Really frustrated and angry right now.

I borrowed a friend (B) a 600w w hood and 2x1000w w/hoods all with bulbs which I wasn't using. I borrowed another buddy (C) a 1000w with a hood. I told them just to throw me down some nugs and if they use it for longer than 2 grows they need to buy me new Eye Hortilux bulbs. I find out that the light I borrowed to C he borrowed to B. B now has 3x1000w and the 600w setups of quality equipment. I really didn't think anything about it at the time because I really trusted the guy, he was my best man and I was unable to do anything with the equipment at the time. I guess C thought since I was such good friends with B it was okay to borrow him my stuff.
6 months later, I meet up with B at the bar. He's arrogant, annoying, and coked out bragging to everyone how he's so big, he's got this and that, and can bench press 400lbs. He's telling everyone he's the biggest grower in town. I'm embarrassed to be there with him. He tells me "I'm in the middle of something big bro, my shit makes yours look like nothing" talking down to me the entire time. I actually taught this asshole how to grow and set up his grow-op 10 years ago, since the bastard can barely read. I should have known he was a PoS when he tried to charge me for clones after that! He's acting like a combination of Scarface and Jersey Shore. I asked him when I can get my shit back and he gets annoyed, "I'll give em back when I'm done with this one, you're not even using it"
I realize I can't stand this PoS anymore. He's a pathological narcissist and literally everything I fucking hate. But there's really nothing I can do. I can't sew him for my shit. He's 300lbs I'm not going to fight him. He tells me he's partnered up with some douche bag who owns some giant building. I try to get a hold of him but can't. Fast forward another 4 months. I go over to his house. He's not there his baby momma kicked his ass out. His boat, truck, cars, stocked garage, everything is gone from the house.
Some more time passes. Finally, he calls me, not about the equipment. He's asking me to rent him a fucking room!. He says "I don't have any money, but I have EBT card we can buy groceries with" I ask him WTF happened with my equipment he says "I sold all that stuff like 5 months ago, bro. I needed the money more than you needed your stuff" I'm fucking steaming. I guess he sold everything to his partner. I talk with his uncle who tells me he's been an alcoholic and coked out for awhile, and has burned everyone in his life. His family and friends have cut him off. I didn't realize it at the time, but I saw his partner on the news. He got busted because B couldn't keep his god damn mouth shut, he never could. Now the bastard is homeless.
He comes to places where he thinks I might be, name drops, calling me his "little brother" asking people if they've seen me around. Tries to contact my friends and family on Facebook to squeeze his way back into my life. Name drops me on Facebook. Puts up pictures of us from 2 decades ago. I'm really pissed and just had to get that shit off my chest.

The last part of this might sound sad. But it's all manipulation. People are just things to be used up and thrown out to him.
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I borrowed a friend (B) a 600w w hood and 2x1000w w/hoods all with bulbs which I wasn't using. I borrowed another buddy (C) a 1000w with a hood. I told them just to throw me down some nugs and if they use it for longer than 2 grows they need to buy me new Eye Hortilux bulbs. I find out that the light I borrowed to C he borrowed to B. B now has 3x1000w and the 600w setups of quality equipment. I really didn't think anything about it at the time because I really trusted the guy, he was my best man and I was unable to do anything with the equipment at the time. I guess C thought since I was such good friends with B it was okay to borrow him my stuff.
6 months later, I meet up with B at the bar. He's arrogant, annoying, and coked out bragging to everyone how he's so big, he's got this and that, and can bench press 400lbs. He's telling everyone he's the biggest grower in town. I'm embarrassed to be there with him. He tells me "I'm in the middle of something big bro, my shit makes yours look like nothing" talking down to me the entire time. I actually taught this asshole how to grow and set up his grow-op 10 years ago, since the bastard can barely read. I should have known he was a PoS when he tried to charge me for clones after that! He's acting like a combination of Scarface and Jersey Shore. I asked him when I can get my shit back and he gets annoyed, "I'll give em back when I'm done with this one, you're not even using it"
I realize I can't stand this PoS anymore. He's a pathological narcissist and literally everything I fucking hate. But there's really nothing I can do. I can't sew him for my shit. He's 300lbs I'm not going to fight him. He tells me he's partnered up with some douche bag who owns some giant building. I try to get a hold of him but can't. Fast forward another 4 months. I go over to his house. He's not there his baby momma kicked his ass out. His boat, truck, cars, stocked garage, everything is gone from the house.
Some more time passes. Finally, he calls me, not about the equipment. He's asking me to rent him a fucking room!. He says "I don't have any money, but I have EBT card we can buy groceries with" I ask him WTF happened with my equipment he says "I sold all that stuff like 5 months ago, bro. I needed the money more than you needed your stuff" I'm fucking steaming. I guess he sold everything to his partner. I talk with his uncle who tells me he's been an alcoholic and coked out for awhile, and has burned everyone in his life. His family and friends have cut him off. I didn't realize it at the time, but I saw his partner on the news. He got busted because B couldn't keep his god damn mouth shut, he never could. Now the bastard is homeless.
He comes to places where he thinks I might be, name drops, calling me his "little brother" asking people if they've seen me around. Tries to contact my friends and family on Facebook to squeeze his way back into my life. Name drops me on Facebook. Puts up pictures of us from 2 decades ago. I'm really pissed and just had to get that shit off my chest.
Worse than the police showing up would be some unsavory characters listening to him brag, then showing up to his front door with guns in his face. He’s setting himself up for a jack move.
It's really an inexpensive learning experience. I'm sure a bit of your anger is toward yourself for being a poor judge of character in the first place. We've all made the mistake trusting someone we shouldn't have, some have spent thousands learning the same lesson. It only cost you couple of hundred in equipment. If he really wants back into your life, have him blow you. It'll teach him some humility, establish the proper hierarchy, and you get your dick sucked. Win/win...
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Worse than the police showing up would be some unsavory characters listening to him brag, then showing up to his front door with guns in his face. He’s setting himself up for a jack move.
Well, he doesn't have a front door anymore. I do however and get what you're saying. I told him years ago to keep my name out of his mouth.
It's really an inexpensive learning experience. I'm sure a bit of your anger is toward yourself for being a poor judge of character in the first place. We've all made the mistake trusting someone we shouldn't have, some have spent thousands learning the same lesson. It only cost you couple of hundred in equipment. If he really wants back into your life, have him blow you. It'll teach him some humility and establish the proper hierarchy, and you get your dick sucked. Win/win...
A few hundred? I'm out over a grand. Plus, I let him borrow a bin of timers, extension cords, aero-cloner, air-pump, light hangers and other random shit. I hung out with him intermittently over the past 6 years. He had 2 Harley's, a boat, 4 wheelers, wave runners, a business and a house for 20 years. I didn't think he would lose it all doing coke, gambling, whoring, within like a year and a half and steal my shit.
A few hundred? I'm out over a grand. Plus, I let him borrow a bin of timers, extension cords, aero-cloner, air-pump, light hangers and other random shit. I hung out with him intermittently over the past 6 years. He had 2 Harley's, a boat, 4 wheelers, wave runners, a business and a house for 20 years. I didn't think he would lose it all doing coke, gambling, whoring, within like a year and a half and steal my shit.

That's a lot more of a loss. Have him toss in some anal...
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A few hundred? I'm out over a grand. Plus, I let him borrow a bin of timers, extension cords, aero-cloner, air-pump, light hangers and other random shit. I hung out with him intermittently over the past 6 years. He had 2 Harley's, a boat, 4 wheelers, wave runners, a business and a house for 20 years. I didn't think he would lose it all doing coke, gambling, whoring, within like a year and a half and steal my shit.
That first step over the cliff happens quickly...been there, done that
A few hundred? I'm out over a grand. Plus, I let him borrow a bin of timers, extension cords, aero-cloner, air-pump, light hangers and other random shit. I hung out with him intermittently over the past 6 years. He had 2 Harley's, a boat, 4 wheelers, wave runners, a business and a house for 20 years. I didn't think he would lose it all doing coke, gambling, whoring, within like a year and a half and steal my shit.

I feel you my man. It's the principle of the matter. You got fucked by someone you cared about and trusted. Roll a fatty, and get yourself a drink and just chill for a bit. I know it's shitty, but you really did get off easy in the grand scheme of things. An addict to just one of those things will drain your income, but all 3?? Holy fuck. Gambling especially for someone too proud and arrogant to know when to walk away. I can't even imagine how you must feel, and I'm sure it's not just all the equipment. You tried to set someone up and take care of them and got betrayed.

Starting out, I wished for someone like you. I had the experience and knew what I could do with the right equipment, but never had the money. Over nearly 5 years I knew of 4 people that started grows that I begged to help with. All of them scoffed, but never grew more than a single harvest. Eventually, I got my break. But I often wonder what could have been had just one of those guys had the faith in me that you had in your old friend. So, while I can't say I know exactly how you feel, I can empathize with you because I used to be someone that would have been grateful for the opportunity.

Now onto the stuff we should be really thinking about.

Does he still know where you live?
Does he know you still grow?
Does he know the location?

Unfortunately, someone like that will do anything he can to sell you out for another 8 ball, spin at the wheel, or blow job. Damage control is what the concern should be here. Don't just cut this fucker out of your life, make sure there isn't a trace of your existence. This asshole is the kind of guy that WILL find a way to entangle himself back into your life as a means to find another way to fuck you for another fix.

Please stay safe my man, and my condolences. Rest assured this guy has plenty more to reap with what he's sown.