Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know. The burnt out leaves are slightly embarrassing to me. Plus every time I take some bud pics I find that they do the plants little justice. Just being anal I guess. I'll post some pics soon I promise.


Active Member
Yea, why do people gain 10 lbs in a picture but plants lose weight? .... must be a light thing... Guess I need to develop slightly green lotion for chicks that want to look slimmer,,,.. Another million dollar idea...!


Well-Known Member
Nice nugs!!! The wet towel method works pretty good. I set a bucket underneath it 2 and filled it with water with fan blowing on it, The towel wicks the water and fan blows got my humidity up to 55-60. Good Idea LEGAL


Well-Known Member
Nice to hear you got your humidity up where it should be. Nice cheap solution :)

Your plants will appreciate the higher humidity for sure.


I always wondered if i was the only one who hoarded my pictures because they didn't actually look like my garden (at all). Some even look like i am in a giant room, i have a 7 x7 flower room and in some pics it looks 20 ft long. Not to mention the pics of the sativas i let flower for 101 days, leaves were yellow all the way to the top. Sold some and someone had the balls to say it was nute burn. "I guess ill have to talk to the grower about that" probably went better than punching him in the face. LoL.


Well-Known Member
I always wondered if i was the only one who hoarded my pictures because they didn't actually look like my garden (at all). Some even look like i am in a giant room, i have a 7 x7 flower room and in some pics it looks 20 ft long. Not to mention the pics of the sativas i let flower for 101 days, leaves were yellow all the way to the top. Sold some and someone had the balls to say it was nute burn. "I guess ill have to talk to the grower about that" probably went better than punching him in the face. LoL.
lol. I think I would go with " let's see your buds then". Shit happens sometimes. Only those that don't learn from it are the real idiots. I bumped my timer to always on once now I have a checklist I run through whenever I leave the room for the night. Sometimes I thinks it's totally stupid but every now and then I did something that I would have missed.

Timers on time.
Hose valves open
co2 hose in place
all leaf litter out of room
veg tent sealed
humidifier emptied--this is a biggie
fans oscilating
Mylar in place.
Big fucking buds getting fatter :)

now if I could just find another patient that didn't want 10 ounces of bud free every cycle I could expand some more


Ill sign you up, pm me if you are interested, what do i want in return? To not be a caregiver LoL. I have heard too much about the cops getting the list and with the town i live in if they get wind there is a caregiver they will be knocking on the door. My card expires 4/23 not sure if i am going to renew, but you could get at least a cycle out of me. I have a dispensary as my caregiver right now but i never go there so it is sort of useless. Actually you should PM me if you are interested, i really would kind of like to see what you do have to offer, i expect absolutely nothing for free, i understand what this really takes, and how expensive it is.


Active Member
Damn , You have been holding back the pics ... I see why, Im shocked,,, those tight heavy buds remind me of a head of cabbage... Looking good, when is the trimming party? I need practice...


And i thought mine was high density growing, i do hydro so i have to be able to get to the back corners of the room without moving everyone to do so, doesn't look like you have that issue, you can just move em, maybe i should get some soil going. Looks great man, keep it up.


Active Member
That shit is wicked LF...great job bud! :) Fuck the "burn", your buds look top notch man! Great!!


Well-Known Member
And i thought mine was high density growing, i do hydro so i have to be able to get to the back corners of the room without moving everyone to do so, doesn't look like you have that issue, you can just move em, maybe i should get some soil going. Looks great man, keep it up.
Ummm. those are in a ebb and flood table. :) Moving them is not an option. The next grow is going to be in ebb/flow buckets so I can get the right where I want them for the SCROG flip.
i just read this whole thread from beginning to end... nice. i'm curious about your ventilation though- do you regularly vent in fresh air or just keep it sealed up? or using that xgc-1 to vent vent on high temp/humidity? i'm all too curious about peoples ventilation schemes... i have a new 6x10x7h room w/an a/c installed and i'm wondering how to best plan to climate control it, minimize co2 waste, and whether it needs "fresh air" every so often.

actually, do you use an air conditioner to maintain air temp? i don't recall seeing this addressed.

i'm thinking of getting an xgc just cuz it has the co2 included for the same or less as buying co2-4e plus separate ppm-3 co2 control... although it won't power 2 1000w; except w/aux relay like cap upm-1... and i don't need pump control w/my independent fill/drain 12 bucket system


Active Member
wow looks beautiful!!!!
how long did you let the plants veg before putting the screen on?
Im doing similar setup but with top feed i am def SUBed up to see what is to come looking great so far man


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA ya I was gona say you are doing ebb n flo. Your plants look excellent good job! Don't worry about light prob they wont even notice since I know you corrected it, just keep them on there normal light cycle and all good. And have a merry christmas hope you and your family had a good time!


Well-Known Member

Despite having vented hoods, three 600's and a dehumidifier still get the canopy temps above 85. I was using the xgc1 for vent control. (one inlet and one outlet fan) but yeah, I hated wasting all that co2 so I finally installed a
small window AC in thr wall. Even though it doesn't run that much, definitely NOT the best option and will try to install a spilt AC unit this summer.

To be honest, the xgc 1 is great but the only things I am using in it are the co2 and hydro cycle timer. I got mine for $450 or so via craigs list, so still an awesome deal but if I were buying new ibwouldny just make sure all the things that the XGC1 would have controlled have built in controls. (ac, dehumidifier, heater, pump timer) etc

Thanks for subbing! I actually reconfigured everything last week to take my veg room out of the flower room so i have more room for buds ;)