Germination Problem PLEASE HELP

I have about 20 seeds that i germinated about 2 weeks ago. I soaked them in water until they all sunk to the bottom then put them in wet paper towel between two plates on a heat pad until they all sprouted tails. I planted the seeds with tails in cups of soil about 2 weeks ago and still none of them have broke the surface. Will they still grow or are they duds?


i got same problem with some of the seeds. All sprouted tails, but dont seem to be doing much else, even though they are under optimal conditions


Well-Known Member
the tale should be in the soil and the seed top should be on the surface


Well-Known Member
I was having the same trouble. I used RO h20 in paper towels and then going into rapid rooters when the root showed. I think I was keeping my rapid rooters to wet and they would rot. I have had a 100% germination with planting the seeds in soil no soaking just drop em in and they have been sprouting. I am germinating mothers in soil and cloning them into DWC's.


Well-Known Member
Hey man. Cannabis seeds have proven to me that they can get out of dirt despite pretty horrible conditions, so don't panic too much.

- Your soil should be fairly loose and have good airation, something perlite and vermaculite accomplish with flying colours.

- Make sure your soil is constantly moist (not soaking) and that you don't disturb the soil with waterings. A small squeeze dropper (cleaned) is perfect for giving your embryos water without jostling them. This watering regime is specific to newly hatched seedlings.

- Make sure there is adequate light for your babies to reach for. Fluorescent tubes are often the best lights to use before your babies are an inch or so out of the dirt. They enjoy the cool blue spectrum and low light intensity, perfect for root growth.

- Most importantly, only plant your seeds about half an inch at the most below the soil, sprout pointing down, being careful to only loosely push dirt over top of the seed to make its job easier.

Hope this helps, I bet most of your seeds get out of that dirt!


Maybe you germInating Seeds in paper towel under heat mat Might have created warm moist conditions creatinh fungi on young tap roots. Or you let tap root sprout out too far and damaged it removing it from the paper towel. Or you may have damaged the long tap root when planting it in the soil. Try go from soaking in cup of water straight to the soil. Or try going from cup water til they sink to paper towel with no heating mat til the tap root barely sticks out then carefully stick about 1/4 inch under soil. Keep moist but not to wet. Use a light airy soil mix with perlite and vermiculite. Make sure u use good quality water-distilled or r/o or tap water that has sat out for overnight to let chlorine disapate. Good luck!