flushing-am i doing it right ?

By flushing do you mean running gallons of water through your pots?
Buds are not nutrient sinks, they do not store nutrients. You are not helping your plants, you are hurting them.

The leaves change color due to nutrient deficiency.
Yes this is what i mean by flushing and not to confuse this with salt build up removal.

Yes correct. Buds dont store nutrients.

Hurting them is infact exotically what is happening.

Leaves change color either for deficiency,PH lockout, end of season/life.

Cannabis needs nutrients through the entire life of them.

Removing the nutrients hurts them majorly.

Glad to see there are educated growers here.
My OWN first hydro grow.

I have been growing outdoors and with grow friends for years.
I have never had my own indoor grow but have been apart of many.
That is irrelevant.
Do some Botany research. Flushing is useless.
But form what i know all the flushing people will never listen. SO keep flushing and depriving plants of nutrients.

Only thing flushing will help is if you smoke the roots..

Hope that was informative. Have fun flushing....
So wait you are on your first grow but trying to tell other people how to do theirs? Sounds pretty backwards to me.
MAIN FACT: High salt concentrations in media can cause the shrinkage and death of plant cells due to the excess draw of water through cell walls, and eventually lead to the irreversible wilting of plant leaves and stems. Flushing helps to remove excess nutrient salts and safely leach my plants from the grow media.

Well here's my opinion. Besides forums and YouTube videos, the first place I went is to Barnes & Noble to read about growing from experts with nearly 20 years of experience. Many experts flush their crops. Not everyone uses organic nutrients, some use chemically enhanced formulas.That chemical flavor can be tasted in the buds of a plant that has not been flushed.

Despite the fact that I'm using organic nutrients I am still going to flush my plants 2 weeks prior to harvest like many professionals do. Flushing at the end of a crop’s growth cycle helps to trigger the last reproductive stage of the plant forcing it to process and get rid of internally stored nutrients.

But to each, his own.

You can make or purchase a compost tea to mix into your soil for reuse.
Just by experience, im going to tell you now that flushing organics is a bad idea,when you flush organics not only will you take a yield cut,the bud actually wont come out as good either. Try it for yourself or save your time and forget about flushing. If you have ever grown in organic soil you will notice the plant will automatically use its stored nutrients towards the end of flower naturally no flushing needed.
So wait you are on your first grow but trying to tell other people how to do theirs? Sounds pretty backwards to me.
Again ists stated about this is my first OWN grow with hydro.
I have done many many grows with fellow growers but never had the time or budged for my own equiptment so I have helped friend growers for years.
This is my first SoG Aero but I have alot of experiance.

Not about me either.
Just by experience, im going to tell you now that flushing organics is a bad idea,when you flush organics not only will you take a yield cut,the bud actually wont come out as good either. Try it for yourself or save your time and forget about flushing. If you have ever grown in organic soil you will notice the plant will automatically use its stored nutrients towards the end of flower naturally no flushing needed.
Thank You for pointing this out also.
lol yea I'm not gonna troll the guy either. Ijs he shouldn't be arguing like he KNOWS what he's talking about. When he hasn't even finished a grow. I read a little bit of his thread and he doesn't like for anyone to disagree with him.


Well since Gary loves to point things out. Shit I would troll myself too!!! Agree to disagree. I've read the thread in here about various things everyone has their own way of doing things. I know enough to voice my opinion. My own first personal indoor grow is my first. I've done growing outside with a close friend of mines but there was some issues with that.

It's really a difference of stuck-in-your-ways and new discoveries. I think the worst thing some growers do is treat weed like it's an exotic plant.
Good topic, and it seems to be neck and neck as far as opinions go as to flush or not to flush, so let me throw in a 3rd opinion. 1st off, I think it is basically useless to try flush out the built up salts or nute residue in a soil grow. Way back in time, I thought I would run a test on runoff over the last two weeks when using only water. I used to feed heavy for soil (hydro now, fuck dirt), in the 500 PPM range, and was curious to see what the runoff would be without any food added. At the start the soil runoff measured around 1200 PPM (fuck) and 2.5 weeks later it tested at around 1100 (double fuck). The soil and roots hold enough nutes to last it for another 6 months I'd bet. You simply couldn't flush out all that shit effectively, without destroying the plant, and as far as starving the plant , that to is pretty much is impossible seeing as the plant is taking all it's energy at this point from the leaves. All the roots are really needed for at this point is water. I used House and Garden nutes then, and their feed amounts drop off a good deal during the last few weeks. I simply don't feed the last 2 weeks, I saved on nutes and the plant will be fine.
Hydro is different I think, in that in water you can actually wash the buildup away by using Clearex, for example, and after the final flush, I use only water in my res, nothing else. I also feed heavy in hydro, and try to maintain between 1200 and 1400 PPM during the last 2 weeks of veg and 1st 2 of bloom, then I start dropping. Anyway, during the last 2 weeks or so, using only water, the water's PPM, very SLOWLY goes down to around 900 PPM, again showing that even with a really good flush (drip thru pebbles on a constant circulating system), there is a LOT of nutes left in the roots.
So, moral of my story is that it is impossible to flush in soil, so don't bother, and that in hydro, it is almost useless also, but the argument can be made that pure water in the last couple of weeks is better than a full nute solution. That I agree with, and because I am also cheap, no more pudding during the last couple of weeks.
Oh, my final mumble is that as far as taste and burn is concerned, (beside strain), the cure is EVERYTHIING, in my humble opinion.
Lol. Reminds me of the guy Enigmatic Ways that was saying Advanced Nutrients is the best ever and he's been growing for 20 years.

Then we found his grow log saying it was his first grow lol.
Still spreading lies I see, I said I have 20 years of knowledge not 20 years of growing experience!!
he shouldn't be arguing like he KNOWS what he's talking about. When he hasn't even finished a grow.

I can't believe how much of that goes on here. You guys remember Gunnerncarey or whatever his name was ? He was out here just dishing out the grow advice left and right and all he ever ran in his life was a few autos that hermied on him right away and didnt make it half way through.That was the extent of his growing experience.
And there was all these noobs lining up to ask him questions, and he was right there to tell them how to do it.
MAIN FACT: High salt concentrations in media can cause the shrinkage and death of plant cells due to the excess draw of water through cell walls, and eventually lead to the irreversible wilting of plant leaves and stems. Flushing helps to remove excess nutrient salts and safely leach my plants from the grow media.

Well here's my opinion. Besides forums and YouTube videos, the first place I went is to Barnes & Noble to read about growing from experts with nearly 20 years of experience. Many experts flush their crops. Not everyone uses organic nutrients, some use chemically enhanced formulas.That chemical flavor can be tasted in the buds of a plant that has not been flushed.

Despite the fact that I'm using organic nutrients I am still going to flush my plants 2 weeks prior to harvest like many professionals do. Flushing at the end of a crop’s growth cycle helps to trigger the last reproductive stage of the plant forcing it to process and get rid of internally stored nutrients.

But to each, his own.

You can make or purchase a compost tea to mix into your soil for reuse.

Where do you start with this?

It is sad that sooo many "experts" have bought into this "myth". That's right-"MYTH"!
Growers in major magazines spout it. Book authors spout it......That doesn't make it right!
I went out to Cali in the early 70's and lived on a commune or collective, north of Frisco.....It was a magical time! The Dead, dose's and big tittied hippie chick's everwhere (My wife say's I still get a hard on from smelling Patchouli). I met a really cool guy who was growing on this "collective". This guy was beginning to breed and had no problem teaching me the "ropes" of growing..I followed his methods with great care and became an excepted grower of some fine weeds. Flushing was a given as the road to quality tasting smoke. This "guy" began to draw attention to his work by the 5O.....He left and we kept in touch......

Years later he is in Amsterdam, a world class breeder and seed maker. I spent time with him this past winter....We spent time arguing on our favorite disagreement - FLUSHING!

Over the years I took the time to TRY new things with an open mind - All sort's of things. I took time to research the science behind some of these things and the reality of the science behind them...I tried side by sides and flushing is one...

I have news for you....This "flushing" thing is BUNK, BULL SHIT, HORSE HOCKEY, and NOTHING MORE THEN A MYTH, brought on by well meaning people from a bygone age, using logic . That is trumped by science that was not even considered all those years ago!

Flushing is so ingrained into many of these so called "experts" from these old days with the modern grower looking back and seeing these guys as growing "gods". If they say to flush, well then it must be true and no other thought is given to it!

Greg, Jorge, Logan, Stitch and Ryan to name some, Not to mention The "REV" or Danny Danko. All spout or have at one time, that you must "flush"......They can not be more wrong......There is NO "must".

Flushing takes the nutrition away from the plant when some nutrition is most important! This old school, left over myth must die!
IT'S ALL IN THE DRY AND CURE, for that clean taste and burn your looking for.

NEXT. To those that say, I've tried it and in my side by side's, I've tasted a difference! That's because in the science of your brain. IT found one. Because it was looking for one! In testing new products for market. Years ago, a major testing and marketing company. Found that people would FIND a difference in a product being tested along side others for comparison. EVEN IF THE PRODUCTS BEING GIVEN,,,,,WERE THE SAME THING!!! The mind will FIND a difference if given that task.....Even if NONE exists!

Nowhere in plant science is anything ever "flushed" in growing it for whatever reason......The "curing" of fine tobacco's is a science unto it's self! Why is Cannabis different? It's NOT!

If you "feel" you must. Well then, do what you "must" but, once at least. Find a "proper" curing method, grow the plant out with out a "flush" and try that for quality and yield......

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I can't believe how much of that goes on here. You guys remember Gunnerncarey or whatever his name was ? He was out here just dishing out the grow advice left and right and all he ever ran in his life was a few autos that hermied on him right away and didnt make it half way through.That was the extent of his growing experience.
And there was all these noobs lining up to ask him questions, and he was right there to tell them how to do it.

the best ever was Bmeat....remember his plant, it was the most pathetic plant ever, in fact we joked it was crossed with a basil plant...anyhow this kid would dish out the advise to everyone and anyone, which was always flawed

I actually miss the kid, he created a lot of wild threads
white widow x  big bud (finished it early as it is  crap genetics too twitchy).jpg wow thanks for the heads up chaps, i must say that i give just soil conditioners and plain water in the final 10 days nothing that has an npk value amd my buds are always nice to smoke., i don't purge, common sense tells me cannabis don't like a claggy soggy arse , condemning it to its final days in a waterlogged state don't seem right.
also i don't water as much in the last 2 weeks so that essentially i miss an entire watering 3 days before the chop
I never used to notice the difference between flushed and unflushed weed until a pal said to me that not flushing makes your saliva thicken leaving a taste of burned potato skins on ur palette and the burnability suffers which sounds to me like carbohydrates/sugars burning... now i notice it...i'm assuming that more often than not its a lack of patience on the growers part either not curing/drying slowly enough or , not cutting BEFORE ur lights come on, soon as light hits the foliage the plant draws upon sugars etc that it has produced during the dark period sucking them up along with moisture which also u don't want as drying takes longer.
i do think that soil grown herb has a richer taste as opposed to hydro.
so it seems there are those that do and those that don't flush ! so would that be flushist's and ant-flushist's ?
Still spreading lies I see, I said I have 20 years of knowledge not 20 years of growing experience!!
Knowledge doesn't mean jack shit next to experience.
Try a different brand of nutrients and a less standard way of growing and then you can tell me AN is the best :wink:
Knowledge doesn't mean jack shit next to experience.
Try a different brand of nutrients and a less standard way of growing and then you can tell me AN is the best :wink:
Stop putting words in my mouth dude seriously, I never said Advanced Nutrients was the best, all I said was that they have quality additives and they work, then I went on to explain how that was a personal preference and how quality additives can be bought from a multitude of companies, all I've been stressing is that if you have your grow room dialed in you might end up with better results using additives!
Dude, didn't you come into the thread spouting all that nonsense at Qwizo and Chuck and other more experienced growers?

I'm saying you can't even say those additives will help because you yourself have not done a side by side grow, additives versus no additives, you're just going off what AN and other AN users are saying. You're on the wrong side of the fence lol, you can use AN and all the additives you want but what do you say to people who are using no additives and getting frostier, bigger buds? Environment is key to great buds, good nutrients are great but we sometimes forget that some of the best shit in the world is just planted in the ground in Africa or the Hindu Kush Valley where they're not getting Overdrive or Big Bud.

If you read the label and say "Wow this works!" because you've run one grow with those genetics and got big buds then you that's not proving anything. Do two grows bro, one with AN nutes and one with other nutes like people like Homebrewer have done and then come back and say these additives help. All I see is a lack of ingredients and 99% water for 1% B-2 or some shit. Have you read the Dyna-Gro vs GH and Dyna-Gro vs AN?

I'm not even advocating Dyna-Gro but I'm just trying to open your eyes. Weed is NOT an exotic orchid that only eats A B and C and needs to be watered twice a day and massaged and shit. It's just a plant. I've seen that shit grow in cracks in the pavement 'cause it found some dirt and said "Yeah, this'll do." All you're doing with these additives is subscribing to a name and brand.

I have a bottle of Big Bud bro, don't worry, I'll test it out.
Where do you start with this?

It is sad that sooo many "experts" have bought into this "myth". That's right-"MYTH"!
Growers in major magazines spout it. Book authors spout it......That doesn't make it right!
I went out to Cali in the early 70's and lived on a commune or collective, north of Frisco.....It was a magical time! The Dead, dose's and big tittied hippie chick's everwhere (My wife say's I still get a hard on from smelling Patchouli). I met a really cool guy who was growing on this "collective". This guy was beginning to breed and had no problem teaching me the "ropes" of growing..I followed his methods with great care and became an excepted grower of some fine weeds. Flushing was a given as the road to quality tasting smoke. This "guy" began to draw attention to his work by the 5O.....He left and we kept in touch......

Years later he is in Amsterdam, a world class breeder and seed maker. I spent time with him this past winter....We spent time arguing on our favorite disagreement - FLUSHING!

Over the years I took the time to TRY new things with an open mind - All sort's of things. I took time to research the science behind some of these things and the reality of the science behind them...I tried side by sides and flushing is one...

I have news for you....This "flushing" thing is BUNK, BULL SHIT, HORSE HOCKEY, and NOTHING MORE THEN A MYTH, brought on by well meaning people from a bygone age, using logic . That is trumped by science that was not even considered all those years ago!

Flushing is so ingrained into many of these so called "experts" from these old days with the modern grower looking back and seeing these guys as growing "gods". If they say to flush, well then it must be true and no other thought is given to it!

Greg, Jorge, Logan, Stitch and Ryan to name some, Not to mention The "REV" or Danny Danko. All spout or have at one time, that you must "flush"......They can not be more wrong......There is NO "must".

Flushing takes the nutrition away from the plant when some nutrition is most important! This old school, left over myth must die!
IT'S ALL IN THE DRY AND CURE, for that clean taste and burn your looking for.

NEXT. To those that say, I've tried it and in my side by side's, I've tasted a difference! That's because in the science of your brain. IT found one. Because it was looking for one! In testing new products for market. Years ago, a major testing and marketing company. Found that people would FIND a difference in a product being tested along side others for comparison. EVEN IF THE PRODUCTS BEING GIVEN,,,,,WERE THE SAME THING!!! The mind will FIND a difference if given that task.....Even if NONE exists!

Nowhere in plant science is anything ever "flushed" in growing it for whatever reason......The "curing" of fine tobacco's is a science unto it's self! Why is Cannabis different? It's NOT!

If you "feel" you must. Well then, do what you "must" but, once at least. Find a "proper" curing method, grow the plant out with out a "flush" and try that for quality and yield......

Even if a scientific study were carried out with clones/identical environmental variables etc etc how would you quantify the results ? in terms of taste ? combustibility ? potency ? most of the results would simply be an opinion.Even if supported by methodically repeated data the only proof is personally and exclusively a matter of taste.
i've only used plagron ...years ago.
i use biobizz organic bits and i personally like them.... i wouldn't switch because it works along with my soil mix just wonderfully.....i have used green myst humic acid on my current lot which are afghani kush and two or three days after giving it the plants start to uptake much more water and the pistils and calyx thicken with resin i'm sneaking in canna pk 13/14 atm i know its not organic but used correctly for 7 days when you are 4 weeks from harvest it seems to lengthen the budding phase beyond the 70 day mark producing a bit more bud before running downhill to die off.