Well-Known Member
Hey Hey Gas! the uvb man
great to see you back awesome frosty buds!! nice little surprise! take it easy Gas

dam gas i would like your fish tank room so i can grow some motherfucking weed in it![]()
all is looking good man. im thinking of trading/selling my cannon rebel and getting a smaller cannon. need to buy lenses for this cam and shit takes horrible macro pics and irs just a pain in the ass
Hey Gas! Been awhile, looks nice over there, feelin ya on the heat. Just starting to cool down around here. Awesome tank setups too. I've had this nagging urge to get a small fish tank going again. Buddy of mine is trying to talk me into saltwater reef. Gets kinda $$$ though.
That's a bummer. I feel like I hear good things about the cannon rebels. My camera is still chugging away but I'm starting to crave a newer one. Higher pixel count would be nice and I think my lens is just getting old. I clean it and care for it but it just doesn't take pictures with the clarity it use to.
Salt water reefs are awesome but very costly. I've stayed away from saltwater simply due to the expense. From what I hear I would have spent more on filling a 10g saltwater tank than buying and filling all of the freshwater tanks I currently have. I agree that you should start a tank up![]()
My partner has the Rebel T3i and that is what I use for my pot pics and I like it. I dont know how to use it so I just have it on Auto for the most part but she knows how to use it and it seems like a great overall camera for the price...
Found a tiny bat skull in my fertilizer. You know thats organic