand it if they have to pay higher taxes, which they have already agreed to.

Once people agree to pay taxes for a problem, the government has gotten what it wants: carte blanche to subsidize the rich people's businesses. Socialism for the rich.

And they use people's moral instincts against us to achieve it. We didn't listen!!! Bullshit. Research CO2, not global warming and you will get hip to the plan. CO2 can NOT warm the planet the way they say it can. 380 parts per MILLION! Get real!

Pollution is the real problem. But dirty industry doesn't want to use it's huge profits to clean up their act. So they invent global warming to get tax payers to pick up the tab. And most people are too good-hearted to realize that their guilt for excessively consuming is being exploited by very smart people will great marketing skills and deep pockets.

i agree that both sides are fucking us now so I swtiched to independent

but to say they are the same and fighting for the same thing im not yet convinced.

maybe its cuz if its true it would make me feel like a dumbass?

can you persuade us with links and proof that the dems and reppubs are in cahoots?

and not just anecdotal evidence.

i can see how they have a lot in commen, but they are compeditors, if a repub loses a race he is out of a job and vice versa

so how can competitors help each other without hurting themselves as only one can hold a certain job,

so you are saying its like coke and pepsi have a meeting and say hey check this out, ill raise my prices $3 but you do the same and we both will make more money

but the problem lies then, coke will be like but if we do that wont RC cola get a nice chunk of our market share? and they could end up loseing money by uping thier prices just like raising taxes will always end up with less tax money coming in

Enter Thirdparty (RC Cola)

so if they are in cahoots they are playing with fire, cuz the third party will either rise on its own or take over the republican party by kicking out the RINO's

Republicans In Name Only


Well-Known Member
i agree that both sides are fucking us now so I swtiched to independent

but to say they are the same and fighting for the same thing im not yet convinced.

maybe its cuz if its true it would make me feel like a dumbass?

can you persuade us with links and proof that the dems and reppubs are in cahoots?

and not just anecdotal evidence.

i can see how they have a lot in commen, but they are compeditors, if a repub loses a race he is out of a job and vice versa

so how can competitors help each other without hurting themselves as only one can hold a certain job,

so you are saying its like coke and pepsi have a meeting and say hey check this out, ill raise my prices $3 but you do the same and we both will make more money

but the problem lies then, coke will be like but if we do that wont RC cola get a nice chunk of our market share? and they could end up loseing money by uping thier prices just like raising taxes will always end up with less tax money coming in

Enter Thirdparty (RC Cola)

so if they are in cahoots they are playing with fire, cuz the third party will either rise on its own or take over the republican party by kicking out the RINO's

Republicans In Name Only
Dude, this is politics. You are never going to find it in print somewhere of the meeting minutes between democrats and republicans: "convince the American people we hate each other, when we are really friends."

The proof is in legislation which gets passed by BOTH parties. The proof is a Democratic and Republican president that NEVER does what they say they are going to do. It is not a broken system; the system works perfectly...for those who control it.

You're just thinking about it from a normal citizen perspective. Imagine for a moment what your life and decisions must be like if you ran a multi-billion dollar, international corporation. You can buy supreme court decisions and you can write laws and get them in-acted- it doesn't matter who's in the Whitehouse. The Repub/Dem thing is a show for the people.

If you want links, I would say to read books by investigative reporters who expose the corruption with direct links between big business and politicians of both parties. We live in an oligarchy. The richest people in the country (corporations and banks) IS the government.

Do you understand that politicians are bought and paid for with contribution money? So when they vote on legislation is it just grandstanding. They have an agenda. They owe someone for getting them into office.

Repub/Dem is a joke. That's why they wont let 3rd Party candidates get on the ballot. Outsiders will expose the ridiculous game of speaking sound bites that their base wants to hear.

Too much to write on this subject. It is a personal research project I encourage you to pursue. Start with Noam Chomsky & Howard Zinn or any other 3rd Party Candidates websites who's not afraid to speak out. Ron Paul, Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich are the only candidates I ever hear speak the truth from the main 2 parties.

Otherwise, politician's role in the government is to polarize the public. Divide us, so the slaves do not rise up as one voice against the money masters.

Anyone who looks deeply into the government's policies cannot escape losing their innocence and naivety in this. It's a sham. Complete with sham elections controlled with electronic voting machines. Puppets...all of them.


New Member
God Bless BigTitLvr for bringing sense to this thread, even if it does fly slightly in the face of what I was stating about climate change. The rest of his points are too dead on to make a big deal about other minor disagreements. Of course, what I say now is usually overturned by other stuff I read later, such is the life of a progressive. Always reconsidering, rationing degree of belief to strength of evidence.


Dude, this is politics. You are never going to find it in print somewhere of the meeting minutes between democrats and republicans: "convince the American people we hate each other, when we are really friends."

The proof is in legislation which gets passed by BOTH parties. The proof is a Democratic and Republican president that NEVER does what they say they are going to do. It is not a broken system; the system works perfectly...for those who control it.

You're just thinking about it from a normal citizen perspective. Imagine for a moment what your life and decisions must be like if you ran a multi-billion dollar, international corporation. You can buy supreme court decisions and you can write laws and get them in-acted- it doesn't matter who's in the Whitehouse. The Repub/Dem thing is a show for the people.

If you want links, I would say to read books by investigative reporters who expose the corruption with direct links between big business and politicians of both parties. We live in an oligarchy. The richest people in the country (corporations and banks) IS the government.

Do you understand that politicians are bought and paid for with contribution money? So when they vote on legislation is it just grandstanding. They have an agenda. They owe someone for getting them into office.

Repub/Dem is a joke. That's why they wont let 3rd Party candidates get on the ballot. Outsiders will expose the ridiculous game of speaking sound bites that their base wants to hear.

Too much to write on this subject. It is a personal research project I encourage you to pursue. Start with Noam Chomsky & Howard Zinn or any other 3rd Party Candidates websites who's not afraid to speak out. Ron Paul, Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich are the only candidates I ever hear speak the truth from the main 2 parties.

Otherwise, politician's role in the government is to polarize the public. Divide us, so the slaves do not rise up as one voice against the money masters.

Anyone who looks deeply into the government's policies cannot escape losing their innocence and naivety in this. It's a sham. Complete with sham elections controlled with electronic voting machines. Puppets...all of them.
Brilliant post man. I agree with this 100%.

You should start another thread based off this response and see what reactions you get.

It's time to start up a guerrilla movement and make these corrupt politicians understand that they can't act this way anymore. They have standing armies of thousands (millions including the military) of people, FBI, CIA, etc. Think that could be accomplished?

Big P

Well-Known Member
Brilliant post man. I agree with this 100%.

You should start another thread based off this response and see what reactions you get.

It's time to start up a guerrilla movement and make these corrupt politicians understand that they can't act this way anymore. They have standing armies of thousands (millions including the military) of people, FBI, CIA, etc. Think that could be accomplished?

agreed lets do it

For independents and we can start railing on the bullshit both sides has done to us,

or should we call the republicans and democrates as one entity:

The "GOV CO."

And we are the FPA "Free Peoples of America":bigjoint:

anyone bringing outwardly partisan politics into the thread will be neg repped by our elite member allies that wanna participate in the thread:bigjoint:


New Member
There is a VAST difference between the two parties ... make no mistake. Only ONE party is capable of fixing the financial mess made by the Democratic Congress....and it sure isn't the democrats who can fix it.... they CAUSED it.

Did Bush allow Congress to spend too much? Yes.... and Bush also was culpable himself in not constraining his budgets ... but Obama and the Dem Congress are going to spend more than Bush in the first 2 years of Obama's office than Bush spent in 8 years!!

That's not fixing anything.

Only ONE party actually believes in the multiplier effect. The reason why there has been no recovery from all of the stimulus money is because IT DOESN'T WORK. Can't stress that one enough.

The jobless rates continue to grow...ppl have stopped looking for work. It's all about creating jobs....and Keynesnian economics DOESN'T produce jobs. Every dollar spent by the government is a dollar TAKEN from the private sector. It's a canard to think that's anything like efficient. Unless you work for the govt. and you count efficiency as not making jobs but gathering Federal POWAH.

The Dem party is now the Orwellian government of 1984.

Luckily, the ppl have woken up, especially my independent compatriots. C'mon November.... the ppl can hardly wait to get rid of the Dem's Evan Byr sees the coming onslaught and is getting out with his hide. There will be more.

The country is fed up with the Democrats and rightfully so. They BLEW it and blew it BIG TIME. This is one for the history books, and we can only pray that this piece of history NEVER repeats itself.

We cannot afford liberals.... they are economic children.


New Member
I think we have finally found a bit of agreement to salvage out of this thread, which is that both parties should be labeled 'The Government Company', as Big P so nicely put it.


New Member
Saying both parties are the same is a hiding place for the left now. If that's all you've got ... ur already over.

November 2010.

Yes, Paddy, I am an Independent.... for over 12 years now. By the way.... ur not...:wink:


Well-Known Member
There is a VAST difference between the two parties ... make no mistake. Only ONE party is capable of fixing the financial mess made by the Democratic Congress....and it sure isn't the democrats who can fix it.... they CAUSED it.

Did Bush allow Congress to spend too much? Yes.... and Bush also was culpable himself in not constraining his budgets ... but Obama and the Dem Congress are going to spend more than Bush in the first 2 years of Obama's office than Bush spent in 8 years!!

That's not fixing anything.

Only ONE party actually believes in the multiplier effect. The reason why there has been no recovery from all of the stimulus money is because IT DOESN'T WORK. Can't stress that one enough.

The jobless rates continue to grow...ppl have stopped looking for work. It's all about creating jobs....and Keynesnian economics DOESN'T produce jobs. Every dollar spent by the government is a dollar TAKEN from the private sector. It's a canard to think that's anything like efficient. Unless you work for the govt. and you count efficiency as not making jobs but gathering Federal POWAH.

The Dem party is now the Orwellian government of 1984.

Luckily, the ppl have woken up, especially my independent compatriots. C'mon November.... the ppl can hardly wait to get rid of the Dem's Evan Byr sees the coming onslaught and is getting out with his hide. There will be more.

The country is fed up with the Democrats and rightfully so. They BLEW it and blew it BIG TIME. This is one for the history books, and we can only pray that this piece of history NEVER repeats itself.

We cannot afford liberals.... they are economic children.
Wow. are you sure you smoke weed? Usually it turns on people BS meter. You are drinking the koolaid, man.

I'll agree, ideologically, that when I read the stated goals and beliefs of the two parties, I agree with the theory of the republican government. Lower taxes, smaller government. The probelm is: THAT IS A LIE.

Republicans by there actions prove they believe in VERY big, and inept government that requires private firms (who happen to be friends and contributors to them) to outsource their needs. Socialism for the rich. They are aggressive liars who have perfected the art of rousing the political, christian right.

Democrats are fucking pussies who think they are pandering to the peaceful intellects of the nation. But neither president makes war decisions. The 'money' decides what their puppets do.

Obama doesn't have a damn thing to do with policy or decisions. The idiot Bush didn't either. He is the face for people like you to blame and then repeat the cycle 4 years later; all the while never accomplishing great things for humanity. Just lining the money master's pockets. Wake up to the larger game being played on the American public, bro. These people are marketing geniuses and they've sold the world.


Well-Known Member
Brilliant post man. I agree with this 100%.

You should start another thread based off this response and see what reactions you get.

It's time to start up a guerrilla movement and make these corrupt politicians understand that they can't act this way anymore. They have standing armies of thousands (millions including the military) of people, FBI, CIA, etc. Think that could be accomplished?
I am beginning to think the only possible solution to begin to affect public policy is to VOTE OUT THE INCUMBENTS. No one in government should have unlimited terms. The longer a man holds a government position, the deeper he is plugged into the 'system'; corporation controlled.

If a law cannot be passed by our representatives limiting their own terms (how likely is that to happen?) then we as a people must attempt to vote out of office any incumbent with a new outsider.

These men in office don't even do shit. They spend 3 or 4 days a week just raising money for their next campaign. What the fuck are we paying them to do that they can spend so much time pandering? I can't get my job done in 1 or 2 days a week.

Their job is just to research any matter up for proposition and reach out to their base as to how they should vote. They are supposed to REPRESENT us, right? Any educated person can do their job. And the less connected they are to washington and big business the better. This latest 'Supreme' court decision allowing unlimited funds of corporations to campaigns is an unbelievable spit in the face of every American's who's ever believed in democracy or given money to a candidate they believed in. Disgusting.

VOTE OUT THE INCUMBENTS! Too bad our votes don't mean shit until we demand the Diebold machines be gone.


New Member
Like I said.... Bush spent too much.

Now Obama spends more than Bush's 8 years in just 2!

And you wonder why the ppl are upset.

By your own logic.... too much spending by Bush ... Obama is a complete failure.

One term President. You don't scrap the private sector during a financial crisis ... economics 101. FAIL.


New Member
Some might argue that Obama was not spending enough, considering the state of the economy. I personally have little idea, having done little research. Let's just see if the spending keeps up. I will say is this: I am getting more money back on taxes this year than ever, thanks to some of the measures Obama has passed. Also, my credit card people all sent me letters this year about 'changes to my agreement'. Every time, I expected some random bullshit APR increase, but instead got a letter about how they are no longer able to continue certain shady practices. It had the tone of a child being forced to apologize by their parents. It was glorious.

My prediction for 2012: Obama re-election. This is based not on my wanting him to win, just the fact that the economy will most likely be up by that time, he will take credit (falsely, no president really does much for/against the economy, it just does its own thing), and everyone will buy it. In the second term, he will go balls to the wall and do some of the shit hardcore liberals want him to do.


Active Member
Wow, this thread might have some potential after all.

Just putting it out there, but does anyone actually believe that coal can actually be clean? The 'technology' behind the campaign is complete BULLSHIT and quite misleading. Clean coal and natural gas have been a blight on energy reform. Nuclear energy is iffy. Obv., the radioactive waste is a problem, but I was watching this documentary on France's nuclear and they have this technology where they can actually recycle it. Crazy stuff. That, and the fact that nuclear in itself is more dangerous from waste spills or reactors going tits up.