For all the morons that vote Democratic

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
yes. a blurry, out of focus photo clearly demonstrates how racist somebody must be.

your issue with this immature flowering sativa is... not enough feline urine?


Well-Known Member
yes. a blurry, out of focus photo clearly demonstrates how racist somebody must be.

your issue with this immature flowering sativa is... not enough feline urine?
I only asked who grew it. I never took issue with its quality, you are falsely attributing something to me I didn't say. As to your racist twaddle, I couldn't fucking care less.


Well-Known Member
yes. a blurry, out of focus photo clearly demonstrates how racist somebody must be.

your issue with this immature flowering sativa is... not enough feline urine?
All sativa MUST look like it's dense flowered indica sister, in order to be deemed, dank worthy.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
All sativa MUST look like it's dense flowered indica sister, in order to be deemed, dank worthy.
for an indoor straight sativa that looks pretty good.

i guess bucky wants it to be sprayed liberally with tomcat musk and the delicate aromas of Meow Mix.


Well-Known Member
for an indoor straight sativa that looks pretty good.

i guess bucky wants it to be sprayed liberally with tomcat musk and the delicate aromas of Meow Mix.
Other than a bit of cupping which could be from too much fert, I think it looks nice.
Sativa strains in general are much more temperamental to grow indoors in the first place.
I've been growing a lot of Light of Jah for the past five years, I love sativa head highs.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Other than a bit of cupping which could be from too much fert, I think it looks nice.
Sativa strains in general are much more temperamental to grow indoors in the first place.
I've been growing a lot of Light of Jah for the past five years, I love sativa head highs.
try the classic 707 headband.

it's like a vacation for your brain.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
these dumbasses will go to the ends of the earth to stick up for a neo-nazi white supremacist.

i would hate to smoke whatever you guys have in your stash.
actually, from any objective standpoint that plant looks pretty good, though the photography is shit.

you are bending over backwards to criticize somebody's dope because you are butthurt they dare disagree with you on some unrelated subject

coming from you the label of "racist" is less than meaningless.


Going back to the original topic. Christi looked the parents and the child with a seizure disorder seekng an addition to the list of nj conditions, and the heartless republican said tough shit. That was for medical, not recreation guys. Scott Walker just said there is a big jump between beer and pot. If you do not think that Christi or Walker, through the use of the DOJ and their pick for attorney general, will not set the legalization movement back decades, cause issues for legal markets in Colorado and Washington, and effect medical marijuana, get educated TODAY before it is too late. If you want to vote god, guns and race, we are a democracy and I whole heartly support your right to do so. But don't say you weren't warned. Read their positions, they have not been shy about voicing them, and decide what is important to YOU when you vote.


Well-Known Member
you are a moron if you vote at all!!!!!!!!!! you guys are a bunch of sheep, i expected more from people who smoke weed, republican or democrat they are all part of the same group with the same goals, The united states now has a monarchy and you poor guys cant figure this out!


New Member
A libturd calling all people who voted democratic "morons", when you know for a fact he himself voted democratic in the last two pres. elections.



Well-Known Member
actually, from any objective standpoint that plant looks pretty good, though the photography is shit.
All other issue aside, that plant looks like someone fed it a high N fert for waaaaayyyyy too long. Also, the middle 1/3 shouldn't be brown while the rest is white-hared, cupping leaves, and way too dark green.


Well-Known Member
you are a moron if you vote at all!!!!!!!!!! you guys are a bunch of sheep, i expected more from people who smoke weed, republican or democrat they are all part of the same group with the same goals, The united states now has a monarchy and you poor guys cant figure this out!
Yeah, monarchies are subject to a vote...


Well-Known Member
My parents were never required to fund my education directly. In fact, there was even a few years where I was home-schooled independently of the public system without repercussion.
Gee, home schooled kids usually are better educated than that. Your parents always paid taxes, "directly" is a misdirection, tho home schooling would indeed require direct funding by your parents. Even while home schooled, they still paid taxes.


Well-Known Member
Gee, home schooled kids usually are better educated than that. Your parents always paid taxes, "directly" is a misdirection, tho home schooling would indeed require direct funding by your parents. Even while home schooled, they still paid taxes.
My homeschool taught that people rode dinosaurs, but the parts that didn't involve biology were not terrible. My parents failed me by ignoring provable evidence in favor of dogmatic bullshit.

You are correct though, I was being obtuse at the time you quoted me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, monarchies are subject to a vote...
guess what Obama and Mitt Romney are related, like i said republican or democrat they all have the same goals in mind they are all related going back to kings and queens of England!!!!!!!!! LOOK IT UP!!! im not making this up, you get to choose between two crooks evey four years and blind followers like you actually think and feel as though they have a choice or a say in what goes on

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
All other issue aside, that plant looks like someone fed it a high N fert for waaaaayyyyy too long. Also, the middle 1/3 shouldn't be brown while the rest is white-hared, cupping leaves, and way too dark green.
it's not a perfect plant but it's hardly terrible.

the grower was a newb and for a newb thats pretty darn good.

bucky's objections had nothing to do with the plant, but were based solely on his butthurt rage and fury that anyone would dare disagree with his glorious pronouncements.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
guess what Obama and Mitt Romney are related, like i said republican or democrat they all have the same goals in mind they are all related going back to kings and queens of England!!!!!!!!! LOOK IT UP!!! im not making this up, you get to choose between two crooks evey four years and blind followers like you actually think and feel as though they have a choice or a say in what goes on
not true. entirely fictional, a foolish claim made by foolish conspiracy theorists to support their foolish conspiracy claims.

barry seotoro is not related to mitt romney (or the hanoverian monarchs) in any way other than they are the same species.