free speech warriors are trying to cancel culture me for calling it horsey meds

are horse apples those apples that just falls in someones yard that noone picks-up or eats..kinda sour?
Not exactly.

Did you need a vet prescription for the horse kind? That heartworm medicine I linked said it required a prescription, people getting thwarted by vets would make me laugh. Besides meat flavor, I am sure there is a peanut butter option. They are missing out.
Typically, no. Prescription requirements tend to be more loose with livestock meds than with pet ones. I order the swine and cattle stuff online without a scrip. We use it instead of heartgard because it is much cheaper. That said, I paid 2x as much for the last order due to the big spike in ivermectin demand.
She gets it with peanut butter.
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I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life.

— Osama bin Laden (October 2001), as reported by CNN
I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. government will lead the American people in — and the West in general — into an unbearable hell and a choking life.

— Osama bin Laden (October 2001), as reported by CNN

It's always good for a chuckle when someone from the middle east talks about freedom and human rights in America. Bonus chuckle when someone else finds it poignant.
It's always good for a chuckle when someone from the middle east talks about freedom and human rights in America. Bonus chuckle when someone else finds it poignant.

It's even funnier when it's accurate.

Just because a person may not be "for freedom and human rights" doesn't mean if something they say is accurate it becomes inaccurate.

Even you, if you ever say something that makes sense, despite your frequently not making sense, the sensible thing you manage to squeek out will still be sensible. That was a hypothetical of course, but WHEN / IF you say something sensible I'll tip my hat to you. When / if. :lol:
Okay, let me put my RR hat on and make one of his "sensical" statements...

"People that pay taxes are slaves and, sure...I pay taxes too, but I'm not a slave!!!"
Okay, let me put my RR hat on and make one of his "sensical" statements...

"People that pay taxes are slaves and, sure...I pay taxes too, but I'm not a slave!!!"

Not all those enslaved are slaves. What makes a person a slave, is they do not want to escape.

Typically, no. Prescription requirements tend to be more loose with livestock meds than with pet ones. I order the swine and cattle stuff online without a scrip. We use it instead of heartgard because it is much cheaper. That said, I paid 3x as much for the last order due to the big spike in ivermectin demand.
She gets it with peanut butter.

This is smart. I’m gonna look in to this. We have the once a month 6 pack i wonder what the cost difference is (after it’s available at normal prices again lol)
This is smart. I’m gonna look in to this. We have the once a month 6 pack i wonder what the cost difference is (after it’s available at normal prices again lol)

i've purchased the regular dog version flea/heartworm for two dogs 1-10lb 1-15lb, so i got the size to cover a 30lb dog and split it to save money. i test once a year for heartworm but i don't give the medicine. flea protection is Bio Groom Repel 35 (groomer recommended) just once per month on my hands worked through the fur..good for horses too, but i noticed that my dogs were affected neurologically. so when they passed and got the new dog with new meds and he started doing the same thing as the others after giving it to him, i know it's the medicine- so no thanks. sadly vets are sales people now.

PS if you have pet questions but can't go to the vet ask your dogs groomer; they know all the tips and tricks.
i've purchased the regular dog version flea/heartworm for two dogs 1-10lb 1-15lb, so i got the size to cover a 30lb dog and split it to save money. i test once a year for heartworm but i don't give the medicine. flea protection is Bio Groom Repel 35 (groomer recommended) just once per month on my hands worked through the fur..good for horses too, but i noticed that my dogs were affected neurologically. so when they passed and got the new dog with new meds and he started doing the same thing as the others after giving it to him, i know it's the medicine- so no thanks. sadly vets are sales people now.

PS if you have pet questions but can't go to the vet ask your dogs groomer; they know all the tips and tricks.

You’re right about vets being sales people and that’s also good advice to ask a groomer.
This is smart. I’m gonna look in to this. We have the once a month 6 pack i wonder what the cost difference is (after it’s available at normal prices again lol)
I just paid $50 US delivered for a 50mL bottle of 1% liquid. A 6 pack of heartgard for a dog the size of mine is about $60. The bottle will last 4+ years and expire before it’s empty.
Please talk to your vet and/or read up on this before switching from heartgard. Some dog breeds can be predisposed to ivermectin intolerance. Heartgard has a lower dose than what we give with the liquid.
I just paid $50 US delivered for a 50mL bottle of 1% liquid. A 6 pack of heartgard for a dog the size of mine is about $60. The bottle will last 4+ years and expire before it’s empty.
Please talk to your vet and/or read up on this before switching from heartgard. Some dog breeds can be predisposed to ivermectin intolerance. Heartgard has a lower dose than what we give with the liquid.

Holy shit. Yea that’s worth a discussion and further research. Wow thank you