Fuck Greenhouse Seed Company!!

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i've seen a lot of bad reporting on greenhouse and THINK that might be the bank someone in another forum was furious with for not giving him his prize, free beans i think, in a contest.

i just follow a "don't buy from dutch breeders" policy though everyone loves barney. there might be a few other legit dutch breeders, but i don't know which ones are dutch & which aren't.
I have 2 Super Lemon Haze grown in Subcool's supersoil recipe (7 gallon nursery containers) almost ready to chop. All I have to say is that so far it has been a very easy plant to grow. Extremely strong branching, hardly needs support. Topped them twice and have four nice sets of colas popping through the canopy. Looks like a monster yield too; very healthy. Also grown some TGA Vortex and had a very positive experience with them. Disappointed with Barney's Tangerine Dream. Nowhere near finishing but smells incredible. Barney's state 70 days, but I'm thinking their leaning towards 100-plus, must be Neville's Haze phenos.

Finished a mutant dwarf Trainwreck from GHS. Deeply resinous and smells predominately of fuel during growing till manicure. A nice smoke, but not as potent as Vortex Lemonade pheno. Despite being a mutant, I yielded just over 30g dried. Plan on growing Himalayan Gold, Ultra Haze #1 and Hawaiian Snow from GHS on next grow. So far I've been pleased. I have 3 buds drying from each SLH plants almost ready to chop. They look like little yellow-cream colored sugar coated Lemonhead candies. lol Keeping my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
got a ladyburn 1974 from greenhouse off a friend, its going as we speak but seems very stunted compared to all the others

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Like I said, you had a bad experience, they are a good seed bank

Just because you have 4 seedlings doesn't make them a good company. Wait until those little seedlings turn into hermy buds of low quality. The best strain I've ever had from ghs was super lemon haze and that's not saying much. Also that Bubba Kush you have is an imposter.


Well-Known Member
These guys are just telling their-selves it aint a bad company! You might find something good but chances are you wont. Why would High Times ever name The Church as a top ten strain? I loved it....until I found dank genetics.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
Why would High Times ever name The Church as a top ten strain?
um.... because whoever's strain it is is an advertiser? that's the game in magazines. you have a product you want reviewed, you better pony up some advertising money then. i believe the murmurs i've heard about the cannabis cup being bought too.

if you want to know for real what gear is like, come down here in the test department where there's a bunch of people doing quality control on all kinds of gear. if something's awesome, you'll see nothing but happy campers, if not, you'll see a little to a whole lot of grumbling about it. i err on the side of avoiding dutch breeders though some are OK.

if you REALLY want to test greenhouse gear, attitude's giving their lemon haze away with next month's newsletter offer.


Well-Known Member
Just because you have 4 seedlings doesn't make them a good company. Wait until those little seedlings turn into hermy buds of low quality. The best strain I've ever had from ghs was super lemon haze and that's not saying much. Also that Bubba Kush you have is an imposter.
agreed. Pre-98 bubba cali conection is the way to go


Well-Known Member
um.... because whoever's strain it is is an advertiser? that's the game in magazines. you have a product you want reviewed, you better pony up some advertising money then. i believe the murmurs i've heard about the cannabis cup being bought too.

if you want to know for real what gear is like, come down here in the test department where there's a bunch of people doing quality control on all kinds of gear. if something's awesome, you'll see nothing but happy campers, if not, you'll see a little to a whole lot of grumbling about it. i err on the side of avoiding dutch breeders though some are OK.

if you REALLY want to test greenhouse gear, attitude's giving their lemon haze away with next month's newsletter offer.
I have SLH... I think it would be hard to find a decent pheno in one or two seeds though IMO


dp sux

New Member
At 7 ft tall you say a plant just died huhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I dnt know bout that. ( maybe it was stressed and pistols turned premature is that what you mean..
White Widow is a magnisium slut and not EZ to grow(needs 2 weeks dark to look snowy) and real generic tasting rite like BC bud from canada.
Im doin a cross with cronic at moment for a specific jack ass just one though.

And when you buy the cheapest seeds your not getin the most expensive bud.. 99% of the strains on market IMHO need to just go away
the world of mariuana would be better if we just kept the 20% strains that taste good the rest should go the way of the doe doe bird.

Use DNA they have the new school genetics that fetch the AAA prices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Why would you see different pheno types if they were feminized? That mess you got looks like more then genetics but user error somewhere, no offense
Organic soil/coco mix, foxfarm trio w/ beasti budz, and cha-ching, 600w HPS, stable temps in low 80s, >40% humidity, pH 6.3, temp 60 ish, >700ppm. The best looking one started out a wonderful indica pheno that was 8 internodes at 8 in. tall, but then I left on vacation for 2 weeks and weird shit happened in my tent without the schedule (16/8) getting changed, the only significant change being very very sparse nutes, but that should have been ok in the soil.


Well-Known Member
White Widow is also known to be able to take a lot of nutrients, especially in soil
Ill be the first to admit I under fed them. My blueberry is done and afgoo is quite close to finishing, and neither of them showed such serious clowniness, they both showed N and P deficiencies toward the end, but the best ww is zinc def, P def, and who knows wtf else. It is a good learning experience to be sure.


Well-Known Member
and just because you get a hermie doesn't mean its automatically the breeders fault. Most of the time its from some sort of stress caused by the user. Light temperature and nutrients.

Everyone is quick to blame the gentics or their ballast or bulb when they have failures. From my experiance it was usually my fault something blew or died or grew seeds.


New Member
FML. I just ordered some of the Jack H and Exodus Cheese. They were cheap enough, i'll grow them out anyway. Just mix them in with some known quantities.

dp sux

New Member
This year outdoors i grew White Rhino, White Widow, and Kings Kush from GHSC.

Out of three White Rhino's one turned out decent the buds were nice and dense but the shit tastes like fucking hay.

The other two White Rhino's got some weird disease and straight up died when they were 7 feet tall.

The White Widow was the most finicky strain i ever grew. It needs exactly the right amount of nutes or it will show serious deficiencies.

And the Kings Kush, 1 out of 3 had nice dense buds on it but the buds have no smell or flavor whatsoever. The other two are so airy i'm gonnna have to use the whole plant to make hash.

I should have stuck with only TGA strains. All the TGA strains i have in the same dirt same nutes same everything came out so dank they look indoor.

I will never grow GHSC seeds again, it was a complete waste of money, time, hardwork, and space in my garden that could have been used to grow some seroius dank.

At least now i know.
Arjan and Franco are some of the biggest CLOWNS in the industrie!!!

If I ever got in slapping distance I would bitch slapp the fuck out of them(for being grimey pieces of shits)!!!

THE ONLY REASON FOR THE COLORED SEEDS(is so they can give out premature seeds w/out any one complaing)its like they sell every seed from every plant regardless if it looks viable or not (think about that one for a hot min)