Food stamps and conservative ideology

sounds like cherry picking to me the federal gov is there almost for the purpose of helping the social order and states to do things they could never do on its own we should be talking about all welfare corprate or otherwise and gunpoint seems alittle over the top.
sounds like cherry picking to me the federal gov is there almost for the purpose of helping the social order and states to do things they could never do on its own we should be talking about all welfare corprate or otherwise and gunpoint seems alittle over the top.
The point was made that social programs are forced by govt under coercive practices to exist and that is not right. I am just relaying the earlier part of the thread. I am talking about welfare.
You can't have it both ways. Unregulated capitalism leads to monopoly, part of the reason redistribution exists/ is a necessity. Without it the system would collapse. Capitalism inevitably requires big government, which is the reason those of us on the left on this board poke so much fun at the American interpretation of libertarianism, since it's a contradiction.

Capitalism is an economic system that distributes capital to its most efficient use. That efficiency is achieved by competition amongst those who use capital. Monopolists have no competition and are bloated and inefficient. Monopolies cannot exist without government to grant their status. Monopolies only arise with the assistance of somebody with guns and power, i.e. the government. Crony capitalism leads to monopoly.
How would you justify this? Harboring the notion that one group of people can take ANYTHING that belongs to another person(s) without consent?

How does the nonaggression principal reconcile upon hereditary exclusive deed to natural resources?

pro tip: it doesn't.
Capitalism is an economic system that distributes capital to its most efficient use. That efficiency is achieved by competition amongst those who use capital. Monopolists have no competition and are bloated and inefficient. Monopolies cannot exist without government to grant their status. Monopolies only arise with the assistance of somebody with guns and power, i.e. the government. Crony capitalism leads to monopoly.

Pure capitalism is (pick one)
the game of Risk
or the game of Monopoly

Now what happens at the end of the game?

Everyone else loses except for one person
Everybody has their program they dont want touched.

The US government is now spending money advertising to illegal aliens how to apply for foodstamps. You can spend the foodstamps in bars, strip clubs, etc...

With over 30 million people now receiving them the fraud is rampant...

When was the last time someone in America actually starved to death without some mental illness or confinement being involved??
Have you ever been starving? The system needs an enema just like the rest of this place but the politicics of social welfare are better argued by one who is sick or hungry......not in some hypothetical. For those who do not support food programs and medicine I urge you to wait until you need it or your brother does and see where you are.

That's not a hypothetical, it's my reality. I do need. I am that brother. Government intervention, no matter how well intentioned, causes more harm. Because of the HMO Act, my 20% is more than it would be now without it. Food stamps make groceries more because demand is artificially increased and our country lives beyond its means. To live luxury now, we will have pay the piper later.
This thread is total garbage. "conservative ideology"? lol. that is one of those oxymorons like "jumbo shrimp". Conservatism is not an ideology, but the exact opposite. It is lifegoeson's socialist view of the word that is an ideology.

Conservatism is based on reality, the facts, the truth(even when it hurts), and what has proven to work and be successful. To help this country grow into what was once the greatest nation on earth.
This thread is total garbage. "conservative ideology"? lol. that is one of those oxymorons like "jumbo shrimp". Conservatism is not an ideology, but the exact opposite. It is lifegoeson's socialist view of the word that is an ideology.

Conservatism is based on reality, the facts, the truth(even when it hurts), and what has proven to work and be successful. To help this country grow into what was once the greatest nation on earth.

the nation with 16 finacial collapses within 300+ years . . . . huh . . doesn't seem to be working, seems to me it consistently fails as we approach an arbitrarily regulated economy . . . responsible regulations are very easy to come up with, its just the politicians and their boss's the cooperation wont have it, they want us to fight about idealogy and party politics

fiscally conservative or not, the human factor tends to be negative variable
Socialism inevitably requires big government also. Hmmmm....maybe government is the problem?

Libertarianism, like many of the isms is an often misused word. Wouldn't it be better if all human interactions were on a voluntary and peaceful basis?

Socialism has nothing to do with the size of government, it has to do with the organization of labor. Without big government capitalism could not exist.
Capital would have no value, and who would protect the property of business?
You are wrong grasshopper. I'm poor as fuck. These programs hurt me more than anyone. I eat no meat, yet those murders get subsidy death for less than cost. If it's all about the compassion, why does the government pay NoDrama NOT to grow on his land. Why do we not give surplus foods to our people? Instead we give humanitarian aid to look kind after we bomb them. Our own people in need are given a card which allows poor people to use it on potato chips and candy. So don't give me that bullshit shitty excuse for a human.

I agree with everything you've said here. I see food stamps as a small, insufficient, and dirty band-aid to the larger problem that you just spelled out. My objection is to stopping one of the few sources of income to the poor within a corrupt and dysfunctional system that requires/exploits the poor to exist. You and I have different views on what the solution would look like, but we agree on what causes the problem.
Socialism has nothing to do with the size of government, it has to do with the organization of labor. Without big government capitalism could not exist.
Capital would have no value, and who would protect the property of business?

In a socialist society, who owns and controls the source of wealth, i.e. what the society produces: farms, factories, laboratories, stores, etc?