Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

How'd you find doing the dry ice hash? Was it clean.. I found doing the bubblebags a sticky pain.. but I'll stick with them in the meantime.. next time I will just go from 220 right to the 25 micron instead of messing with the step in between.
Dry ice was super super easy. I just used silk screen and a wide mouth jar. Ground my bud, put it in the jar, added the dry ice, place silk screen over the top and screw the metal rim on and shake. Takes like 10 minutes and the only thing to clean was the jar - which I didn't clean as I'm just going to use if for bud at some later point. Dry ice is also super cheap - $1.50/lb and you really only need about a lb to process a couple oz. I accidentally purchased 5 lbs and ended up with most all of it left over so I hung it over my plants :)
No idea. I think people typically use the "work" bag? Probably the 220... You can always clean it up like I'm going to do with some ISO and a coffee filter.
i found that shellite kept most of the original flavours of the oils rather than iso, but thats my theory, shellite isnt as strong solvent, so it doesn't strip that much colour from it, a quick wash usually ends in bright yellows to golds, still waiting for my bubble bags :( should be very soon, i got over 1 lb of dried sugar trim in the freezer, and i want my freezer back !!!
okay dumb question.. ISO as in iso-propyl alcohol? and what exactly do you do?

Dissolve the keif into the ISO and pour it through a coffee filter. Afterwards you vape off the ISO and are left with just pure THC ;) Well not really but you end up with something halfway between qwiso (quick wash iso hash oil) and keif aka dry ice hash but much much cleaner. You get rid of all of the excess plant material normally found in dry ice hash and you have little to no chlorophyll which is a problem with qwiso.

And yes iso as in iso-propyl alcohol.

anyways. after a brief interlude...

gas! its almost time for me to chop my first plant ever! i am super excited and more than a lil nervous. i dont wana fuck it up. i have talked to matt about it a lil and he says i could chop now or wait a week...i guess youd need to see it...lemme know if you want to. anyways i think i know kind of what to do...just want to do it absolutely right. any suggestions? anyplace u know of has a decent walkthrough? wana write one for me lol ;-) ??

like i know the concept, and since u guys are talking about it i would like to make some iso oil or some cannabutter so i need to know which leaves i keep...obviously the "sugary" ones that will get clipped off the cola, but do you have to get all the leaves? i mean from the stem, like inside the bud or what? lol...if that makes any sense.

anyway im hoping some people get back into the swing of things here. i think we can all admit we may have overreacted just a teensy bit and now that things have calmed down, we can go back to chatting and talking and updating and not being scared lol...maybe?
Went to adopt a guard dog but forgot to leave the wife at home:

that's it, intruder, you goin' DOWN.... we gon' CUTE you to death.... :lol:

That's the plan :)

My preference is a medium sized dog but of the small dogs I love terriers and terrier mutts. We went to rescue just one of these girls but when we found out she had a sister we just had to take both. The cat and chicken hate us.
That's the plan :)

My preference is a medium sized dog but of the small dogs I love terriers and terrier mutts. We went to rescue just one of these girls but when we found out she had a sister we just had to take both. The cat and chicken hate us.

what kind of mutts are they? (i love mutts. especially of large, pointy-eared breeds but i'm not picky.) it's awesome that you kept the siblings together. love that littermate bond.

awwww, what, chicken no wanna play wif da puppies? hilarious.
ugh SO jealous

so cute man. lol yeah ya always end up with 2. cant break the siblings apart...i cant wait to get a dog. soon enough. lol preppin for a baby...
The young chickens and the bunny have no problems with the puppies but the cat and the hen aren't down with them at all. First we were told they were beagle crossed with cavalier king charles, but when we showed up to meet them the mother was there and she was obviously a norwich terrier. So they are half norwich terrier and ? The foster lady thought there was beagle in them but I don't really see it. I guess they could be beagalier and norwich terrier...

They are definitely very cute and I'm glad we didn't break them apart. I was thinking about postponing the babies versus preparing for them but I guess preparing for them sounds a bit nicer :)
oh yeah, babies, the OTHER household critter...... all our pets were rather indignant when we brought that one home. :lol:
also: i need to thank you again for the photography tips.
i now know i can take this:


and get this from it:

:( That's what I was thinking. Damn near all of my 30+ subscriptions use to be updated every morning - now it's like 7... I swear we lost most of the best posters as well.
nah, I was just giving something to you √ pm me your addy so I have it in e-mail. pm sent