fucking breaking into your own house


bud bootlegger
YO absoltutely my brother thanks for giving me that perspective i fuckin appreciate it bro you made my night smoke some ganj on my behalf please or just stop around here if you're in nor cal sometime :peace:
lol, no problem.. my moms always said to me to think about how it could always be worse, and for such a simple thing, it usually does help to make me feel better when i stop and think about it, unless i'm really down, they i just say fuck it, lol..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
It fucking blows because we just moved into this house but from now on im gonna probly hide a key around the yard somewhere for fucks sake.

I threw out my shoulder chuking this big ass rock into the window twice trying to get entry back in, too. Shit sucks. Fuck me. I'm a total retard for doing it. My wife trys to console me but I know I'm just a retard. Lol. :D
Jesuz H lol that fuckin sucks bro...why does the woman always have to try to console a pissed off man? it never works really, the damage is already done lol " stop tryin to make my feel better and jus massage my fucked up shoulder" LOL


Well-Known Member
carpenter much?-



Well-Known Member
That sucks lol.it happened to me one time when i had to take a dump.ow man i had to hope the wall to the back yard,it almost killed me.