For all the morons that vote Democratic

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Honestly, Feinstein's hypocritical ass will always be at the top of my "Shitbags of any party" list.
feinstein is a disgrace to the primate family, but being a democrat, thats not surprising.

i am more offended by shitbags in the republican party, because i expect democrats to be worthless.

lundgren and wilson are particularly shameful examples of why the republican party in calif remains a mockery of conservatism.


Well-Known Member
Feinstein is always packin' a gun too, yet cries out that we need to ban guns. Worlds biggest hypocrite?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Feinstein is always packin' a gun too, yet cries out that we need to ban guns. Worlds biggest hypocrite?

she had herself declared a deputy US Marshal so now she can pack her heater as a "Law Enforcement Officer"

she doesnt want "Law Enforcement Officers" like herself to be disarmed so she is totally not a hypocrite.

she needs her gun, when she is patrolling the mean streets of DC, protecting us from the evildoers.

i dunno about you but i feel safer already, knowing she is on the job.


Well-Known Member
feinstein is a disgrace to the primate family, but being a democrat, thats not surprising.

i am more offended by shitbags in the republican party, because i expect democrats to be worthless.

lundgren and wilson are particularly shameful examples of why the republican party in calif remains a mockery of conservatism.
hey now, don't underplay your role as a racist bircher in bringing rightful mockery to california conservatives. you've earned it, champ.


Well-Known Member
hold on stop the train!
MOON SHINER, so your saying no regs on cultivation and no taxes levied?
are you sure your not in the state of confusion?
seriously what state and what proposal?
this is the first i've heard of anything like that going on...
Go to the bottom of the page and click on the her proposed plan (its a link).
In short anyone over 21 can grow 6 plants at a time with 3 in flower with the ability to keep all that they grow.
She is still in the primaries so if she is voted in she will be on the Nov elections. I just registered to vote because of the chance to make this happen.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
We are forced to pay for the roads you use and the school you either went to or chose not to.
It's part of the social contract. Eventually we will be forced to pay for the welfare you collect becuase you are obviously unemployable
The social contract is a fallacy and an exercise in word smithing. First of all, a "contract" that alleges to benefit society, would not have a basis in coercive government. You can't get there from here, that's like ensuring the fire is put out by adding gasoline.

Also any "contract" worth anything is based in a mutual agreement that is accepted, acknowledged and agreed to by all the participants. You would be more accurate calling it the "social edict" , since it does not contain the essential elements of a contract.

Yes you might be forced to pay for things. That's my point. Roads and schools can be administered privately on a pay as you use basis, like other products and services, like oh I don't know bread, cars, computers and blowup dolls. That way those who use them pay and those that don't aren't forced to pay for things they don't use.

You champion a system that mixes "goods and services" , with "bads and disservices" and think that's the best there is. You should stick to chewing your cud and baaaing. You are proof that the Prussian School system has taught you obedience, but given you little ability to apply logic and reasoning.

Why do you insist on calling something a "contract" if some of the parties involved did not agree to it? I understand your misunderstanding though. You also think your wanting to make pot "illegal" to sell, doesn't make you a prohibitionist. Sad.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
in other words, you are a product of the same public school system as the rest of us..... But.. But.. YOU are enlightened!

so either that scool system isn't as thorough as you profess or you were the only boy in the country who had magic mental immunity.
Not quite. Also it's spelled "school". Concerning my enlightenment, I don't believe that you have the faintest idea of what the Prussian School system brought to the USA in the mid 1800s was designed to do.

You should google John Taylor Gatto and/or Prussian schools. You could learn something.

Although you are right, I was not raised by apes. I thought I'd get all Edgar Rice Burroughs on you. Tarzan was a favorite book when I was a kid, living in the islands.


Well-Known Member
feinstein is a disgrace to the primate family, but being a democrat, thats not surprising.

i am more offended by shitbags in the republican party, because i expect democrats to be worthless.

lundgren and wilson are particularly shameful examples of why the republican party in calif remains a mockery of conservatism.
I'm disgusted by the fact that Kynes has spit shined this turd to the point that I can almost agree with errythang he's sayin;'.....

Hannibal Cannabinol

Well-Known Member
Another fact: very few on this thread have any idea what they are talking about. I would offer up a basic lesson on the Constitution, the enumerated powers, the war powers resolution, and the general usurpation of our founding documents via a bought and paid or SCOTUS but I fear it would fall on willfully deaf ears. So I will stand on the sidelines and ridicule only the most foolish comments instead, purely for amusement.. GO!


Well-Known Member
Another fact: very few on this thread have any idea what they are talking about. I would offer up a basic lesson on the Constitution, the enumerated powers, the war powers resolution, and the general usurpation of our founding documents via a bought and paid or SCOTUS but I fear it would fall on willfully deaf ears. So I will stand on the sidelines and ridicule only the most foolish comments instead, purely for amusement.. GO!
you're so smart. tell us about your fedora collection.


Well-Known Member
The only reason I will vote Dem this year is to Change the Gov of my state. There is a proposal for full recreational use and cultivation and being able to keep it all tax free :-) and I want it to be as free as the lawn I mow and the air I breath!
you've got a great name and a great avatar...beautiful dog--looks like a plott hound!--sorry, thread, to go off topic like that

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
dont worry, he will declare you to be racist soon.

once he does, you can request membership in the (not terribly) exclusive Racist Homophobic Ugly Fat Poor Evil Stupid Neo-Con Club

then you can enter the cigar lounge and sample our impressive selection of congac, whisky, and gourmet smoking marijuanas, as well as enjoy our nightly ten-course tasting menu and our first rate exotic dancers.


Well-Known Member
dont worry, he will declare you to be racist soon.

once he does, you can request membership in the (not terribly) exclusive Racist Homophobic Ugly Fat Poor Evil Stupid Neo-Con Club

then you can enter the cigar lounge and sample our impressive selection of congac, whisky, and gourmet smoking marijuanas, as well as enjoy our nightly ten-course tasting menu and our first rate exotic dancers.
i've seen the "smoking marijuanas" that you folks produce:
