Fuck Greenhouse Seed Company!!


Well-Known Member
Considering girl scout cookies came from bag seed from a banana'd plant I think it would be common knowledge that GSC is a hermillionaire.

If you start breeding with something unstable it takes work to fix the instability issues, which is why people like Subcool don't do that and instead they just cube everything then blame the growers.

DJ Shorts Blueberry I have no clue what went into that but after talking with JD I wouldn't go near that with a ten foot pole.
A lot of breeders are just pollen chuckers looking to make a quick buck, but can you blame them?

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
A lot of breeders are just pollen chuckers looking to make a quick buck, but can you blame them?
Blame them? not at all, living in a capitalistic society doesn't mean I have to like it but if people are taking a step up in life due to others ignorance that is just the way it is. Just like the pet rock, trading cards, furbies, those little stuffed animal pet things that were a craze for a while... i forget the name.

While capitalism does produce a lot of shit, it leaves room for me to scoop up the good stuff! :D for every Cali Connection / Green House Seed buyer there is it saves me a whole pack from a reputable breeder that I can get because they didn't.


Well-Known Member
Blame them? not at all, living in a capitalistic society doesn't mean I have to like it but if people are taking a step up in life due to others ignorance that is just the way it is. Just like the pet rock, trading cards, furbies, those little stuffed animal pet things that were a craze for a while... i forget the name.

While capitalism does produce a lot of shit, it leaves room for me to scoop up the good stuff! :D for every Cali Connection / Green House Seed buyer there is it saves me a whole pack from a reputable breeder that I can get because they didn't.
They sure know how to advertise.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
They sure know how to advertise.
I could do the same thing real easy, not hard to steal other peoples pictures and make up strain names lol. But I want to one day pass around some seeds and so I am documenting most of my stuff so that people know that what they are getting is pretty much what I am showing minus the different phenos.

I wouldn't be surprised if they spent more money on marketing than the whole operation.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
Smokin on some recently harvested SLH from seed. It is very very good. Not the best SLH cut I've seen, but not so far off. It's a great seed line despite GHS being a company that is easy to hate and who doesn't always put out top flight lines...
I think their SLH has been a winner the whole time though, it is the one strain I can find plenty of grow journals on :D. I would love to have a SLH cut.


Well-Known Member
You obviously haven't grown Black Widow, aka the real White Widow from Shanti, not some rip off White Widow from Arjan. For your positive review there are probably dozens of negative ones. If you want the real WW why not buy from Mr Nice and support the original breeder of the strain?
Lol the guy who started his career with the biggest lie. Might want to see his filmed dolcivita interview, where he admits with his own mouth on film there was a clone only version of white widow way before he created it. He is that much of a rip master, in all his years he never once credited the creator of that clone. Instead he makes up cok un bs stories about separately finding the mother and father. The guy lies so much he even tried to make out super silver and mango haze both had haze a in them. Til someone blew him up. Then he tried to make out there was one difference between super silver and mango haze and that was the skunk haze a father used in mango haze, till nevil said that the one difference between the two was the mother side not the father. Mango haze mother being c5122 and super silver being c5:1. Then the guy tried to make out he had a pure haze female that was used in la nina till some revealed it was actually a m madness. Did no one ever wonder why there was so much variations in his yello pack seeds. It was because there f2, try breeding those to the next generation they become stable. Never know anyone ever to take cannabis user as idiots more than that guy. He has been pulling the wool over people's eyes for decades. Its disgusting what he's done. He eben tried to make out nevil was making up bs stories like the g13 was still around and that they wer the only people who had real g13 in there lines but secretly behind people's backs he was trying to get that g13 clone for himself. Remember this is a guy who wants no one to get anything like his parental stock and is a guy who will do everything he can to make sure you never get a chance from him to get them. No wonder ghs's super lemon was so good it was actually made with a real f1 super silver haze.
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Well-Known Member
1: Super Lemon Haze is anything but; "solid." It has major hermie issues.
2: The Church is half stable, but it's mediocre smoke at best.

There is only one true White Rhino and it has long since been renamed Medicine Man by Scott Blakey (AKA Shantibaba) who created it, along with the original White Widow and many others, but who then after getting fed up with Arjan Shantibaba sold his portion of Green House Seeds to Arjan, and left taking all his genetics with him, and he opened up Mr. Nice Seeds (and renamed some of his most famous Cup Winning strains).

It's not like the quality of Green House Seeds White Rhino slowly went down hill over time. When Scott Blakey left, Green House Seeds no longer had real true original White Rhino, or White Widow or Great White Shark or Neville's Haze, or any of the other strains that Shantibaba created. Green House Seeds was stuck doing what everyone else was doing, making. When Nevil later sold out his share of the Green House Coffee Shop and left taking his genetics with him, Arjan had even less and had to replace them with more knockoffs and more new pure garbage.

As for Nirvana ..... it is so terrible that is may be the singular seed company that can actually make Green House Seeds look good in comparison.

If it came down to growing Nirvana gear or growing bagseed, I'd grow from bagseed.

People, learn who is a true quality breeder and who is a pollen chucker masquerading as a true breeder, learn wht seed companies are quality seed producers, learn the originals and pick them over cheap knockoffs. Stay away from 'flavor of the month strains.' They are always way more hype than anything else.
Yep sure does, the biggest liyers get cought eventually.


Well-Known Member
My above post wasnt about ghs, but the guy who claims to be the creator of white widow/black widow wich is a lie. What if I was to get the cookies clone and released a seed line as many have done and claimed to be the creator of it. Also making bs stories about treaking in the jungle to find the father, then to some farm in the mountains to find the mother. And then I continued to make up stories about this and that making out evrything else is fake and only I have the originals and taking your hard earnd money for decades by selling you lies. Id be doing that thinking smokers are seriously dumb and they wont know especially if I took your money for decades with these lies. Also super silver haze and mango haze has never had hazeA in them only hazeC. Always lying to sell your crap f4 repos. People like this should be avoided at all costs.


Well-Known Member
Also the same guy selling these false dreams tried to make out he was the breeder who made mullum madness which is another lie. He claims in his eyes no one can breed better than him and he is the best breeder ever and the only person who came close was nevil, lol what a joke. The only good thing that ever came from his camp was from f2's made from nevils selected cuttings. When he lost those evrything was crap some pure hermie crap. Nevil's breeding was many times better than his. All this guy managed to do was make a whole generation think that nevils stuff was avarage and if you was lucky you might find 1 or 2 good plants from alot of packs. What rubish.