Well-Known Member
Uhm, if that were truly the case than my dad probably would have had a harder time getting work for nearly the last 30 or so years... You know, as a union construction worker it must have been so hard! I'll go ask him... Oh wait... Even in the state the construction industry is in right now he still works more than he spends time off. Before the 08 recession he had so many work opportunities he was turning work down. Sounds like union construction is struggling! Oh wait... Not anymore than non-union construction (the construction industry is lagging behind most others the last couple of years after all).wow are you clueless. have you been to a construction site in the last hundred years? can we say illegals, all at once now, illegals
plenty of profitable union companies....dont blink
how many jobs would have been lost if they went bankrupt? that was another option. never knew you were so communistic in your politics. hmmm
Who is going backrupt?