Garden Knowm is a complete NEWB


Well-Known Member
a troll is someone who gets on forums and posts messages just to be a dick. It's basically the lowest form of human existence.


Well-Known Member
Thats got to be someone messing w/gk, to even pick his name as a newbie. They know you for sure, I think you have a stalker Gk


New Member
Personally I'd rather perma ban the member. It's obviously an old member launching an attack on the site...

...for obvious reasons they were not welcome here in the first place. Have they been perma banned?


New Member
Gosh PEOPLE!!!
I know I am childish and I am the 1st to admit it but I never deliberately hurt anyone.
Joke or no joke.

This isn't funny.

GK is an incredible asset to this site and is probably one of the most insightful people I've ever met.

You have no clue what you are talking about.
Personally I'd rather perma ban the member. It's obviously an old member launching an attack on the site...

...for obvious reasons they were not welcome here in the first place. Have they been perma banned?


Well-Known Member
aaahhhhh yeeees,,, the computer age geeks that get or got picked on in school are retaliating,,,maybe this will help,,,, hey people Im sorry for kicking the snot out of you everyday in school... There,, now they should go away,,LMAO..... Hiding behind computers,, trying to pravoke people,, sad,,:peace:..


Well-Known Member
hey,,,,, I said I was sorry... I only smacked the annoying ones,, if that makes it any better,,,:peace:....


Well-Known Member
Ban him, n00b's deserve a little slack, but this guy wreaks of douche bag. Knowm was one of the first guys to ever give me expert advice when I was first trying to figure out what I'm doing, if this guy doesn't like him he can suck a bag of dicks for all i care.


Dear Knowm,

Iloveyou bro!


Well-Known Member
what does that mean suck a bag of dicks? do you suck on the whole bag? or do you suck on each one individualy? or whwat? :P