Gingrich slams Obama over shaking hands with Chavez


Well-Known Member
You have been reading left wing propaganda as saddom never any weapons from the US, and its dumb to think so. For a short time he was alowed to buy from the US like most any other country but never weapons.
And you have been reading right wing bullshit.

The CIA, including both CIA Director Casey and Deputy Director Gates, knew of, approved of, and assisted in the sale of non-U.S. origin military weapons, ammunition and vehicles to Iraq.

About two of every seven licenses for the export of "dual use" technology items approved between 1985 and 1990 by the U.S. Department of Commerce "went either directly to the Iraqi armed forces, to Iraqi end-users engaged in weapons production, or to Iraqi enterprises suspected of diverting technology" to weapons of mass destruction, according to an investigation by House Banking Committee Chairman Henry B. Gonzalez. Confidential Commerce Department files also reveal that the Reagan and Bush administrations approved at least 80 direct exports to the Iraqi military.

On May 25 1994, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee released a report in which it was stated that "pathogenic (meaning 'disease producing'), toxigenic (meaning 'poisonous'), and other biological research materials were exported to Iraq pursuant to application and licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce." It added: "These exported biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction."[28]
The report then detailed 70 shipments (including Bacillus anthracis) from the United States to Iraqi government agencies over three years, concluding "It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the UN inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program."


Well-Known Member
And you have been reading right wing bullshit.
The only BULLSHIT that I read would be from this site and some from news papers.

The CIA, including both CIA Director Casey and Deputy Director Gates, knew of, approved of,
This part is just stupid.

and [ assisted] in the sale of non-U.S. origin military weapons, ammunition and vehicles to Iraq.
Prove that the US assisted and that such an assist was needed to procure the above.

About two of every seven licenses for the export of "dual use" technology items approved between 1985 and 1990 by the U.S. Department of Commerce "went either directly to the Iraqi armed forces, to Iraqi end-users engaged in weapons production, or to Iraqi enterprises suspected of diverting technology" to weapons of mass destruction, according to an investigation by House Banking Committee Chairman Henry B. Gonzalez. Confidential Commerce Department files also reveal that the Reagan and Bush administrations approved at least 80 direct exports to the Iraqi military.
I like old Henry and have listoned to him more than a few times BUT this is just POLITICAL HYPERBOLE.
Nothing in this to prove that the US sold a single weapon to saddom.

On May 25 1994, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee released a report in which it was stated that "pathogenic (meaning 'disease producing'), toxigenic (meaning 'poisonous'), and other biological research materials were exported to Iraq pursuant to application and licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce." It added: "These exported biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction."[28]
The report then detailed 70 shipments (including Bacillus anthracis) from the United States to Iraqi government agencies over three years, concluding "It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the UN inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program."
No weapons in this. only more POLITICAL HYPERBOLE.

Please show where the US sold a single weapon to saddom. Bullshit is not going to cut it with me.


Well-Known Member
Hannity and Colmes after the Fox news Presidential Debate Ron Paul to Hannity "We sold them the weapons" Talking about the gas they used on the Kurds. Nobody denighed it we sold them the Gas.


Well-Known Member
Hannity and Colmes after the Fox news Presidential Debate Ron Paul to Hannity "We sold them the weapons" Talking about the gas they used on the Kurds. Nobody denighed it we sold them the Gas.
Than prove it moron, or shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
I like old Henry and have listoned to him more than a few times BUT this is just POLITICAL HYPERBOLE.
Nothing in this to prove that the US sold a single weapon to saddom.

Please show where the US sold a single weapon to saddom. Bullshit is not going to cut it with me.
Than prove it moron, or shut the fuck up.
Its already been proven, but if you're going to call people morons or expect to engage in an intelligent debate you really should present better spelling abilities than a 3rd grader, makes you look like a fool.


New Member
The only BULLSHIT that I read would be from this site and some from news papers.

This part is just stupid.

Prove that the US assisted and that such an assist was needed to procure the above.

I like old Henry and have listoned to him more than a few times BUT this is just POLITICAL HYPERBOLE.
Nothing in this to prove that the US sold a single weapon to saddom.

No weapons in this. only more POLITICAL HYPERBOLE.

Please show where the US sold a single weapon to saddom. Bullshit is not going to cut it with me.

I believe, you sir, are in denial.


Well-Known Member
Wow may, Moron even. Gee. Look they got this thing called you can find all kinda of shit on that thing man.

We sold them everything they needed to make mustered gas and VX those are simple to make we've had mustered since WWI Hitler never even used Gas in battle. But we will sell you the shit even when its agienst the law. Why would we do that?

"The US government supports terrorists dangerous regimes when it suits them. America profits from selling weapons, and then profits by charging interest on the loans which allowed the weapons to be purchased! American weapons are sometimes sold to dangerous regimes, and to both sides in some conflicts. The US government supported Iraq, now they want to disarm Iraq, but while some people make money, unfortunately many people die during both processes."

Non-Interventionalism ;)

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
its a good thing stingers dont work very well after 10 years or so. otherwise our helicopters would be getting nailed we sold many to the afghans that were now fighting. we also trained them in general. we called them freedom fighters back then when they shot at russians now there terrorists because they shoot at the u.s. american policy as usual getting us into trouble


Well-Known Member
i doubt if you know shit about what was going on in afganistan in the 80s.
we didnt sell anyone of them stingers we gave them to the mujahadeen.
no such organization existed known as the taliban in the 80s when they muj. were fighting the russians.
after the russians left radical muslim extremists grabbed up turdiestan and made it into a training ground for terrorist muslims from all over the world..
try and learn your history would yea before you start talking out your ass

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
america evidently can do no wrong. i think we have read different history books lol. no muslim radicals back then. some people have horse blinders on hilarious but predictable as always.


Well-Known Member
That is exactly why I don't buy the suitcase nuke theory you hear spouted off all the time. The Russians and Chinese Both have cheap knock-off stingers like the SA-7 I believe. Anyway, you could blow airliners out of the sky all freakin day long with those, and not one time (that we know of) has it happened. Its well known Russia will sell to anyone to. So all the open borders terrorists everywhere and they can't get one half ass surface to air missile in, BS.


New Member
That is exactly why I don't buy the suitcase nuke theory you hear spouted off all the time. The Russians and Chinese Both have cheap knock-off stingers like the SA-7 I believe. Anyway, you could blow airliners out of the sky all freakin day long with those, and not one time (that we know of) has it happened. Its well known Russia will sell to anyone to. So all the open borders terrorists everywhere and they can't get one half ass surface to air missile in, BS.
I have to agree, it seems like they could do this and even get away. Steal a pickup truck, have the shooter laying down in the bed, drive close to an airport, pop up and fire, lay back down and haul ass, ditch the truck and dissappear into the night. It would be easy at McCarran international in Vegas.


New Member
It would be so easy in Vegas, I wonder why some intelligent terrorist hasn't figured it out. There are a few strees where there are hardly any lights. It is industrial area under the incoming and outgoing flightpaths, one could just drive through, Fire and haul ass and have about a 90% chance if escaping into the night.. The planes are so close, that even an experienced RPG marksman could do some real damage.
Every time I fly in or out, I think about that.
Of course. the most possible damage would be to the outgoing flights, because at that point, the planes are almost at the landing strip and the worst that could happen would be a crash landing, with pretty good odds of survival.


New Member
it is rather odd that more destruction does not take place.
Yeah, I mean, I don't see the Homeland security guys patrolling the outskirts of the airport. It looks like a slamdunk deal to me. When one knows this, it does permeate your mind when flying in or out of the airport.


Yeah, I mean, I don't see the Homeland security guys patrolling the outskirts of the airport. It looks like a slamdunk deal to me. When one knows this, it does permeate your mind when flying in or out of the airport.
The government has eyes on a lot of known terrorists. I guess their best bet would be to recruit some nieve muslim kid (nice touch would be to pick an orphan whose parents died in the wars because of American policy, it'd give him a bit of a flame) without any record, send him and a team over to do something like that. The hardest part is actually getting in, but yeah, once in, I'd agree with you it would be a lot more difficult to find a terrorist cell, and they could do a loooooot of damage. Think of 8-10 people like Kazinski or McVeigh...