germination question (not like others)


Well-Known Member
well i germinated seeds along time ago(maybe some of you might remember me). well they dident work out because a rabbit snacked on it (lil fucker). well i started a new batch i got some nice ass seeds roadrunner. i planted a couple and i guess when i was watering it eroded the soil a seed came up it had a tail on it about this long. _____. i planted it well i guess i dident come up i looked on the plate that i had underneth my cup and the water smelled like fucking bleach i dunno wtf. maybe the soil was bad dunno i had a kabom bottel (all purpous cleaner). i washed it out about 15 times then filled it with water. that's how i was watering the cup with my seed in it. could this be why my shit dident come up? well anyways i took a wet paper towel and put my seeds in it wraped it over it's self and put in a plastic bag. i had about well 10 in there. i had it in my dressor. were no light can touch it. and fucking nothin is germinating. im pissed did i even do anything wrong. does there have to be a certin degree in my house. anyways can any of you guys give me a new way to germinate or tell me how to fix if im doin wrong. it seem's i cant get a fucking plant up no matter wtf i do. w/e reply please!!!!


Well-Known Member
got to keep the seeds warm or at least this is my observation on top of monitor or t.v. something helped me alot good luck


Well-Known Member
Just soak a few jiffy pots and stick a seed in each man, the simplest way...

It may take a few days more, but if they gonna pop they will.

Dont use any bottles that used to contain any chemicals to water anything.


Well-Known Member
Practice germinating with crappy seeds, like me. :P If you don't have any crappy cannabis seeds, then practice germinating some garden vegetable like Okra. Similar seed shape and tap root formation (although the seed is much larger), and you can get like 200 Okra seeds for $1.


Active Member
Go grocery shopping and get a cantaloupe. Slice and eat then wash the seeds in a strainer. Let dry on paper towel. Wait a day then soak ten seeds for four hours and spread on a damp towel place in gallon baggy. Open baggy every day and breath into the bag and seal. When they germinate to your liking plant then or start a floating hydro. And I think first 3 inches in a ice cream container is hyro it is water. Photo of taproot stuck thru sheet Styrofoam floating in Miracle grow under 80 watt cfl till transplanted straight out side.



Well-Known Member
what i did was put seed into glass cup with water in dark place untill seeds sunk then put 2 inchs into soil in a 2 liter bottle dome. this kept it humid and moist, soil kept it dark, and the grow room kept it warm.