Charlie Ventura
Active Member
I was just thinking about food, not surprising, as I need to lose a few pounds. 
I tend to eat portions that are too big and I have a craving for sugar. I need to be controlled. There are a lot of people like me. There are also those that cannot afford the best foods like T-bone steaks and such. Its not fair that some of us can afford really great food and others cannot. So, while thinking about food today, the thought came to me that food is a lot more important than health care. I mean, food is almost as important as having enough air to breath or water to drink. So, here's my proposal: Let's lobby government to provide food. I mean, central planning has worked so well in other countries when it comes to health care, and the Progressives are clamoring all the time for federally controlled health care, why not food? Hell, let them take over the farms, the wholesale middlemen, the super markets ...the whole damed thing. I mean, the food prices are rising at an alarming rate, probably due to those damed farmers, wholesalers and market owners raping the public with their obscene profits, right? Think of the social good turning food production and distribution over to the government would bring. Over eaters like myself could be reigned in. Giving ration stamps to folks like me would limit my consumption to a more reasonable and healthy level. By the same token, rationing would ensure that the less fortunate among us would get enough food to be healthy. The "healthy" part would be determined by government fiat. Hey, the good news is, everyone would be equal.
Is this a good idea, or a bad one?

I tend to eat portions that are too big and I have a craving for sugar. I need to be controlled. There are a lot of people like me. There are also those that cannot afford the best foods like T-bone steaks and such. Its not fair that some of us can afford really great food and others cannot. So, while thinking about food today, the thought came to me that food is a lot more important than health care. I mean, food is almost as important as having enough air to breath or water to drink. So, here's my proposal: Let's lobby government to provide food. I mean, central planning has worked so well in other countries when it comes to health care, and the Progressives are clamoring all the time for federally controlled health care, why not food? Hell, let them take over the farms, the wholesale middlemen, the super markets ...the whole damed thing. I mean, the food prices are rising at an alarming rate, probably due to those damed farmers, wholesalers and market owners raping the public with their obscene profits, right? Think of the social good turning food production and distribution over to the government would bring. Over eaters like myself could be reigned in. Giving ration stamps to folks like me would limit my consumption to a more reasonable and healthy level. By the same token, rationing would ensure that the less fortunate among us would get enough food to be healthy. The "healthy" part would be determined by government fiat. Hey, the good news is, everyone would be equal.
Is this a good idea, or a bad one?