It's not only that those are low periods of vaccination, but it is additionally during the highest rates of infection. You can't scoop up hundreds of thousands of cases of covid during a time when almost nobody was fully vaccinated and presented as some sort of evidence towards your cause.Well I think he's right to suggest that scooping up the numbers from low periods of vaccination would reduce the impact of "95% of hospitalizations from 1/1-9/1 are from unvaccinated", I'm not not sure the difference is night and day. I did find the below and I don't know how valid it is, because I just don't care enough to pick it apart at the moment, but it looks like cutting the data back to June and it only drops to 86%...
Unvaccinated COVID-19 hospitalizations cost billions of dollars - Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker
COVID-19 vaccines have been free and broadly available to adults in all states and the District of Columbia since mid-April 2021, meaning adults in the U.S. have generally been able to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 since late May 2021 if receiving a two-dose vaccine. COVID-19 vaccines
Exactly, who knows? Answer: nobody, because we don't have the data. Like I keep saying Israel does have the data, and they are 2 months ahead of us. That's why the world is looking at Israel right now. If you want to blind yourself to their data that's your prerogative but you will never have a clear picture any other way.Yeah but your negative-only mission seems to convey that you think reality is the complete inverse, but it's probably just a small dilution. 10%? 20%? Who knows, but I'm not sure you have any footing to fight the overall message.
I just want solid data, not estimates. Is that really too much to ask. Speaking of data, I have something to show you..Even the things you know, you don't "know", so the angle is useless. The whole thing of discounting a rough estimate of 86% as if it's going to be something like 15% is ridiculous. They're probably not off by more than 5-10%, but you want to completely wipe that effort off the table like not fully knowing something is the same as knowing nothing. That's malicious.
good job peej. thanksI just want solid data, not estimates. Is that really too much to ask. Speaking of data, I have something to show you..
In the chart below, the wave of covid cases I marked in the red box (during the time of lowest vaccination rates) are the ones which I am deeming irrelevant to the case you are trying to present (between Jan 1 and May 1). It's quite a big amount compared to what we see after May 1st..
View attachment 4989591
Check something more current, maybe from 2021. Like I said, Dr Zelenko has now treated over 7000 covid patients, and he hasn't lost one since somewhere in the 5000 range.
I would do this, yes..Will you do his treatment plan?
..and if I slipped into the high risk category, yes I would do this:I would do this, yes..
Low risk patients - over the counter options:
1. Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for 7 days
2. Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day for 7 days
3. Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
4. Rest, oral fluids and close follow up with doctor
I already take Zinc, Quercetin, and C daily anyway, just not at such high doses.
Funny how you use HIPAA laws as a shield for your lack of data, but you don't want to consider them a factor with Snopes' inability to "validate" Dr Zelenko's claims. Double standard much?lol yeah damn those HIPAA laws.
..and if I slipped into the high risk category, yes I would do this:
High risk patients
1. Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day for 7 days
2. Quercetin 500mg 3 times a day for 7 days
3. Azithromycin 500mg 1 time a day for 5 days or Doxycycline 100mg 2 times a day for 7 days
4. Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days
5. Rest, oral fluids and close followup with doctor
The only difference is upping the dosage of Quercetin, and adding an antibiotic.
Hey, if peeps wanna get all vaxxed up I got not issue with that. You're right that everyone's different tho. My buddy who got the shot passed out a few minutes after the shot, and woke up on the floor shaking when the nurse ran in. He was sick as a dog for 3 days. He didn't even want the vax, but was cohered by work.Meh. I took 10 minutes to drive to the drugstore and get the shot. Less work. Sore arm for 1 night. But everyone's different. Do what you think is right.
Hey, if peeps wanna get all vaxxed up I got not issue with that. You're right that everyone's different tho. My buddy who got the shot passed out a few minutes after the shot, and woke up on the floor shaking when the nurse ran in. He was sick as a dog for 3 days. He didn't even want the vax, but was cohered by work.
Nah, I will listen to American medical professionals thank you though.
LOL, some day you guys will figure out that I'm ahead of the curve. Case in point, listen to Dr. Jonathan Reiner discuss why the FDA didn't approve boosters for everyone today. If you watch the whole thing, and listen carefully towards the end he clearly says that "we don't have the data" and explains that we need to look at Israel's data, because they do have it:Middle east'ers are very close to US rednecks.