Day 60 for tall granite haze auto, she's still looking rough, but still fattening up. Don't know the problem so will just keep giving plain water. Noticed on the gdp when i dumped soil out roots were stinking bad. Maybe root rot. So I'll let this big gal dry all the way out before watering again.
Day 53 for The supreme runtz, she is drinking fast. Hit her with a small dose of canna pk 13/14. Her edges were yellowing up, I'm thinking potassium deficiency. Plus its mid flower what can it hurt. She smells sweet like juicy fruit chewing gum. Nice. The haze smells great too. But the frost is thicker on the runtz.
Day 10 for auto pots. Gave them a feeding today each got about 1000ml of nutrient water. The lil weak one leafed seedling is finally starting to grow the other side. Probably should of gotten rid of her, but she lives on, for now.
Day 8 for mystery seed in the 5 gallon fabric pot. Shes doing great, havent given her much water, i guess there was enough in there for them from when i hydrated bricks. Pot was heavy af, so i let her go. Pot has lightened up, but still not lite enough for my liking.
Day 26 for photo seedlings. They are looking ready for their transplants. Got buckets ready with some ffof soil on bottoms, and happy frog on top. No amendments this time. Will top dress 4 weeks after trans plant or during flip. Still waiting on the dynamite diesel to dry in 2x4. Will clean her out real good. Clean fans again. Then I'll transplant and get them vegging hard.
Used the other block of canna and have 2 3gallon pots amended with some ewc, perlite, biochar, and some dr earth veg. Added extra perlite for an airy mix. Will top dress at day 21. Have 2 seeds in jiffy cups, I'll just drop them str8 into the pots when ready. Might cut bottom off so roots can keep growing down. The seeds ive popped are some ive ran before a banana purple punch auto(bpp) from fastbuds 420 and a cheese auto from Barney's farm.