Fucking With People's Heads?


Well-Known Member
Eh, I'm not THAT kind of person. I just never understood the whole mind controlling thing. Some people are SO into it. Like all the Charlie Manson shit. If you've read his biography, there is some pretty hefty, mysterious knowledge in there. Unexplainable acts of the mind that you can control with yours. Its just weird stuff and I think I'm straight enough in the head to dab into it a little and I honestly don;t know where to start. I've always been into self hypnosis/hypnosis books. And I NEVER have gotten one rad in 5 minutes until now :D Bahahaaa!!
I would like to get into that mind controlling stuff ;)


Well-Known Member
I would like to get into that mind controlling stuff
Sel hypnosis is your first step, than hypnosis. Thats pretty much mind control/manipulation. Hell there are probably books on manipulation alone ;) Get tthe charles manson biography book though thats where I HEARD OF most of the cool shit people can do. Like convince you that your hands are stuck together. my psychology teacher in highschool would hypnotize people and he hypnotized a girl into thinking her desk was a car and she was in traffic, and then tis other kid was hypnotized that she pissed him off every little word she said. So she was sitting there screaming going HONK HONK MOVE YOU BITCH and then other guy was like "Shut the fuck up your so fucking annoying" It all went disastrous.. Oh how I loved that class..


Well-Known Member
lol coke is fucking crazy.If you have some fire you can make people do anything you want.