• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Fox News


Active Member
I never thought i would be the one to say this, but Fox news has been really doing a good job covering health care reform. Their the only media station that has been reporting the truth and real stories about the fight against the government plan to take over your health care. For all those that support health care reform ask yourself this simply question, If the government can't run this country like our founding fathers intended ask yourself why should they be in control of your health.

First 500 Page of the Health Care reform Bill.

Read the full thing.


Well-Known Member
I think you mean they are the only station saying it the way you want to hear it.


Well-Known Member
FOX News has turned the United States into a 2-bit third world country where civility in the political process is non existence. Thank you FOX News for destroying this great nation. 8 years wasn't enough for you guys you want to see the country utterly destroyed.


Active Member
I think you mean they are the only station saying it the way you want to hear it.
No at all, all these other station have the option to report the truth but they do nothing but speculate bullshit lies.

@FlyLikeAnEagle How can you blame a News station for that? Their not the one in control of the country they don't call the shots.


Well-Known Member
To your eyes and ears. I honestly don't pay attention, what will you or I be able to do about it anyway?


New Member
thats why i get my news from the internet, i can pick and choose what i want to know...like the drudge report... all news channels have there own right or left twist to things.


Active Member
To your eyes and ears. I honestly don't pay attention, what will you or I be able to do about it anyway?
I hate when people ask this question, You can do alot spread the truth to the masses about what the government really is (Watch The Obama Deception) Once the masses know the truth they will revolt. We already see the revolution starting at these town hall meetings, but they government label those people as mobsters wtf? The revolution will be a peaceful one! And it will take place within the next 2 years, this is just a prediction so don't take it too seriously.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Lou Dobbs on CNN is pretty good, but now he's in trouble:

CNN anchor under fire for reporting on 'birthers'

I think most Americans can't handle the truth, they prefer entertaining 30 sec sound bites.

Radio and Internet is the only place to find the unbiased truth, but most folks don't have the time to disseminate it.

Would you let the Government take control of your health care after they did such a lousy job regulating the banking system. Obama kept trying to blame bush for that, but in fact it was a lack of congressional oversight (the dems) who dropped the ball. We still aren't out of the woods yet, but wall street believes Obama won't let any more big banks go out of business. It's no wonder Obama received more campaign money from financial service companies than any other industry. You never heard that reported on FOX, but it's easy to check out.


Well-Known Member
Stop fighting universal health care, only a complete idiot would think the system we have is a good one. Then again only a complete idiot would publicly admit to watching fox news at all ever. That's the propaganda channel.

Most people can't get covered for shit insurance wise any more if they can even get insurance at all. They get thrown into the pre-existing conditions loophole and then end up paying for things completely out of their own pocket or just completely doing without proper medical care until it's escalated to a point of no return. We'd rather ignore peoples health, let them become completely disabled, and then support them entirely with social security/disabilty for the entire rest of their lives.

Nothing makes any sense other than getting universal covereage for everyone. Don't be a tool for the republicans. Or a tool for anyone at all.


Active Member
thank god for foxnews and medical insurance industries, spreading lies about a public option (which has been killed anyway)
and whipping middle aged white men into a riotous frenzy and sending them to town hall mettings. thank god foxnews hears
their cries of "freedom of speech" which apparently is the freedom to disrupt the democratic process at its core and shout/intimidate
all opposition into submission. thank god they've given unstable people with firearms a reason to show up at town hall meetings.
thank god for foxnews and their agenda, which they will push and push until and after more fellow 'free' americans are silenced, hurt, or even killed.


Active Member
Stop fighting universal health care, only a complete idiot would think the system we have is a good one. Then again only a complete idiot would publicly admit to watching fox news at all ever. That's the propaganda channel.

Most people can't get covered for shit insurance wise any more if they can even get insurance at all. They get thrown into the pre-existing conditions loophole and then end up paying for things completely out of their own pocket or just completely doing without proper medical care until it's escalated to a point of no return. We'd rather ignore peoples health, let them become completely disabled, and then support them entirely with social security/disabilty for the entire rest of their lives.

Nothing makes any sense other than getting universal covereage for everyone. Don't be a tool for the republicans. Or a tool for anyone at all.
It's funny you say don't be a tool but yet you support universal health care, i won't attack you and say only a idiot contradicts themselves, but it's the truth.:-|


Oregon Meds I completely agree! If any of you want to get an unbiased truthful coverage of news...look up Democracy Now. It'll blow your mind.


Active Member
Fox News is the only network that doesn't have some sick love affair with Obama. I voted for the guy but Jesus! NBC, ABC. CBS, CNN, MSNBC are infatuated with the guy. They don't hold him responsible for anything. Even Hillary Clinton refers to Fox as being the most fair and honest network during the pres-campaign. I really thought I was voting for someone different. All that bs about transparency, a lobbiest-free whitehouse, 48 hour public review of all bills going through congress. He had to write 8 passes for former lobbyists in his cabinet. The stimulus bill was over 800 pages with earmarks written in the margins in pen/pencil and with less than 24 hours for a public review. And whenever anyone brings up him being corrupt, all you here is "What about George Bush-What about George Bush!" Well guess what, George Bush isn't president anymore and he being corrupt shouldn't give Obama a free pass. Washington is so corrupt that the average american expects and accepts it's corrupt leaders. Thomas Jefferson suggested that americans have a revolution every 20-30 years. Washington DC holds our founding father high but they hide the fact that these men were considered terrorists by thier government. This country was meant to be a Republic, not a Democracy. Democracy is a group of wolves and a sheep all voting on what to have for dinner.


Well-Known Member
Yogi I at least know what I'm talking about. I need a $100,000 back operation and then I can take care of myself but I'm unable to get the surgery I need so instead I sit here fighting with social security etc. The system as it stands WANTS me to stay disabled and live off the covernment tit completely, costing you all way more money to support me for the rest of my life than it would to just fix my back.
I can't even get a loan to get the operation I need so I can then support myself and pay the loan back. Nothing, no choice at all in the matter.

I can't get insurance covereage from anyone, pre-existing condition, and can't even work at all more than maybe half time in full pain.
Yet at the same time we send doctors to third world countries to fix them completely free of charge. But never do the same in our own country for our own citizens? WTF?

Fuck you man for believing all the lies. Other countries can and do way better in this area than we do, the evidence is out there plain to see if you get your information from better sources.


Well-Known Member
I hate when people ask this question, You can do alot spread the truth to the masses about what the government really is (Watch The Obama Deception) Once the masses know the truth they will revolt. We already see the revolution starting at these town hall meetings, but they government label those people as mobsters wtf? The revolution will be a peaceful one! And it will take place within the next 2 years, this is just a prediction so don't take it too seriously.

I tend to believe the masses don't care. A couple hundred people at a town hall meetings doesn't represent the masses. They prefer to sit in their houses and do nothing, as long as they have cable TV and fast food. This is just my opinion so don't take it to seriously.

I'm living the revolution! Ready for what ever comes my way.:peace:


Well-Known Member
First of all yogi fresh ..... your kind of cute looking(no homo) .... especially with that furry hood.... you look like a damn eskimo kid.

Second forget watching the tele to get your resources and ideas.... try reading a newspaper or a book on political science....
third.. fucket i dont have time to explain to this kid how this shit works...
you want shit to be the way the four founders made it... well might as well star slavery again...
so your on the corporation side and not the peoples side... your for capitalism without limits i suppose...
and im willing to bet you think the government is evil... well wake up my friend ..... the government was made for the people .... and made up of the people who we elected... not some friggen notzis.....
if u dont want the people to get insurance who cant afford it .... than well fuck those people.... but dont call obama evil cause he wants to help the less privelaged ... the insurance companies are already spending buku bucks to the media to start this pandemoniam....
its a classic debate .... should the wealthier people spend their tax dollars to help the poor.... and should we let the big corporation continue to take advantage of medical cost....
lets here u say something intellegent
you can walk blind with the shepard threw the valley of darkness .... but my eye are wide open


Well-Known Member
It's funny you say don't be a tool but yet you support universal health care, i won't attack you and say only a idiot contradicts themselves, but it's the truth.:-|

Actually only an idiot would think its better to have a FOR PROFIT company decide what they will pay for as far as medical procedures. Only an idiot would think its ok to pay 25% of your wages to a company and hope they will pay when you need them to. Only an idiot would see nothing wrong with a system that pays 4x the amount of any other country yet we are 29th in the world as far as life expectancy. And only an idiot would think FOX is fair and balanced.

I have yet to hear anyone from Canada or Europe say they would trade their system for ours.


Active Member
Yogi I at least know what I'm talking about. I need a $100,000 back operation and then I can take care of myself but I'm unable to get the surgery I need so instead I sit here fighting with social security etc. The system as it stands WANTS me to stay disabled and live off the covernment tit completely, costing you all way more money to support me for the rest of my life than it would to just fix my back.
I can't even get a loan to get the operation I need so I can then support myself and pay the loan back. Nothing, no choice at all in the matter.

I can't get insurance covereage from anyone, pre-existing condition, and can't even work at all more than maybe half time in full pain.
Yet at the same time we send doctors to third world countries to fix them completely free of charge. But never do the same in our own country for our own citizens? WTF?

Fuck you man for believing all the lies. Other countries can and do way better in this area than we do, the evidence is out there plain to see if you get your information from better sources.
I understand your frustration, but universal health care won't help you.

@323cheezy I get 90% of my info from the web, I'm just pointing out Fox News is doing a good job covering health care reform. Also i suggest you watch The Obama Deception, it will open your eyes to the truth.

@FlyLikeAnEagle You need to relax and stop assuming i believe in the BS your talking about. I never said the system we have now is perfect it's not. But Universal health care won't help the masses it designed for the "elites" not for the people living on main street. https://www.rollitup.org/members/flylikeaneagle-100500.html


Active Member
I like Fox News and Fox Business. I like the topics that they discuss and they are pretty fair most of the time. That doesn't mean that every now and then an anchor has his or her own opinion, but thats why I think for myself and can figure things out on my own. I'm not quick to judge people or their ideas. I listen and try to put myself in their situation and actually understand why they have the opinion that they do. There are people on here that hear Fox News and are immediately disgusted. I really don't understand that. People are so quick to judge everything, but really most people don't have the right to judge. As soon as you judge something you stop paying attention and don't want to understand what other people are saying. I try my best not to judge others and their ideas. By the way I happen to be a fan of Bill O'Reilly even though he is a big meanie on fox news. I don't think he likes pot very much, but thats probably because he doesn't understand pot as well as many smokers do. Its called ignorance, its just not knowing. But its also ignorant for someone to be judgmental towards someone that doesn't understand things the same way someone else might.