I can't get a good picture of this white stuff at the top of one of the plants. Pretty sure it isn't mold though, it actually looks like a little white flower! It's about the size of an average pinky nail and it would seem it is made up of pedals and isnt just some hairy white stuff like I would imagine mold to be. And I do have good air circulation, I have 2 clip on fans and the air filter fan pulls at 140cfm, all that in a 50 cubic foot tent (about 2.7ft x2.7ftx7feet). Weird, cause I've never heard of marijuana plants having a rose type flower but that is sure what it looks like!
PS: I got out my pocket microscope and tried to get a look at it, again it looks just like a tiny pinky nail sized rose type white flower, and upon 60x inspection it would seem as if it has an EXTREME surface concentration of Trichomes (mostly trichomes with those resin glands/bulbs on the top).

** got a better look, looks like its covered in trichomes with resin glands but the strand of the trichome that the resin gland/bulb sits on the end of, those seem to be super short or not even there (as if the little flower pedals are just covered in resin glands without the trichomes?) *cause the flower dosen't look like its covered in crystals the same way the bud is (also harder to tell since it is white)
PSS: So yeah it would seem most obvious on the one plant, and it along with the smallest plant have several sites only on the top/main cola/bud thing where it looks like these little flower might be coming out (these spots look more like fat pistols than flowers at this point though). Definitely a flower on the one though!
PSS: So I just bought 9 gallons of distilled water for the last few watering(s)? of the plants, is there anything you recommend I do to that water before applying? *micron filtered, steam distilled, and ozonated* Should I do anything like open the lids and shake them once in awhile for a couple days to get more co2 or oxygen in it or something like that? Should I still pH adjust it before applying? What I'm gonna do is this: Feed until the end of the 7th week of 12/12, to help cover my bases (since I don't know exactly how long they will take to finish and how much of the first week of 12/12 will actually count against that) and still get some flushing/leaching/no nutes feeding in before harvest. * I figure this is a good balance between flushing for 2 weeks (possibly longer if I started 6 weeks from starting 12/12 and they weren't ready for 2-3 more weeks) and feeding closer to harvest. *** I will say I do see one definitive advantage to feeding till the end like you do, you will know they got fed enough and not have to worry about them not getting nutes for more than a couple weeks (especially with unknown seeds that could take anywhere from 8- 10 weeks or more to finish)
PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS: Do you use organic nutes up until harvest? There seems to be a general concensus on the net that flushing isn't very necessary if at all with organic nutes (I believe my fox farm 3 are)
PSZ3: Are you sure that Earth Juice pH up is for adjusting soil pH and not simply a pH upper for your water?
THX!!#*: Do you do the whole 24/48 hours of darkness before harvest? That also seems like a good way to make up for not flushing (I'm worried that I might cut off nutes too early *that they might need to flower for more than 8 weeks)