Really frustrated and angry right now.

An assumption in response to an assumption.Misanthrope, not at all, I get along with all good people. My gift is my keen understanding of people, especially it’s non-communicative forms. Didn’t mean to make assumptions about the nature of your friendships but I’m sure they weren’t all friending up to you because personally alone. The point I was making is a true one, true friends are rare. The longer you are on this earth, the clearer this comes.
I see that erectile dysfunction comment hit a little to close to home.
You should have called yourself abepawn. You remind me of a misanthrope who infested this forum ... he had a double helping of your brand of overt misogyny too.

Not sure how you come to that. I am neither. I was merely pointing out, in a lot of those cases, there was abuse in their early life. What misogynistic about. I’ve as a behavioral counselor in the state prison system for 22-years. I do have some understanding on the subject.
An assumption in response to an assumption.Misanthrope, not at all, I get along with all good people. My gift is my keen understanding of people, especially it’s non-communicative forms. Didn’t mean to make assumptions about the nature of your friendships but I’m sure they weren’t all friending up to you because personally alone. The point I was making is a true one, true friends are rare. The longer you are on this earth, the clearer this comes.
Annie did not assume. She arrived at a deduction based on behavior in evidence.
Not sure how you come to that. I am neither. I was merely pointing out, in a lot of those cases, there was abuse in their early life. What misogynistic about. I’ve as a behavioral counselor in the state prison system for 22-years. I do have some understanding on the subject.
With that broken English, how did you get the necessary degree? (When, and from which institution?)
Also, why are you committing the cardinal logic error of generalizing from a prison population to society at large?
Your core thesis needs a rethink.
Actually, I was not seeking conflict, it’s not my nature. I apologize for any misunderstanding I might have caused.
You come from corrections, as a counselor no less, and you don't understand you just implied I was crazy? I didn't misunderstand you. An actual apology takes ownership of the offensive behavior.
I didn’t say you were crazy, wasn’t thinking that at all. My apologies for offending you. It won’t happen again.
Actually, I was not seeking conflict, it’s not my nature. I apologize for any misunderstanding I might have caused.
With this offensive non-apology you falsify the bolded. You are now deliberately and plainly seeking conflict.
I didn’t say you were crazy, wasn’t thinking that at all. My apologies for offending you. It won’t happen again.

You didn't say it, but you implied it. So saying you didn't say it is adding to your burden of untruth. This is not an insult; it is behavioral counseling.
Look at it this way ... shit could be worst.. If by chance you were growing with any kinda equipment... he would’ve busted you too.. like the other friend.. lesson learned... and the next time you drop a seed don’t tell nobody shit.. make it like after this debacle, you can’t even afford the shit no more... all the while your growing... he is never to enter your surroundings again... and once mom and dad are done with a person... shit gets rough... most parents are there to the end...I don’t fuck with people once the parents cut they ass off.. u done fucked up