Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow


Well-Known Member
dam man sorry to see this :( :( :(

hopefully once you get settled into your new place you can get you shit up and running again. sucks being busy because you cant give them the constabnt attention.

you going to try and take some clones to re veg or just going to start from seed again?


Well-Known Member
I dunno. Those were my last legit DNA Chocolope seeds so I should really take clones but the lower branches are so toast that I'm not sure they would make it. Might have to check out the local clubs to see if they have any decent cuts. Might try for a few chocolope clones though - might as well try I guess.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man, i am revegging some of my last grows clones, its actually pretty cool the leaves grow in some fucked up ways.

i was looking around on attitude and they have chocolope in stock now as well not sure if thats something your interested in or not but figured i would throw it out there.


Well-Known Member
hey gas, sorry i didnt get pics, but looks like i'm buying a 24watt cfl UVB 10.0 with reflector and mount for around $60, just curious, if you have taken a look at my indoor grow, where would u say should i mount it? next to the 600 HPS? or lower, i mean, i dont want it to shadow anything right....1 more question, should i run it off the same time schedule, or a few hrs a day?

your input would be greatly be appreciated.. u have inspired me to buy the UVB bulb.

Cheers in advance gas :leaf:FlowaMasta:leaf:


Active Member
yeah serious man remember how bad my SEEDLINGS were? you could totally isolate and quarantine and at least SOME will pull through. bet on it. says the noob. lol.

all good though do what you gotta. might be a good time to take advantage and rebuild...or something. lol.


Well-Known Member
hey gas, sorry i didnt get pics, but looks like i'm buying a 24watt cfl UVB 10.0 with reflector and mount for around $60, just curious, if you have taken a look at my indoor grow, where would u say should i mount it? next to the 600 HPS? or lower, i mean, i dont want it to shadow anything right....1 more question, should i run it off the same time schedule, or a few hrs a day?

your input would be greatly be appreciated.. u have inspired me to buy the UVB bulb.

Cheers in advance gas :leaf:FlowaMasta:leaf:
If its in a big angled or round reflector it up top but as close to the plants as possible. I would run it whenever your other lights are on.

So I went to war today. Bought the 3 in 1 kill all organic spray with neem extract, pyrithrin, and potassium salts/fatty acids. Doused everything heavily - my thoughts are that I'd rather have un-smokable bud and dead bugs than let those fuckers get away with it :) Also bought a no pests strip to throw in the tent once I really do decided to pull the plug. I hear they work great but are super nasty. Watered twice as much as last time. I guess we'll see in a week if it makes any difference. Maybe by that time they'll just be that much more healthy at which point I'll grab some cuttings.


Well-Known Member
try to reveg it and take clone of the revegged slh is stronger than its ever been and I didnt reveg for long enough... I am sure if I would have taken clones from it before flowering they would all do well.


Well-Known Member
So I've been trying to get an oil rig from a forum glass blower and I finally gave up. Been blown off for months over and over now so I went out and purchased some local glass and a torch :) Still need to buy a pretty dome off researchkitty though (not the person who kept blowing me off), but that will have to wait for a bit.



Well-Known Member
nice piece man, hey have you heard about that lighter that uses a coil and a porcelin tip? its rechargable through USB/wall plug and no gas cant remember the name of it though off the top of my head. they mention it in the canabis cup vid on attitude website


Well-Known Member
O wow. Never hit an oil rig before - I kinda like that

I have seen that and its pricey as hell! Nice though.


Well-Known Member
oh wait so you put oil in the pipe? what kind....speaking of oil rig check this out



Active Member
The picture of the garbage can full of plant... broke my heart man. Sorry to see and hear of such bad news.


Well-Known Member
@matt - hahaha my soon to be brother in law supposedly has one like that but never seen it before. I liked the crew that took a 486 and dunked it in liquid nitrogen and then over clocked it to like 2.2gHz. Talk about playing really really fast Armor Alley ;) If you think mechwarrior dates me look up that game :)

The picture of the garbage can full of plant... broke my heart man. Sorry to see and hear of such bad news.
Thanks man. It was tragic but I was trying to pull an extra run anyways - was prolly my own greedy fault.


Well-Known Member
hey gas! here's my lamp i bought, i included the distance info, think she'll be somewhat effective in my grow?

Photo1158.jpgPhoto1161.jpgday 32.jpg


Well-Known Member
hey gas..

quick question?

what do you feed your soil microbes? i just finished feeding with a batch of tea and i want a good organic food to feed my microbes every week that dosent consist of brewing (i guess it can if its the only way)

i just have to brew the tea in my room and it kinda smells like shit after a little bit, its dealable but would rather deal without. i was thinking liquid kelp? have you ever used this?


Well-Known Member
hey gas! here's my lamp i bought, i included the distance info, think she'll be somewhat effective in my grow?
Yeah it should definitely help. Personally I might have purchased a bulb without a reflector and just have hung it vertically in the center of everything but that should definitely do the trick. I would toss the distance chart and just put it as close as possible without being in the way.

hey gas..

quick question?

what do you feed your soil microbes? i just finished feeding with a batch of tea and i want a good organic food to feed my microbes every week that dosent consist of brewing (i guess it can if its the only way)

i just have to brew the tea in my room and it kinda smells like shit after a little bit, its dealable but would rather deal without. i was thinking liquid kelp? have you ever used this?
Yeah... so this feeding microbes business... don't get to carried away. Remember that your microbes are there to break down your organic amendments - the amendments + carbon are the microbes major food source. You can improve soil microbe health my making sure the microbes have not just the major food sources but the other smaller nutrients they need by providing them with additional food sources and trace minerals - and more importantly that there is enough available carbon to NPK, maintaining the proper ratios is key (30:1 C:N). I add trace mineral via true blackstrap molasses - this is not the stuff you purchase at grocery store, it has most of the sugars removed and is dark, very very bitter, and cheap as well at garden stores/feed stores.

Teas - teas are great ways of adding additional microbes and to jump start populations. When you introduce heat, air, tons of surface area/water, and microbe food (fertilizer in the form of guano, EWC, compost...) you drastically increase the rate at which microbes feed and reproduce. When you make a tea you are essentially flash mineralizing your organic fertilizer by rapidly breeding microbes under ideal conditions - this means the tea itself is full of mineralized water soluble nutrients (not what microbes eat but what they leave behind) and lots of microbes. I wouldn't say the tea, once mature and ready for your plants, necessarily would feed your soil microbes but instead just adds more. If you want to feed your soil microbes via a tea then just mix up a bunch of kelp meal, feather meal, bone meal,... any finely finely powdered organic amendment, shake it up really really well in some water and immediately pour over your soil - this will feed the microbes better but the bubbling/flash mineralizing feeds your plants better. This should add raw food to your soil - of course if you amended your soil well enough to begin with this is completely not necessary.

If you have healthy soil that is properly amended you shouldn't need to worry about feeding the microbes once they are established.


Well-Known Member
lol ok so i guess i have the whole microbe thing wrong >< i thought you established a population with the tea and then needed to feed them in order to get them usable plant nutrients. im not sure if i amended my soil properly i didnt really use anythign special. just the FFOF and pro mix were the 2 main ingredients. i guess ill pick up a bottle of liquid kelp and see where that gets me. if things start looking bad ill brew up another tea to flash feed the plants :)


Well-Known Member
Wow , Gastanker , i was stunned when i saw those pictures ?
What happened ? did you go away or something ?
Hope you start up again soon Umbre......