Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow


Well-Known Member
beautiful dogs there Gas!, and i swear i can see beagle in them, their nature also, cute...

mellokitty.....well done you have found the macro secret ;) join the very rare club



Well-Known Member
Wish I had something to take a macro of... Tent still isn't here, got puppies instead. I should mention that this is the result of a monstercropping. I have done nothing to this plant to promote bushiness. No LST, no topping, no fimming.

Like my super passive hydro?

My camera needs a lens cleaning :(



Moderatrix of Journals
i love ladybugs!! must get mr kitty to get me some more.....

and..... i'm gonna guess.... broccoli?

monstercropping is when you clone a flowering branch (or something)?


Well-Known Member
Bunch of different veggies starting. The tall ones are kale and the short ones there are various basils. Yup, clone a flowering branch.


Well-Known Member
typically I use lens paper and lens cleaner but I have no idea where that is so I used 409 and a qtip. I assume windex would work.


Well-Known Member
I felt I did the lady bug a disservice with the picture so I cleaned my lens and retook them. Any better?

rekon these 2 little guys would get along?? red banded stingbug, i looooove creepy crawlies! and u must have an absolute wild camera, wow awesome clarity!!!!

hey gas, did you put that little guy in there?? that plant is growing great!! monstercropping...thats the first ive heard of that also :) interesting stuff, i have done that not knowing there was a name for it!



Active Member
haha i guess everyone of my clones is a monster then! i had to wait for my bagseeds to show sex, which i did in flower, and then took clones. they DO all look pretty...monsterish...


Well-Known Member
Great pic flow! I am also quite the fan of creepy crawlies. My camera is actually a pretty old cheap ass Cannon Powershot. Takes great pics though. Lady bug found her own way up there :)

Radeon - monsters are fun! They look ugly as fuck while transitioning back to veg but once they are good to go they really blow up. Make great mothers as well.


Active Member
yeah lol they are kinda creepy looking! theres a bunch of differents looks (i hesitate to call them "phenotypes") to them, will they retain their different characteristics? i mean the two ladies i have now are gorgeous so...


Well-Known Member
The clones will all be just like their mothers once they have grown out of their ugly stage.

My baby chickens btw are ugly as fuck atm and getting uglier by the hour.


Well-Known Member
So my elighter idea was a bit of a flop as I purchased the wrong temperature ones; these are too cool to quickly get full ignition but I'm sure the hotter ones would work. They do however work when it comes to slowly vaporizing bud and oil. Might be my new way of on the go dabs.



Well-Known Member
yeah i would say more hotter would be better for the tip wouldnt it, less build up due to burning off more?? cool idea though, i will be looking for another bingle used for hash soon, i like the idea of all glass


Well-Known Member
It gets plenty hot enough to burn off completely clean it just doesn't deliver enough heat to instantly start an ember when applied to bud. These tips are variable between 700-1200F which is great for vaping a dab of oil but I should have ordered the 2500F to replace my lighter.

The tip element heats up super fast but is also doesn't hold much heat so I assume with a dab your hitting 300-600F while it vapes off and once its almost gone it'll get up to 1200. 1200 is hot enough to start bud to ember but the tip cools down too quickly when touched to bud, the element is just too small and it's heat is immediately absorbed when touched to the bud. I I did manage to ember a a few bowls but it wasn't easy which really defeats the point.

Good for oil though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... we'll see when my wife allows for that. Someday I'm sure.

So a very nice fellow forum member was kind enough to donate to me a Harlequin cutting. :) Been after this strain for a while so I'm a happy camper. For those that don't know it's one of the few very high CBD strains (~8%) so I have a feeling it could easily become my primary daily medical smoke. Super jazzed to get it rooted and flowering - blah what a long wait.


Well-Known Member
i have heard of that strain, they talk about it in weed wars, very high CBD, less of a head buzz, great pain relief, and i bet a sleep med for sure, u gonna set a tent up??
love ya work Gas, your an entertaining bloke to say the least.......


Well-Known Member
Really bumming me out I got the wrong ones :( Anyone want to preorder one? If I get 3 preorders I'll grab a box :)



Well-Known Member
Fuck, missed your post. Tent isn't up yet. Not sure when exactly that will happen as I'm a bit busy atm and getting much busier soon.