free speech warriors are trying to cancel culture me for calling it horsey meds

You’re right about vets being sales people and that’s also good advice to ask a groomer.

groomers are arch nemesis of vets..if you have a few rounds of dogs etc you know the role of vets have changed over the years and you're not going to get out of the visit- no matter what decision you make..$300 easy. i told my vet about how my dog acted after i gave her that medicine (it says right on the box 'causes seizures in some dogs') and she gave me doggie xanax..great! cover something with something else to keep the expensive med train going.

fvck that. don't give your dogs shit. buy the Bio Groom for flea protection and that's all you need once per month. once a year HW test to make sure. do not buy the medicine.

A healthy dog shouldn't need all what vet wants you to buy..what did we do before it was invented?
You’re right about vets being sales people and that’s also good advice to ask a groomer.

just be careful; if you're not good with math make sure someone looks at the dose to double check. it's easy to make a mistake and you don't want to kill your pet(s).
A healthy dog shouldn't need all what vet wants you to buy..what did we do before it was invented?

Good point.

It's not a big leap to apply this point to "the vaccine". The ones that manufacturers somehow got legal immunity for if you get jabbed and start barking at the moon or have other ill effects.

Your body, your choice !
Good point.

It's not a big leap to apply this point to "the vaccine". The ones that manufacturers somehow got legal immunity for if you get jabbed and start barking at the moon or have other ill effects.

Your body, your choice !
how many times do i have to remind you not to post your looney tunes conspiracy retard nonsense in my threads you racist pedophile
Good point.

It's not a big leap to apply this point to "the vaccine". The ones that manufacturers somehow got legal immunity for if you get jabbed and start barking at the moon or have other ill effects.

Your body, your choice !

200M aren't barking at the moon..FDA has it's okay so you can sue them should you wish to- we have ways of making you comply, Rob.
'it's like the plague' there's a 10 minute interview with folks from the Ozarks- highly recommended.

get your fvcking shot!!!!!


PS if you watched the vid how disappointing (and disgusting) at the end, the guy who tells his friends to not get vaxxed and REVEALS HE IS VAXXED himself 'because he doesn't want his wife to have to make the decision to pull the plug'.

so you stupid pillbillys..your friends are getting secret vaccines to which the doctor interviewed attested to as well..YOUR OWN PEOPLE ARE BETRAYING YOU.

fvcking EVIL Judas goat.

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Well I guess the humans taking animal medicine, FOR NON RECREATIONAL PURPOSES, are missing out on flavor country.

The irony of it all is I would be and am on board with taking animal drugs for funsies. Just not as real medicine.

Lol, I am behind the times apparently, they are on it. -- A new and,veterinary medicine, typically with horses.
Ketamine is being used to kick start someone who's anti- depressants are not working well. Couple of hospitals around here have been doing studies with it.
Lots of studies done with psychedelic drugs.
Dammit man, I'm trying to make fun of people taking horse medicine here!
Some horse meds totally rock.
'it's like the plague' there's a 10 minute interview with folks from the Ozarks- highly recommended.

get your fvcking shot!!!!!


PS if you watched the vid how disappointing (and disgusting) at the end, the guy who tells his friends to not get vaxxed and REVEALS HE IS VAXXED himself 'because he doesn't want his wife to have to make the decision to pull the plug'.

so you stupid pillbillys..your friends are getting secret vaccines to which the doctor interviewed attested to as well..YOUR OWN PEOPLE ARE BETRAYING YOU.

fvcking EVIL Judas goat.

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Antivaxxers don't care what you think. But I think you were venting.

The article you linked to is very good at capturing the mood in antivax-land. This guy, especially:

"They shafted my President," Bland said. He thought the vaccine was delayed intentionally to hurt Trump, a baseless claim. "They wouldn't give it to him because they know damn good and well he'd be reelected, and there'd be nothing nobody could do. So, they had to swindle around and scheme around and keep it from him, and just as soon as the election was over, Bam! There we got it."

"I'm so bullheaded. You shafted me out of my President. I ain't taking your medicine," he said. "I'll take what they gave him, but I'm not taking yours."
When reminded Trump had actually urged people to get the vaccine, Bland said he hadn't seen that. Indeed, Trump himself got the vaccine, and while he had teased there could be a shot by the 2020 election, vaccine developers and federal officials were always clear that the timeline depended on when the data came in. "I don't watch the news because you'uns have all pissed me off so bad,"

He had been terribly ill from Covid a year ago. Got the royal treatment at the hospital. His reason for not getting vaccinated is he's angry that "we" stole his presidency away from his chosen leader. He's angry and so refuses to cooperate. He didn't say the vaccine is (woozy conspiracy theory), he said he identified the vaccine with people he doesn't like and so he won't get it. He's a dumbass but more honest with himself than most.

I hope he remains angry and powerless.
how does a parasiticide kill a novel virus? asking for a friend. that's like taking Z pak for covid too. it's an antibacterial
I’ve wondered about this too. The stock response from those that suggest it as an alternative to COVID vaccines seems to be “I did my own research”. I’ve read quite a bit too and keep coming up with ivermectin being an anti-parasitic. Perhaps I just don’t do my research in the proper places…
I'm late to this thread, but since you asked, I'm here to explain the science to you..

Basically there is a particular enzyme produced by the human body, which is necessary for the replication of the virus once in your system. This is the RdRP enzyme, and here's some specific info about it's interaction with covid:

So in short the theory is that if the RdRP enzyme can be reduced, eliminated, or blocked then the virus can not self-replicate, thereby resulting in quicker recovery. Non-conventional Doctors, such as Dr. Zelenko, have implemented a couple of methods to do this, one involves Ivermectin, and another involves Zinc plus an ionophore (carrier).

The Ivermectin method works by binding itself to the RdRP enzyme thereby rendering it useless for viral replication.

The Zinc method targets the same enzyme, but instead of binding to the enzyme, it reduces/eliminates the enzyme within the cells. However it needs the ionophore (carrier) to penetrate with cell wall. This is where hydroxychloroquine comes into the picture, however there are other more natural ionophores available, such as Quercetin, which is great for building immunity:

For those who are interested, here is the "Zelenko Protocol". Dr Zelenko has treated over 7000 covid patients in successfully, Fauci and Vivek Murthy have collectively treated zero covid patients:

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