For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Rebel From The North
kitty not saying hydrotron isnt the way to go just tired of washing over 300L at a wack!! yes I would like to save cash being that I already have
the rock it that I dont have time to f with it.


Well-Known Member
kitty not saying hydrotron isnt the way to go just tired of washing over 300L at a wack!! yes I would like to save cash being that I already have
the rock it that I dont have time to f with it.
I spent two hours cleaning rok that cost so much it should be spotless and still I have no clean rok!


Well-Known Member
I hear you try 300l of it shit make me want to shoot myself lol
I'm probably better off tumbling this rok dry and taking the loss , then rinsing it again and again and again, I've actually got an old pump and a filter running in a bucket that has a airstone under the roks , I have no idea if it will work or not, any-fucking-things gotta help, we busted out the pressure washer on them and it only made matters worse it seemed :/
300 fucking liters.... I don't think so. I was originally thinking these roks cleaned easier than hydroton and then I realized they were just as stubborn and harder to deal with (due to the flakes and specks) than hydroton.


Well-Known Member
fuck I just wrote a couple paragraphs about feeding and not really having anyone here that runs the same medium so I dunno what to do and then I hit a gaming mouse button, probably melee and wiped it


Well-Known Member
but this shit absorbs 150 percent of its weght, I figure maybe I should follow some medium with a similar absorbancy, but drainage is another thing, I don't have a clue and I just took 3 mg of xans and have to set this shit up tomorrow, I should be a tweaker instead then I'd just have to invest in lab shit and safe rooms and shit....I do believe the xans are kicking in , it may have been 5 mg


Well-Known Member
it goes from light and dusty as fuck to heavy and dirty as fuck with 2 hours rinsing, I WILL get this shit clean though if I gotta take it to a professional, clean and the right size


Well-Known Member
oh right I I don't. man it was something important...let me think....right ok, has anyone transplanted a aero vegged plant into ebb and grow buckets with good results and if so what were the steps to placing some pretty long ass roots into a 5 gallon INNER bucket (kitty) by kinda just covering in roks?someone once mentioned a spiraling of the roots(long assed roots) gradually covered with rocks up to where it should be,


Rebel From The North
Lol to funny but yes I have bro, I had foot and half long roots and plant in rock with no issue other than slow
Growth for about a week.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Thats my problem with rockwool. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. You guys needlessly throw away money every harvest for what benefit? Having to flush salts out? Pfffft. =P

I have the same issue with washing and sterilizing medium...$$$$$$$$$$. Time=Money. Our rockwool cost for 1 - 8' x 8' tray is around $150.00. Figure the time it takes to clean all that medium, plus the time it takes to plant 50 pots (rather than just place one block on top of another), and clean all the containers. Personally, I'll pay the money (which is around 1% the value of that tray) and spend that day sailing instead. My friend grows in rockwool croutons and throws away the pot and everything each harvest. He has several paid employees at the grow and calculated that it was cheaper to buy new containers than to pay his crew to thoroughly clean and sterilize them.

All that aside, your grow looks great, kitty. Always nice to see another high wattage grower living the dream.

Shit...I shouldn't even be here. I'm a top feeder. Came by to check out my friend, HellRaizer's, grow and got sucked into posting. Cheers, Ebb & Flow Peeps.



Rebel From The North
Ok so ive came to a decion about starting a journal to place photos and make it easyer for friends and folks
To follow, will still maintain in this thread just going to post my progress in mine. Il shoot a link to it here for
All who want to follow.


Active Member
For those that like growing in hydroton but hate washing it, try using Hydrocorn. Started using it on my new run and so far it's working really well. Hydrocorn is similar clay pebbles but cleans off in half the time only because I am convinced that hydroton from Germany is handled and bagged too often. I do not reuse my clay pebbles so I can't tell you how the reuseability is.


Whats up room. I just have a question for all of you. I am at the end of my first harvest. I expected a lil more but i cant complain. How much space in between the buckets and how many and what watt lights are ideal for the 12 pot with no add ons. The flowering room is 6x6 by 8ft tall.


Well-Known Member
DSCF3271.jpgnot sure what your looking for but i myself would scrog a 6x6 keeping the buckets tight,i did 9 plants in a 3x4 with a 2 ft vert on each end and managed to get 6.9 lbs of 6 to 8 inch colas wet,ended up with just over 2lbs of pure buds with a 1000w hps good luck


Rebel From The North
Whats up room. I just have a question for all of you. I am at the end of my first harvest. I expected a lil more but i cant complain. How much space in between the buckets and how many and what watt lights are ideal for the 12 pot with no add ons. The flowering room is 6x6 by 8ft tall.
Well for ideal space and if you going to do large plant and they will get big in a short time. 12 for a 10x10 space.
But 6x6 is going to be small so remember not to veg them long. I like 600 and 1every 4x4 area


Rebel From The North
For those that like growing in hydroton but hate washing it, try using Hydrocorn. Started using it on my new run and so far it's working really well. Hydrocorn is similar clay pebbles but cleans off in half the time only because I am convinced that hydroton from Germany is handled and bagged too often. I do not reuse my clay pebbles so I can't tell you how the reuseability is.
Hey mojo can you post a link to this medium?


Well-Known Member
kitty not saying hydrotron isnt the way to go just tired of washing over 300L at a wack!! yes I would like to save cash being that I already have
the rock it that I dont have time to f with it.
6 inch net pots in 5 gal bucks,less rock,less money,less cleaning,less weight, less allround hassle....more gas exchange,more room for roots,more ease of cleaning for reuse, i know there are some great seasoned growers out there that are set in their ways,i try to save time and money and simplify as much as possible,always room for inovation, will be subbed in on your grow good luck