Charlie Ventura
Active Member
Unions work for union power. In a closed shop, the union dues are extracted from the worker, then given to politicians in the Democrat party who will work to pass legislation that benefits the unions. Here in California, the unions run the state. The unions contribute to the Democrats and the Democrats do the bidding of the unions. On the side, almost as a second thought, they try to run the state. Public union employees have learned how to game the system through various means in order to spike retirement benefits. Over 80% of the brass (paper pushers) in the Highway Patrol go off on disability medical leave during the last year of employment right before retiring in order to get 100% medical for life. The state prison guards make astronomical retirement pay. There are public employee life guards making over 200k per year. The unions in California are driving the private sector out of the state, much in the same way that over regulation and over taxation are driving corporations out of the country. Unions MAY have had a hand in "raising the middle class" at one time ... but now its just another way to scam the system at the expense of the productive. In other words, its the parasites vs the hosts. Eventually the hosts run out of blood to suck.