Food stamps and conservative ideology

At this point, it does not matter. Financial collapse looms near. US economy will collapse long before 2020 gets here and it's going to make the Oct 1929 stock market crash and the 1930's look like good times in comparison. If you can get SNAP , get it, and start putting back some food preps. Buy long term storageable foods such as beans,peas,rice,oatmeal,flour, salt,sugar, and buy a vacuum sealer. Hit the food banks too, stock up on whatever canned goods you can get. I've already stocked up around 18 months worth of food.
Well first off I am not Ron Paul. Ron Paul doesn't rail against food stamps, I don't think i've heard him speak on the issue. As a constitutionalist he would probably be against federal funding of the program and would want the states to fund their desired social safety nets.

Non sequitur.
At this point, it does not matter. Financial collapse looms near. US economy will collapse long before 2020 gets here and it's going to make the Oct 1929 stock market crash and the 1930's look like good times in comparison. If you can get SNAP , get it, and start putting back some food preps. Buy long term storageable foods such as beans,peas,rice,oatmeal,flour, salt,sugar, and buy a vacuum sealer. Hit the food banks too, stock up on whatever canned goods you can get. I've already stocked up around 18 months worth of food.

Glenn... is that you?
Well first off I am not Ron Paul. Ron Paul doesn't rail against food stamps, I don't think i've heard him speak on the issue. .

Paul would cut funding from nearly every government agency, while eliminating several Cabinet agencies in their entirety. On the revenue side, Paul would lower the corporate tax rate and eliminate the capital gains and estate taxes.

Here are some of the cuts, and how much they would save in FY 2013 compared to the Congressional Budget Office baseline:

  • Cut over $600 billion from mandatory spending programs including cuts to unemployment insurance
  • Department of Defense: End the wars, freeze other spending. $196,695,000,000
  • Department of Transportation: Privatize the FAA, $39,936,000,000
  • Department of Health and Human Services: Cut funding for FDA and CDC, eliminate Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. $16,972,000,000
  • Department of Homeland Security: Privatize the TSA. $13,788,000,000
  • Department of State: Eliminate foreign aid and dues for international organizations. $19,412,000,000
  • Environmental Protection Agency: 30 percent cut from 2006 levels. $4,281,000,000
  • Eliminate the Departments of Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Interior and Education. $173,677,000,000
  • Cut Medicaid spending by $95,000,000,000 (34% cut)
  • Cut Food Stamps program by $50,000,000,000 (62% cut)
  • Cut Child Nutrition programs by $7,000,000,000 (33% cut)
  • The plan does not reduce Social Security, Medicare, or retirement program spending
Notably the plan does not include an analysis of the economic effects of Paul's proposed budget — though cutting $1 trillion from the federal budget would be an instantaneous 7 percent cut to GDP, nearly equivalent to the slowdown seen during the 'Great Recession.'

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Paul would cut funding from nearly every government agency, while eliminating several Cabinet agencies in their entirety. On the revenue side, Paul would lower the corporate tax rate and eliminate the capital gains and estate taxes.

Here are some of the cuts, and how much they would save in FY 2013 compared to the Congressional Budget Office baseline:

  • Cut over $600 billion from mandatory spending programs including cuts to unemployment insurance
  • Department of Defense: End the wars, freeze other spending. $196,695,000,000
  • Department of Transportation: Privatize the FAA, $39,936,000,000
  • Department of Health and Human Services: Cut funding for FDA and CDC, eliminate Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. $16,972,000,000
  • Department of Homeland Security: Privatize the TSA. $13,788,000,000
  • Department of State: Eliminate foreign aid and dues for international organizations. $19,412,000,000
  • Environmental Protection Agency: 30 percent cut from 2006 levels. $4,281,000,000
  • Eliminate the Departments of Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Interior and Education. $173,677,000,000
  • Cut Medicaid spending by $95,000,000,000 (34% cut)
  • Cut Food Stamps program by $50,000,000,000 (62% cut)
  • Cut Child Nutrition programs by $7,000,000,000 (33% cut)
  • The plan does not reduce Social Security, Medicare, or retirement program spending
Notably the plan does not include an analysis of the economic effects of Paul's proposed budget — though cutting $1 trillion from the federal budget would be an instantaneous 7 percent cut to GDP, nearly equivalent to the slowdown seen during the 'Great Recession.'

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There you have it, I disagree with Ron Paul on cutting food stamps prior to a decrease in poverty.
There you have it, I disagree with Ron Paul on cutting food stamps prior to a decrease in poverty.

Uhhh... Are you sure you thought that one through?
Would not a decrease in poverty automatically cut spending on food stamps?
So what are you cutting exactly, and what's the difference in timing?
Uhhh... Are you sure you thought that one through?
Would not a decrease in poverty automatically cut spending on food stamps?
So what are you cutting exactly, and what's the difference in timing?

Yeah I don't agree with cutting food stamps, I agree with letting the program shrink on its own with decreases in income eligibility due to decreases in poverty.
Yeah I don't agree with cutting food stamps, I agree with letting the program shrink on its own with decreases in income eligibility due to decreases in poverty.
But if you're in a capitalist economy, especially one of our uniquely dysfunctional american flavor, we will be riding as you put it "the Keynesian rollercoaster". I would replace Keynesian with neo liberal, but that's a different matter. Inevitably the need would resurface.
But if you're in a capitalist economy, especially one of our uniquely dysfunctional american flavor, we will be riding as you put it "the Keynesian rollercoaster". I would replace Keynesian with neo liberal, but that's a different matter. Inevitably the need would resurface.

I believe the most important aspect of a true capitalist society is that it does not have a government controlled monetary system, which history shows is the greatest cause of economic instability. there will always be some poverty so the food stamp program will always be needed, just not as extensively. Under capitalism, the need wouldn't resurface, the need will always be there in some aspect.
The Federal government is not authorized to redistribute wealth with such programs. Therefore, a constitutionalist would not support food stamps being federally funded.

Actually, both statements are incorrect. It is precisely the constitution which authorizes the gov't to redistribute wealth with such (welfare) programs.
I believe the most important aspect of a true capitalist society is that it does not have a government controlled monetary system, which history shows is the greatest cause of economic instability. there will always be some poverty so the food stamp program will always be needed, just not as extensively. Under capitalism, the need wouldn't resurface, the need will always be there in some aspect.

You can't have it both ways. Unregulated capitalism leads to monopoly, part of the reason redistribution exists/ is a necessity. Without it the system would collapse. Capitalism inevitably requires big government, which is the reason those of us on the left on this board poke so much fun at the American interpretation of libertarianism, since it's a contradiction.
Ah yeah, feeding the hungry, those who are disabled, cannot provide for themselves, the mentally ill... conflicts with your libertarian ideology? Maybe it's time you accept your ideology is social Darwinism, and you're just a shitty excuse for a human being.

You are wrong grasshopper. I'm poor as fuck. These programs hurt me more than anyone. I eat no meat, yet those murders get subsidy death for less than cost. If it's all about the compassion, why does the government pay NoDrama NOT to grow on his land. Why do we not give surplus foods to our people? Instead we give humanitarian aid to look kind after we bomb them. Our own people in need are given a card which allows poor people to use it on potato chips and candy. So don't give me that bullshit shitty excuse for a human.
It seems to me with the prices of food rising as they are and fast food becoming available through ebt, there is more to the picture. The program is valuable. In true capitalism should the idea feeding people in need vanish? Under what condition does the displaced, disabled, and helpless of a nation become a political wedge situation? This is not economics, constitutional law, but a shameful angle to justify a bullshit hard-hearted right. Want money? Stop building warships, nukes, and drones for 2 months. We ought to be able to see the basic rights of food and medicine in the same light.....
You are wrong grasshopper. I'm poor as fuck. These programs hurt me more than anyone. I eat no meat, yet those murders get subsidy death for less than cost. If it's all about the compassion, why does the government pay NoDrama NOT to grow on his land. Why do we not give surplus foods to our people? Instead we give humanitarian aid to look kind after we bomb them. Our own people in need are given a card which allows poor people to use it on potato chips and candy. So don't give me that bullshit shitty excuse for a human.

Have you ever been starving? The system needs an enema just like the rest of this place but the politicics of social welfare are better argued by one who is sick or hungry......not in some hypothetical. For those who do not support food programs and medicine I urge you to wait until you need it or your brother does and see where you are.
Ah yeah, feeding the hungry, those who are disabled, cannot provide for themselves, the mentally ill... conflicts with your libertarian ideology? Maybe it's time you accept your ideology is social Darwinism, and you're just a shitty excuse for a human being.

There's nothing wrong with helping people. It's a good thing. However people that support food stamps OR bombs for babies, are more alike than they want to recognize.

ALL government programs rely on an involuntary taking. If you don't give it up, out comes their gun. Don't you think that people could come up with ways to help their neighbors using methods besides being forced under threat of a gun?

The ideology of BOTH starts with the initiation or threat of aggression.
Have you ever been starving? The system needs an enema just like the rest of this place but the politicics of social welfare are better argued by one who is sick or hungry......not in some hypothetical. For those who do not support food programs and medicine I urge you to wait until you need it or your brother does and see where you are.

Are forced government programs the ONLY way, to feed hungry people?