Germination problem


Well-Known Member
OK guys i based my germination method on this post The seeds i am germinating are Northern Lights x Skunk #2, Big Bud and Lowryder #2. On 1-9-08 i used bottled water with the pH adjusted to about 5.5 and i added a drop of SUPERthrive and Clonex gel to each cup. I put the seeds of each strain in a plastic beer cups and put them on a seed heating mat in my homebox on 1-9-08. When the seeds started to crack and i could see some of the root and i put them in my Aerogarden Deluxe on the 24hr cycle on 1/11/08. Again i used bottled water with the pH adjusted to 5.5 and used SUPERthrive SUPERthrive Page 1 - Worlds number one plant supply with some SubCulture by General Hydroponics GENERAL HYDROPONICS. The temp in the Homebox stays about 75 degrees. The domes have condensation inside them but none of the seeds have popped up yet. Shouldn't they have sprouted yet or am i being impatient ???? :confused: It has been 8 days. If they ever do sprout, my plan is to use my two Aerogarden Deluxe's in my XS Homebox - universal indoor grow box kit for starting clones, vegging and mother plants. For flowering i will be using my 2x2x7" ebb and flow tray under a Hortilux 400w Super HPS EYE Hortilux Super HPS with a E ballast in my - universal indoor grow box kit with a 6" duct fan with a carbon filter. Once i get every thing going i should be able to get a harvest every 2-3 weeks, i hope!! That is if these seeds ever sprout. If they do i will post pics. bongsmilie


New Member
not sure about your aero system... no experience with them... but if u germinated right they should pop up... make sure u dont damage them woll handleing.. and u can plant them as soon as they crack ..... as for 8 days.. that seems mad long...prolly dead... first time i germed/planted seeds i fucked it up and they never came up... but practice makes perfect... so just germ/plat in smaller amounts.. a few seeds at a time till you get the hang of it


Well-Known Member
I germed 3 Norhern Lights, 2 Big Bud, 2 Lowryder #2. I checked one of them today and you can still see the roots trying to poke through. I am thinking the cold weather might be slowing them down. At night my house get down to 55 to 65 degrees F, we like to sleep cold at night. It is 41 F outside right now. When i planted them i don't think they were completly cracked.


Active Member
you dont need light to germinate or ferts just water I have aero garden and use super starter plugs they are awesome and fit in there without the little plastic basket be patient they should pop soon but you might of over ferted . go to fifth and look at those plugs and googlt germination you are doing this the hard way


Active Member
Sounds like Your technique is way to complex for what you are trying to do.. There is not too much to think about when doign seeds... just germinate them between some damp not soaking wet paer towels in a warm dark place such as a cupord in the kitchen.. then when they have clearly cracked and so some elongation you can careflully put thm into a gowing medium wich has been moistened. They shouldnt need any nutirents or ph adjustments in this stage.. thats what the colyedons are for.. food for that young sprout.. once you get them to the second set of leves maybe hit them with a light fert.. I think you are just makign way big of a deal out of a very simple process.. Forget all that complex shit and just keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
SUPERthrive and SubCulture are not nutes. They can be used in addition to any nutes. SUPERthrive has 50 biousables from organic crystals, vitamins, hormones, carbon-hydrogen-oxygen that plants produce naturally. It saves plants from waiting while trying to produce them. SUPERthrive is used for stressed plants, newly planted plants and it is supposed to help increase your germination rate of seeds. SubCulture is a biological root inoculant containing rhizosphere microorganisms that colonize plant roots. It can be used with hydro or soil. It can be used throughout the life of the plants from seed germination or cutting propagation through harvest. I used very small amounts of both. I just checked another one and it looks like the tap roots are starting to come out of the seed more.


Well-Known Member
I have it on the 24 hr cycle because the light produces heat and humidty to promote germination. My house gets down to 55-65 at night because we like to sleep cold. It gets down in the thirtys at night and the sixtys during the day where i live. I'm thinking that maybe the cold my have slowed them down. The seed heating mat didn't feel that warm when i had the seeds on it and the seeds were not fully cracked when i put them in the AG. I guess i will give them another week and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Never add clonex to seeds, the IBA stunts germination... often times entirely. Superthrive can help but isn't necessary at all. If you want to give your seeds a leg up use a kelp extract like nitrozime, liquidKarma or Maxicrop. They are hard to fuck up and almost always help.


Well-Known Member
I germed 3 Norhern Lights, 2 Big Bud, 2 Lowryder #2. I checked one of them today and you can still see the roots trying to poke through. I am thinking the cold weather might be slowing them down. At night my house get down to 55 to 65 degrees F, we like to sleep cold at night. It is 41 F outside right now. When i planted them i don't think they were completly cracked.
i had a problem with this also crack and show but never make the tap root, usually this is too wet with not enought air.

i really think i know how to germinate but after bad ratio's i tried something new. rockwool and papertowel this proved to be superior for me



Active Member
i had a problem with this also crack and show but never make the tap root, usually this is too wet with not enought air.

i really think i know how to germinate but after bad ratio's i tried something new. rockwool and papertowel this proved to be superior for me

how many days did it take for roots to get that big?


Well-Known Member
well, for taproots that big, id say those seeds were left there for at least 5 days. In 2 days they should crack. 3-5 you should see the white roots.


Well-Known Member
I did what you suggested with the rock-wool today. I am thinking my main problem is warmth. I was using my heat mat when i first started germing and it did not feel very warm. I thought it was supposed to be like that until i looked at the directions printed on the mat. It says if you need more heat to put it on a insulated surface. So put a small rug under it and it is really warm now. I have the seeds in the rock wool and paper towel in a plastic zip lock bag. I laid a dish towel over the mat and set them on the mat. I folded the rug around everything and a laid a towel over the top. Everything is enclosed in in my homebox. I will check them everyday. If they don't change in a few days, i will have to start from scratch. I will keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
OK guys, there still has not been any change. I think i killed them with the Clonex and extra stuff in the water, bad idea. Yesterday i made a trip to the local hydro shop and picked up some sponge type rapid rooters and a tray with a dome. I transferred the dud seeds into the rapid rooters in hopes to salvage some of them but i am not going to get my hopes up. I soaked some fresh seeds in plastic cups of plain distilled water with the pH adjusted to 5.5 and let them sit on top of my hot water heater all day. Last night i transferred the fresh seeds on to the pieces of rock wool soaked in the pH adjusted water and wrapped them in wet paper towel. I placed them in open plastic zip lock bags and placed them in they tray with the other seeds under the dome and the tray that is on the heat mat. The entire tray and dome is wrapped up in the rug and a insulated flannel work shirt to hold the warmth in and that is inside my homebox. I checked them this morning and one of the Big Bud seeds have already cracked and some of the root is already showing. Wish me luck. I will keep everyone posted.


Well-Known Member
Update: both Big Bug seeds sprouted and one of them has curved into a shepards hook. One Lowryder#2 has shown a part of the root. I transfer them into the Aerogarden Deluxe with plain distilled water with the pH adjusted to 5.5 with 24hr veg. So far 0 Norhtern Lights x Skunk # 1 from Ceres, very disapointed that 0 NL x SK #1 haven't sprouted yet. Ceres seeds are supposed to be very good genitics Ceres Seeds Amsterdam - Award Winning Cannabis Marijuana Seeds, , so far 0 have germed. I think Doc C screwed me on those. If you get the seeds directy from Ceres they give you 15 seeds, from Doc C only ten with the package. I am hopeing that maybeee tomarow that at least 1 out of 5 will crack, so far natha!!!!! 00000.


Active Member
SUPERthrive and SubCulture.. well they sound like new fangled hyped up crap to me.. trust me the old ways have always worked and will continue to be superior to any other method. Like the dude said above.. moisture , warmth , dark , and most of all lots of OXYGEN. Sounds like you got the problem sorted out for the most part.. Best of luck to you!


Active Member
well, for taproots that big, id say those seeds were left there for at least 5 days. In 2 days they should crack. 3-5 you should see the white roots.
Ps.. just for your information these types of plants do not have tap roots.. a 'tap root' is something more commonly found in trees and plants such as dandelions.. Cannabis is not of that sort and has a fiborus roots system from the get go. That first part of the root that comes out of the seed casing is called a 'radicle' and is attcahed to the 'Hypocotyl'
Cotyledons are the seeds food source for the first stage fo growth and no nutrients are needed until the have clearly fallen off. The cotyledons are those roundish leaf looking organs just below the first set of leaves. Once they have clearly dried up and are ready to drop off then you can think about adding some juice for them to feed on. word up!

