Fucking With People's Heads?


Well-Known Member
So due to cocaine, I've been studying people. And how they work. and how girls work. and how males work alike. All seemingly working completely different. All COMPLETELY different due to genetics branching out through out the human race over 1000's of years. All people work differently. People are manipulatable. Act insane. thats the answer. Make lasting impressions. Thats the other answer. I've slowely figured these out and have aquired friends who I love mucho and would do anything and trust anything for/with. I'm simply bragging about my life because of this coke, but come on someone have a conversation with me :) I'm smoking to so you cant say this is in the wrong section :)


Active Member
My son got into head games and 'other' drugs. Now in Ca? thinking EVERYONE is after him. I prefer to keep my head screwed on straight. Stay COOL!


Well-Known Member
Eh, I'm not THAT kind of person. I just never understood the whole mind controlling thing. Some people are SO into it. Like all the Charlie Manson shit. If you've read his biography, there is some pretty hefty, mysterious knowledge in there. Unexplainable acts of the mind that you can control with yours. Its just weird stuff and I think I'm straight enough in the head to dab into it a little and I honestly don;t know where to start. I've always been into self hypnosis/hypnosis books. And I NEVER have gotten one rad in 5 minutes until now :D Bahahaaa!!


Well-Known Member
Its funny that coke is making you think this stuff, LSD was my teacher on this topic. I`m not really a manipulator unless I really have to but observation wise I have people sussed out pretty quickly and even quicker as I gain more experience and meet more people. I don`t really tend to change people though, I`m too much into the whole accept and love thing at the same time. Its funny how 1 minute of conversation is enough to see some peoples "core" though :)
I know what you mean man. But what I find interesting to do is not to observe the unobservant, but to observe those who observe. They always seem to be able to blend in with the unaware, but they keep the though process of not exactly profiling but observing. They can look and pretend to be like the people who get caught up in the world- you know, the sports, the drugs, the sex, etc..., and don't pay attention to what's happening to the world's politics, environmental health, and people still suffering in countries not benefitted yet, but when you get them alone and can see what they do you know their true meaning.
Just watching a friend of mine I can tell when we go into public he definitely puts on a mask, and he can deal with talking about the stupidest shit, but when it's just me and him he always say's his point of view, and it's interesting to be a friend of this kind of person because I find it interesting that he can blend in so well but keep up on both sides of the story and make up fake opinions for the people he needs to use them with.

haha i probably sound a little off, but thats alright because no ones spot on


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean man. But what I find interesting to do is not to observe the unobservant, but to observe those who observe. They always seem to be able to blend in with the unaware, but they keep the though process of not exactly profiling but observing. They can look and pretend to be like the people who get caught up in the world- you know, the sports, the drugs, the sex, etc..., and don't pay attention to what's happening to the world's politics, environmental health, and people still suffering in countries not benefitted yet, but when you get them alone and can see what they do you know their true meaning.
Just watching a friend of mine I can tell when we go into public he definitely puts on a mask, and he can deal with talking about the stupidest shit, but when it's just me and him he always say's his point of view, and it's interesting to be a friend of this kind of person because I find it interesting that he can blend in so well but keep up on both sides of the story and make up fake opinions for the people he needs to use them with.

haha i probably sound a little off, but thats alright because no ones spot on
No your spot on and I know exactly what you mean :) I call them "Morphling`s" and I`m one of them :)

Sometimes I will argue with people on choice, but my main thing is go with the flow. Nothings your problem, you know whats right and keep going style :)


Well-Known Member
Dude you are spot on, thats about my exact thinking process.. Its quite odd that humans have been a race for so long and we still haven't just figured each other out. Why should our hobbies separate us? Race would be a factor, but I refuse to incorporate it because its unnecessary, and that will never happen because of how fucked some minds are.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I will argue with people on choice, but my main thing is go with the flow. Nothings your problem, you know whats right and keep going style
The words of tenner man..... I argue if I'm wrong most of the time.. I'm very bad at choosing my battles lol. In which case I immediately crumble. Theres normally no need for arguments though because of the people I've somehow surrounded myself with,.. Thank god..
Haha I know, it's like you can mold the outside layer of yourself so the world will not look down upon you, but you have enough sense or whatever you want to call it so that the core that is you can remain as it always was and never has to worry about being something else or changing itself and it enables you with the outlook to see the most basic right from wrong and the true vanity of people without holding biased opinions or personal feelings. The people who don't think like this I feel bad for, because all they do is think how they can make the world accept them for who they're not, and that's not right for living a healthy life in my book ...imo


Well-Known Member
wtf mountian man your a very interesting new poster xD you got it right dude I know exactly what your saying. I mold my outside image to fit what I see as 'fit' to other people. Unless I'm with my true best friends, then I'm myself. I would say I'm mad at myself for being a fake bastard tonew people.. But don't you have to be? I think I ALMOST have it figured out.. I'm on the brink.. 9 hits of lsd please. and at the same time.... another 8 ball lol



Well-Known Member
I literally would is the problem, I swear I was so close to shitting my pants last night lol I know tmi tmi.. Like me and my two buddies man.. We sat in a circle last night on the kitchen floor and TALKED RANTED for hours taking turns, about how fucked everything was.. Oh my god it was great.. We shouldv'e recorded that shit, I'd share it, it was intense xD

that was our first group coke binge xD


Well-Known Member
Some hot shit going on here :D

Its amazing what happens when you act a fool. The more you act a fool, the more obvious peoples intents are towards you :) Its always the way to think before you suss a person out, set them in their mould.. "so, whats your benefit out of this next move?"

The way some people "grasp land" and "establish points" on a conversation with you in order to make themselves feel more comfortable to take the next step. Its honestly like a game of chess talking with most people but the point of interest should be what the intent of establising these points amongst you.

I`m a very social person. But on the inside, I mainly feel like a hermit :) Hermit is no fun though, I`m yet to develop methods of advanced communication between people hehe


Well-Known Member
See tenner your thinking process is oddly the same, we all act like complete 10 year olds because we find it humorous. And it makes all situations much more comfortable when you can throw a soda across the room and have it explode everywhere and everyone just laugh at it, and the person who threw it cleans it.. Thats the way it should be.. Right?

Conversations are like a game of chess your right, their are specific phrases everyone has during current states of conversaation. Its weird how that works, yet I can;t notice my Own cliches (I guess they would be called cliches)


Well-Known Member
Excuse my excessive use of the wrong 'their' I think that was the one long term effect of last night xD
yeah man, i'm about to go off on a tangent but to me it's like everything's on a pathway and each path you take immediately has another million to choose from- but it's just a matter of choosing actions and thoughts that will effect the current situation, and I think it's interesting that every choice you've come to make has only been made because of other choices that were made in a very particular pattern.

bong break bongsmilie

And the thoughts and actions you use in the previous situation can determine where you will be taken and deciding on a different choice very very soon.

And the more you see how people make these choices the more you see how they are shaped, just like spheres of influence back when America and the Soviet Union were molding China- well ok not exactly but it's the only thing i could think of. In my opinion there are a few types of people, the kind who use there influence to shape others(which would include leaders, good and bad alike- Hitler, Jesus, Rockefeller, etc...), people who are too caught up in trying to be what other people want them to be(not to sound cliche, but, the masses would be an example), and the people who can think for themselves(there is a sub category for this too- the ones who blend in and the ones who are outspoken), now obviously there are many more sub-groups after that but thats basically what I have come to understand people as

Oh if you REALLY want me to go on a tangent yo ucan read this i guess, I was reading about how some people say time travel is impossible because of the Grandfather Paradox. I was reading a book the other day that made some sense, I think. Anyways it said that since the theory of parallel universes still stands, this means that when you time travel you exit your universe and have a chance on entering basically any other univers- but if you are a time traveler you will randomly visit a universe, but it is not random, it is all on a set path or else these universes could not exist and everything as we know it would just cease to be. So even if you came back in time you would not be able to predict anything, or it would all either be slightly different and the same, but it would never be the same. And so What I think is cool is that if that all stands to be true then there are millions of billions(or so they say) of universes that each consist of matter in the basic orginization but just slightly off- and to think what else might be in those universe that might not be in ours. i just think it's pretty cool but I think it's funny that i've come to the point where I think of that all the time so nothing is ever AMAZING anymore except really crazy shit I never new.

but anyways these are just my thoughts after a little drink and a good smoke, so i thought i'd just keep the thoughts brewin



Well-Known Member
And so What I think is cool is that if that all stands to be true then there are millions of billions(or so they say) of universes that each consist of matter in the basic orginization but just slightly off- and to think what else might be in those universe that might not be in ours. i just think it's pretty cool but I think it's funny that i've come to the point where I think of that all the time so nothing is ever AMAZING anymore except really crazy shit I never new.
Yeah I have similar thoughts on these universes. Say first question would be is there a creator? I think not and everybody has their own theory. But that implies that we came by coincidence in an infinate space. I say infinate space as we are denying creation, therefore accepting infinate and reasonless existance

Now further thought brings about that if we accept the concept of infinity and apply to this, a very small chance of a universe coming into existence in this empty space then we have quite a mind boggling fact. It means that, if we are to say in infinity, there is a chance of a universe forming every so often and if we think about this in the terms of dice on a board game, infinity implies this dice to be rolled infinate times therefore creating infinate universes.

That implies that there are infinate me`s, typing this same message to infinate you`s on infinate occasions and infinate places throughout space and time :)

That is to me what infinity and coincidence implies.

Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!

I know, and I love thinking like that, because then everything on this planet, let alone the universe, loses it's meaning, and makes a whole new question. How the hell did this all come to be?

What are you? What am I?

I mean, are you You, or are you just another mass of particles whirling around at the speed of light at such incredible small sizes that we're basically made completely of space and nothingness, but then as beings we are composed of so much of the mass that particle's we've come to know and love as photons are bounced off of us ONLY due to magnetic and electric fields and then my brain interperts these as a "computer" or "words" haha I love being high.

and the only reason why I don't just fly through my keyboard and everything else is because of the millions of billions of little negatively charged electrong opposing one another. And somehow the arrangement of these particles can judge whether the particles can stick together, oppose, live, degrade, etc... but when you get down to it it's all just magnets and radiation.

tangent time- I was reading an article in Popular Science that some scientists were theorizing since atoms are made of electrons, protons, and neutrons, and that they're made up of up and down quarks that somewhere in the universe there has to be matter composed of strictly up or strictly down quarks. Now I don't exactly know the behavior of this "Strange Matter" as they're calling it, but they theorize that some stars may have been giant enough to rip apart matter at some point in a hypernova or some other drastic amount of energy release and then rearrance itself in the according pattern of all up and all down.
Now the only thing I could think of of what this woudl do would be major disruptions in magnetic and electric fields, but I don't exactly the significance of it I just thought it was an interesting fact. Note that I might not be 100% correct on how it's formed, but it's definitely something to research if you're interested.